Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

It is just like 2016 when we had/have a choice betwixt a turd or a piece of shit to choose from. Enjoy the Dotards campaign event. Should be as exciting as adult diapers.
It is just like 2016 when we had/have a choice betwixt a turd or a piece of shit to choose from. Enjoy the Dotards campaign event. Should be as exciting as adult diapers.
we will just have to wait till 2024 when it will be Pence/ and one of Trumps 7 children

Trump cancels overflow crowd address due to low turnout
Yep, and many of them are probably hitting up the food banks.

You would think they would realize their hypocrisy for constantly accusing others of doing the same thing, but these folks view it, quite literally, in black and white terms. As in, they are white, and they deserve whatever freebies and benefits they can bilk the government out of, but anyone else (white liberals, blacks, or hispanics) are somehow undeserving.

There is a serious disconnect between their thinking and reality, but look no father than the man they worship, who is genuinely batshit crazy.
Yidnar shows the insecurity of Trump supporters. They lie to justify why the rally attendance did not meet expectations.

A secure person would say it did not meet expectations, big deal.

Trump continually shows the insecurity. He lies continually to to make himself look better. He cannot accept any negativity.

Insecure scum.
nope i have learned that the left spouts lies to advance their cause ...... and there were some empty sections in the upper tear ... but the rally was huge and successful ... pandemic or not Biden cannot draw crowds that size .... the biggest difference between the right and the left is that the right loves America and the left hates it !
"TULSA, Okla. (AP) — President Donald Trump launched his comeback rally Saturday by defining the upcoming election as a stark choice between national heritage and left-wing radicalism. But his intended show of political force amid a pandemic featured thousands of empty seats and new coronavirus cases on his own campaign staff.

Trump ignored health warnings to hold his first rally in 110 days — one of the largest indoor gatherings in the world during a coronavirus outbreak that has killed more than 120,000 Americans and put 40 million out of work. The rally was meant to restart his reelection effort less than five months before the president faces voters again."

Trump comeback rally features empty seats, staff infections, and lies.
"Trump rally vs Biden rally this week. But watch which one the media says was under attended. "

......that's why NOBODY believes the Fake Media anymore!:04:

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Did you notice the difference in the two pics?

Close shot vs wide shot. The found an empty section of floor to shoot for the Biden pic. Let's see similar shots of both events.

Let's also not forget that the Biden event was never intended to be a mass attendance event.

The tRump rally was attended by about 1% of the folks they claim wanted to come.
Frankly, I'm surprised as many showed up as they did.

For weeks now every newsmedia outlet has been working overtime to shame anyone who attended. Add to that, the Covidvirus is real and tens of thousands of potential attendees are over the age of 60 and many are like me taking chemotherapy.

Worse than that, and a big factor was the very real threat of deadly violence. Police have been ambushed and killed by the Democrat demonstrations billions of dollars in property damage.

The time was, none of that would have fazed me. As a young and stupid kid, I worked as a bouncer when I was underage and security at a slew of indoor and outdoor concerts. Now, I'm just too old for that stuff! :D
First let me say I hope your treatment is going well and you recover soon.

Second, the "ambushes" were perpetrated by right wing extremists. They have been arrested and charged.
Sleepy Joe would rather grow a garden of dicks on top of his empty head than debate Trump.

These are the same tired games they've been playing for years. They learn no new tricks and learn nothing from all their failures.

Come Nov. 3rd, there are going to be lefties everywhere sizzling and jerking from the shock... again.

Then there'll be gnashing of teeth, baying at the skies and general chaos and mayhem... again.

I can't wait!
tRump is now pushing for more than the traditional 3 debates. This is usually a tactic of the candidate who feels he is behind,
Yeah, funny, blm shut down one of the entrances. They can only let in 50 people at time. They finally got the entrance cleared a short while ago. This is the overflow crowd, and unlike the photos running around social media.
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There have also been threats which is keeping the president from speaking outside.

What the fuck do you mean BLM shout one of the entrances.

You mean those cocksucking lawbreakers who are actively working to destroy cities and kill police.
tRump is now pushing for more than the traditional 3 debates. This is usually a tactic of the candidate who feels he is behind,

In this case, it's the tactic of a candidate who knows he'll continue to highlite that Biden's mind is 1/2 gone and the rest is following.

Your analysis, as usual, only proves you have your head up your ass.

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