Low gas prices (<$3) projected ‘24 Election Night

Shitforbrains, Biden just sold a shitload of oil from the strategic reserve last week.

You Leftards are all pathetic losers and liars.
Link? You wont because that’s not true. Been same levels since June. I’ll be back to see how smart you are.

I'm in California. Voting is ineffective here. Elections are controlled by fraud.
I wish. I have. Many times. I am needed here right now. So I must stay.
This is typical craziness. What specific “fraud” are we talking about?

California, like every state still runs elections. In California the state votes mostly Democratic and thus sends ALL its “Electoral College” votes to the Dem. candidate — a stinking presidential “electoral voting system” partly built into the Constitution but made much worse by the hyper-partisan party political reality existing in almost every state in the country.

Our Congressional House of Representitives are built around often gerrymandered districts — dirty politics both sides engage in. A much more representative system is possible in state legislatures and in city elections and primaries too — but neither party and few Americans want to fight for it. The professional party leaders want to protect their positions and Americans just prefer to complain and blame “the enemy party.”

Much easier to waste all your time complaining than fight for a proportional ranked choice voting system for Congress, ranked choice voting in all elections with more than two candidates, etc.

See: www.fairvote.org
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If you Venmo me a finders fee I will give you directions to a secret place near you that you can pay less.

No lie, idiot!! Your fucking idiot fucked up the whole world supply chain!!

This is typical craziness. What specific “fraud” are we talking about?

California, like every state still runs elections. In California the state votes mostly Democratic and thus sends ALL its “Electoral College” votes to the Dem. candidate — a stinking presidential “electoral voting system” partly built into the Constitution but made much worse by the hyper-partisan party political reality existing in almost every state in the country.

Our Congressional House of Representitives are built around often gerrymandered districts — dirty politics both sides engage in. A much more representative system is possible in state legislatures and in city elections and primaries too — but neither party and few Americans want to fight for it. The professional party leaders want to protect their positions and Americans just prefer to complain and blame “the enemy party.”

Much easier to waste all your time complaining than fight for a proportional ranked choice voting system for Congress, ranked choice voting in all elections with more than two candidates, etc.

See: www.fairvote.org
Keep my name out of it. You did not hear me complaining and I never alluded to any fraud.
You are not going to teach me anything I do not know.
Get off that high horse before the legs get broken.
Keep my name out of it. You did not hear me complaining and I never alluded to any fraud.
You are not going to teach me anything I do not know.
Get off that high horse before the legs get broken.
I quoted one word of yours in a rather funny and typical exchange here — and quoted it correctly. I said nothing about your own own opinions on “fraud” or “complaining” in general, which I know nothing about and don’t care about at all. Don’t be so sensitive.
I quoted one word of yours in a rather funny and typical exchange here — and quoted it correctly. I said nothing about your own own opinions on “fraud” or “complaining” in general, which I know nothing about and don’t care about at all. Don’t be so sensitive.
If you said nothing of my opinions, there is no reason to include me in the quote.
Do not quote my material unless you are responding to me directly. My time is valuable, and you are wasting it.
Nod if you agree.
Morons who think $2.87 gas prices are high aren’t voting for Biden anyway. They are just pissing in their own corn flakes to have a reason to support the train wreck of a GOP.
I paid $5.08 here in my blue state last night you Fake News outlet. It was WAY cheaper under Trump, dollars a gallon cheaper. You people can shove your war on fossil fuels right up your ass.
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422

Thanks Putin?
What's predictable about lower gas prices is Repubs blame Biden when they go up but will invent a reason to criticize him when they go down. It's BDS.
If you own a home you now have tons of equity to eventually reinvest or spend. It will fuel the economy for a few years. Interest rates are falling. They are predicted to be mid 6’s next year. Or you can do what I did and just pay cash. Just got a great deal on a condo that needs like 50-100k put into it about 100 yards from the beach in Florida. Will fix it up, use in the winter, and sell when the market is good for it.

That's not a response. It's a brainfart.

Even at 6%, given where housing is at, a lot of young people can't afford homes.

Interest rates are dropping. BFD. That fact that they went up is the big problem.
Reading comprehension issues? My posts said gas prices wont be an issue. It doesnt give credit or fault to anyone. But now that you mention it.. .THANKS BIDEN!
Jesus Christ, what a loon you are. If some Hamas terrorists put electrodes on your nads and shocked the shit out of them, burning them up, then they stop for the day, are you going to cry out, “THANKS, HAMAS!!! If not for you guys my balls would still be getting shocked!!”

You stupid fucking 🤡
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
you paid $2.87 per gallon of gas on a day 51 weeks away from the 2024 election and you are certain that gas prices will, then as now, be less than $3? Empirically, how do you figure?
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
Ok, now, explain WHY gas is going down? And why is it that it always seems to go down heading into an election? Makes you wonder why it’s so high now. If they can find a way to make gas go down for an election so they can get more votes…why can’t they just do that all the time ?

By the way, did any of you thank trump when gas prices were down around $2.20? No? Hmm….
Does this mean he is reneging on his campaign promise to put oil companies out of business?
Lol, you have a point…the dems are celebrating their president going back on a campaign promise “NO MORE DRILLING!!” I guess it’s only fair, trump probably went back on a couple as well. I guess that’s why it’s good that both sides are so divided…we can call each other out on issues, but never look at ourselves!

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