Loving the Blue Wave!

Loving the Blue Wave!!!

Democrats made strides in a number of statehouses. They seized control of seven legislative chambers, flipping the State Senates in Colorado, Maine, and New York; the House in Minnesota; and both chambers in New Hampshire. Connecticut’s Senate, previously evenly split, is now held by Democrats. They broke Republican supermajorities in Michigan and Pennsylvania’s Senates and both chambers in North Carolina.

Democrats also flipped seven governorships on Tuesday. They now completely control all three statehouse branches in 13 states and Washington, D.C., compared to the seven statehouses where they held trifecta control before Election Day.

These victories arguably hold the same, if not more, heft than the inroads Democrats made in Congress.

Democrats made strides in a number of statehouses. They seized control of seven legislative chambers, flipping the State Senates in Colorado, Maine, and New York; the House in Minnesota; and both chambers in New Hampshire. Connecticut’s Senate, previously evenly split, is now held by Democrats. They broke Republican supermajorities in Michigan and Pennsylvania’s Senates and both chambers in North Carolina.

Democrats also flipped seven governorships on Tuesday. They now completely control all three statehouse branches in 13 states and Washington, D.C., compared to the seven statehouses where they held trifecta control before Election Day.

These victories arguably hold the same, if not more, heft than the inroads Democrats made in Congress.


They got back 350 of the 1000 seats they've lost in the last 10 years.

Only 650 to go.

Dean Heller

Scott Walker

Bruce Rauner

Kris Kobach

Dana Rohrabacher

Pete Sessions

Dave Brat

Claudia Tenney

Kim Davis

Well, if you want to really recognize the moral values of the current GOP, just look at the "stellar" re-election of Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins.

Dean Heller

Scott Walker

Bruce Rauner

Kris Kobach

Dana Rohrabacher

Pete Sessions

Dave Brat

Claudia Tenney

Kim Davis

Well, if you want to really recognize the moral values of the current GOP, just look at the "stellar" re-election of Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins.
Don’t forget the dead pimp!
.......but, but, but........the orange clown told us that these midterms were an "acclamation" of his unfaltering administration.............LOL

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