Louisville PD under Fed Investigation - Democrats Can't Resist Getting their Pound of Flesh

Black people who were fatally shot by police were twice as likely to be unarmed.
. .................:link:

Why didn't you google it yourself you intellectually lazy and dishonest ignorant conservative Republican?
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

Well gee. Why would anyone be looking at the Louisville PD?

Weren't they the PD that executed a no knock (blast the door open) warrant on the wrong address and killed an innocent woman sleeping in her bed?
Girlfriend of the drug dealer that she was screwing or still screwing with others---------current supposed boyfriend close name to old boyfriend and both are suspected drug dealers and buddies. Fuck drug dealers and your life expectancy will be shorter.

And oh btw, when we first got to florida we were staying in vacation rentals while we house hunted. Glass sliders/doors and windows all around the house. We had 3 pets so it was a scummy overpriced vacation rental that we were staying in. The owners were elderly and said that their wayward daughter and her boyfriend who had been living in the trashy home had a huge fight and that they had to rent the home to get repairs done to it. I felt bad for them and didn't try to negotiate down and I paid to have electricians come out and get rid of the electrocution hazard that the house offered. .

The Neighbors attested to the entertainment of the landlords daughter and boyfriends knock down drag out screaming fights and were happy that we moved in. (Turns out that the land lords had lots of money but extremely cheap assholes----but their daugher and her boyfriend were indeed trashy criminal involved people.) About a week after living in the vacation rental at 3 in the morning----I get BANG BANG BANG BANG at the front and back doors with these idiots surrounding the home and pushing their way in. My husband and I were both dead asleep (he can sleep through anything)---I got up and ran to the door naked as I sleep naked and was groggy------with all the loud banging waking the neighborhood including the people across the small lake because they were so loud as I ran infront of the glass sliders overlooking the lake to the front glass door trying to get my robe on.......I wanted to kill the bangers----I told my armed husband to stay in the hall as I answered the door ready to kill and kept asking myself If I should just shoot whoever was there. Turns out that it was bounty hunters or cops trying to serve a warrant on some asshole ( I assume the boyfriend of the landlords daughter)--------I was still wondering If I should kill them when they asked for whoever as I caught a glimpse of one of their party in the back yard. I didn't kill them----so Breonna and her idiot boyfriend have to live by the same rules that every one else does-----Banging on ones door by law enforcement is not grounds for shooting not even when they and the neighbors across the lake get a free show.
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Louisville has a democrat mayor and is a blue city and in a blue county. So - if the investigation determines that the police dept discriminates and allows bad cops to stay on the job, then who is to blame for that? Gotta be the democrats who run the place, right? Which means the democrats are basically investigating other democrats, no?
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

The goal is to federalize the police.

Only then will they be righteous shooting unarmed Americans.
Speaking of shooting unarmed Americans. Funny you say that.

Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime. And Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

Perhaps you're for blm and don't even know it.
Perhaps you should read the FBI stats, IDIOT.
Does it say why Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed?

Please tell us all why this happens. And post us a link to the FBI source.
The case of George Floyd, although not armed, shows us that he was higher than a kite due to fentanyl.

How well will someone listen who is high on drugs?

I personally have had guns drawn on me by law enforcement. And if I had so much as moved a muscle, I would not be here today. I was also not armed.

The cases I see that result in bad outcomes are blacks who simply refuse to listen for one reason or another. Is it due to drug use, is it due to blacks simply not listening?

Conversely, many police have been murdered by people who resist them in one way or another, so they have to act fast in certain situations

You do realize that many more white people are killed by law enforcement, right?

I reject the notion that police officers are going out to assassinate blacks.

In fact, if you look at black and white police officers, there behaviors mirror each other, unless you want to believe that black police officers are systemically racist as well.

It's all left wing BS, as usual.
Black people who were fatally shot by police were twice as likely to be unarmed.
. .................:link:

Why didn't you google it yourself you intellectually lazy and dishonest ignorant conservative Republican?
I hate to break it to you but your cherry picked statistics do nothing for me. All misrepresentations of facts. I'm going to encourage you to read slowly and refrain from lashing out.

You said, "Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime"
I wonder why this is?
I'll help you. Blacks commit violent crimes at a substantially higher rate per capita then do whites.
That's it.

The 2018 data analyzed by the National Crime Victimization Survey showed that blacks were 12.5% of the US population and whites were 60%.

Black per capita violent crime rate is 2.5 times the rate for the country as a whole.
White per capita violent crime rate is .8 times the rate for the country as a whole.

The data is even worse when only considering murder and manslaughter.

Blacks are disproportionally likely to be murder victims.

Now to talk about your other comment: "Black people who were fatally shot by police were twice as likely to be unarmed."

If you refer to the Washington Post data there were 55 unarmed people shot and killed by police in 2020.
24 of them were white. 18 were black. Consider the crime rate information I provided above and you cannot come to your conclusion. It would actually lead one to conclude the opposite.

Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

Former LMPD detective Mark Handy agrees to plea, includes prison time

Former LMPD officer avoids prison after pleading guilty to sexual misconduct
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

Garland is doing what the administration needs, a nationalized police force...Its what all the cool socialist dictatorships have.
Louisville PD under Fed Investigation - Democrats Can't Resist Getting their Pound of Flesh
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.
I'm told that so much porn is surfed from police stations all day long that most of them are in trouble with their internet service providers.
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

The goal is to federalize the police.

Only then will they be righteous shooting unarmed Americans.
Speaking of shooting unarmed Americans. Funny you say that.

Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime. And Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

Perhaps you're for blm and don't even know it.
And black families are run by single teenage mothers, to the tune of about 75% of black homes.

And where do these kids get a father figure? That's right, the gangs and crack houses

Can't imagine why they get shot so much more than whites.

Not just shot, shot by cops.

Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

What do single moms have to do with why unarmed blacks are twice as likely to be shot by cops? Why are the cops shooting unarmed blacks more often than unarmed whites?

You're trying to change the subject.
Floyd was nearing 47 years of age. He was not a good person. He hurt people. There are issues with police. African Americans are killing more of their own now. Many are nice people. little children and toddlers being murdered. Single moms are 70 per cent and more of families in inner cities. The streets can not improve that way. Floyd was of that. And he kept the practice going. If you do not want police to respond, then they are stupid for going in head first to help people. This is now on the cops. Again...reforms are needed. But the have been for many years and Progs who control large tracts of urban populations kept passing the buck.
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

Garland is doing what the administration needs, a nationalized police force...Its what all the cool socialist dictatorships have.
To get the North American Union(U.S., Canada, Mexico) as the globalists want with a confederation of large area super nations with an allegiance to globalist masters, this has to be done.
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

The goal is to federalize the police.

Only then will they be righteous shooting unarmed Americans.
Speaking of shooting unarmed Americans. Funny you say that.

Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime. And Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

Perhaps you're for blm and don't even know it.
Perhaps you should read the FBI stats, IDIOT.
Does it say why Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed?

Please tell us all why this happens. And post us a link to the FBI source.
The case of George Floyd, although not armed, shows us that he was higher than a kite due to fentanyl.

How well will someone listen who is high on drugs?

I personally have had guns drawn on me by law enforcement. And if I had so much as moved a muscle, I would not be here today. I was also not armed.

The cases I see that result in bad outcomes are blacks who simply refuse to listen for one reason or another. Is it due to drug use, is it due to blacks simply not listening?

Conversely, many police have been murdered by people who resist them in one way or another, so they have to act fast in certain situations

You do realize that many more white people are killed by law enforcement, right?

I reject the notion that police officers are going out to assassinate blacks.

In fact, if you look at black and white police officers, there behaviors mirror each other, unless you want to believe that black police officers are systemically racist as well.

It's all left wing BS, as usual.

The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

And, look at how you white conservatives are still arguing this George Floyd case. So many law enforcement officers have come out to admit this one was murder. Here's the problem. Look at how much evidence we have and still it was probably a close call. How many blacks are murdered by cops and later the cop says he resisted arrest or he felt in fear for his life but there were no body cams there and anyone who saw it said it was murder. So if it takes this much evidence to get rid of a bad cop imagine how many bad cops are out there treating blacks like second class citizens.

That's why we want cops retrained and body cams. And we won't take no for an answer. Funny thing is riots work. They are an effective tactic to get the man to listen to us.

They aren't going out to assassinate blacks. They simply treat them differently. More like animals.
Democrats aren't going to stop until everyone hates everyone. When you pick scabs, it;s gonna leave scars.

Why bother doing this now?

The goal is to federalize the police.

Only then will they be righteous shooting unarmed Americans.
Speaking of shooting unarmed Americans. Funny you say that.

Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime. And Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

Perhaps you're for blm and don't even know it.
And black families are run by single teenage mothers, to the tune of about 75% of black homes.

And where do these kids get a father figure? That's right, the gangs and crack houses

Can't imagine why they get shot so much more than whites.

Not just shot, shot by cops.

Black people who were fatally shot by police seemed to be twice as likely to be unarmed.

What do single moms have to do with why unarmed blacks are twice as likely to be shot by cops? Why are the cops shooting unarmed blacks more often than unarmed whites?

You're trying to change the subject.
Floyd was nearing 47 years of age. He was not a good person. He hurt people. There are issues with police. African Americans are killing more of their own now. Many are nice people. little children and toddlers being murdered. Single moms are 70 per cent and more of families in inner cities. The streets can not improve that way. Floyd was of that. And he kept the practice going. If you do not want police to respond, then they are stupid for going in head first to help people. This is now on the cops. Again...reforms are needed. But the have been for many years and Progs who control large tracts of urban populations kept passing the buck.
Oh stop it. This case is the perfect example of how the cops need to be reformed and too often abuse african american men and women more so than they do whites. AND, this illustrates how you CONS always defend the murdering cop. Stop doing that. Sure Floyd was a bad guy. Most of the people cops deal with are bad guys. Should the cops be able to abuse and murder them? Seems to be what you are promoting.
Black men are 2.5 times more likely than white men to be killed by police during their lifetime.
Makes perfect sense because black men commit 50% of all the murders and 37% of all other violent crimes. ... :cool:
I notice you left this part out on purpose because you didn't want to address it

Black people who were fatally shot by police were twice as likely to be unarmed.
Garland is doing what the administration needs, a nationalized police force...Its what all the cool socialist dictatorships have.
Yea...except of course that's not at all even close to the truth
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
The point is whites resist arrest and are on drugs but don't get murdered like we see blacks do.

I'm sorry but this isn't true. If there was any empirical evidence to prove the above claim, it would be widely known. There just arent facts to support that. Democrats want you to believe that so they can have supporters. That's it.
No it is true. We've seen tons of examples. The black guy pulls a knife and the cops blow him away. The white boy swings a knife and they take the time to restrain him and take him in because he might be mentally ill.

Yes, this shit does happen.

I could either believe Stanford or your dumb ass who just decides willy nilly that this isn't true.


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