Love the Comments: Article on Ruby Rose referrring to "Gender Confirmation" Surgery


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Ruby Rose Shares Why She Decided Against Gender Confirmation Surgery

Ruby Rose shares why she decided against Gender Confirmation Surgery
(after she saved up money in a jar since she was a little kid, or so she claims)


The Comments are more interesting than the article:

(1) RE: not believing young kids would start saving money that early

[URL='']Laurel Ellis Pardo[/URL] said:
I have an 8 year old who's been saving up for 6 months for an xbox360 because he knows he's only getting one if he buys it himself. When he saw a $40 train set he wanted (this was before he started saving for the xbox) , he did extra chores and saved every penny to buy it with his own money when he was 6. I did have to remind him when he saw something else that it would take away from what he was saving for, and he'd decide what he wanted to do (all but once sticking to the original goal).

Followed by:

(1b) Ed Salazar:

You know what i started saving money for? So when i grew up i could buy a space ship. Because since i was a child, i knew i was going to be a space man when i grew up. I still feel like i cou...holy crap! I might be trans-profession!

(1c) Craig Schultz:

You must lack talent!
I built my OWN spaceship!!!
It burned up on the launch pad though.
I think maybe I shouldn't have used cardboard, but I'm not sure.

(1d) Chris Mancusi:

i am also Trans-Profession =[
I am an accountant, but i feel like a fireman. I always tell people how i feel on the inside, i even told people i wanted to be called Fire Chief Mancusi but no one respects that. No one hears my cries, people laugh at me make me feel unwanted. I did not chose this life, but society says, i have an accounting degree and i cant change that for Fire Fighting experience. Please take the time to joining the LGBTP community. The P is a new addition


Ginger Ruff Reinhardt · The University of Awesomeness and Epicness

Me too! Im a houswife but feel like deep down, Im a superhero!


[URL='']Kelly Armitage Calapp[/URL] said:
It's getting to the point where our society is mixing it's "Love The Body You're In!" messages. So, let me get this straight. If you're overweight, accept and love your body..don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful. Embrace it and be you! Except not if you don't feel comfortable in that body (i.e. Ruby Rose's new video)..then it's ok to hate the body you have, to bind your breasts flat and wear a prosthetic penis to conceal the physical properties of your actual body and give the outward impression that it's something else altogether. It really is possible to justify anything. Seems legit.
followed by
(2b) Krystal Knight:

Wait, you can go from female to male? How is that? Where do they get the parts?

(2c) John Cossette:


Which are your favorite comments?

If you have a different example where funny comments are better than the original article, please post links here! Thanks in advance

(I have a couple others I can post also. For each reply by someone else, I will post one from memory of a favorite classic comment by some smartass replying to an article online.)
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LOL I saw this and thought what utter BS. It's just another mental whack job seeking the attention they crave
We have a five year old daughter....I'm here to tell you sex changes are the last thing on her mind and if she has money it's all about ice cream
We have a five year old daughter....I'm here to tell you sex changes are the last thing on her mind and if she has money it's all about ice cream

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all restore that childhood freedom to enjoy ice cream, counting stars in the sky,
and asking someone "why their nose is so big" without it being some politically correct / plastic surgery issue.
We have a five year old daughter....I'm here to tell you sex changes are the last thing on her mind and if she has money it's all about ice cream

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all restore that childhood freedom to enjoy ice cream, counting stars in the sky,
and asking someone "why their nose is so big" without it being some politically correct / plastic surgery issue.

I strive everyday to keep those freedoms for our children. It's such an innocent time and too many are tying to pervert it for them. The other day our daughter picked a rock up and gave it to me, I'll cherish that little rock forever because to her it was like a gift of gold and she chose me to receive it
Two more funny comments, one for SassyIrishLass one for Matthew

(1) RE: article about Bill Clinton negotiating with Kim Jung Il to return the two Asian Journalists back to California

Leave it to Bill Clinton. If he wants to take two girls home,
not even North Korea can stop him.

(2) RE: article on books or outreach educating the public on acceptance of homosexuality and parenting

I'm beginning to suspect one of my two dads is gay.

If these don't make you laugh, or at least crack a smile, Matthew,
then maybe you are a sick man and need to get your head rewired.
Maybe you are too straight!
Well, if neither of those made Matthew laugh
how about this one:

RE: Comment on the Craigslist killer who lured a Masseuse
to meet him at a hotel where he attacked and shot her to death:

"Maybe she just rubbed him the wrong way."
We have a five year old daughter....I'm here to tell you sex changes are the last thing on her mind and if she has money it's all about ice cream
If she were trans, the only thing on her mind would be that she wanted a penis. However, she may allow you to believe that she's only interested in ice-cream. Trust a person who knows from experience -at 3 years old I was old enough to know what I should have been born! :)

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