Low gas prices (<$3) projected ‘24 Election Night

Lol, gas in greenville SC was around $2.70 Friday. Yesterday back up to $2.99. Biden sucks!
Biden was working Friday when you had low prices. Thanks Biden. He took off this weekend for Veterans Day celebrations. He’ll be in the office on Monday and hit the low gas button for you. Let me know if you dont see the impact. I’ll call him.
Biden and Democrats war on fossil fuels will be. Don't think people will forget ASSHOLE Dems jacked up gas prices fool.
Morons who think $2.87 gas prices are high aren’t voting for Biden anyway. They are just pissing in their own corn flakes to have a reason to support the train wreck of a GOP.
Biden was working Friday when you had low prices. Thanks Biden. He took off this weekend for Veterans Day celebrations. He’ll be in the office on Monday and hit the low gas button for you. Let me know if you dont see the impact. I’ll call him.
Yes he wondered around like a five year old. A Marine had to show him where to go. We are sadly the laughing stock of the world.
Yes he wondered around like a five year old. A Marine had to show him where to go. We are sadly the laughing stock of the world.
Biden has raised the price of fossil fuels exponentially, no doubt about it, not a talking point, lol.

Biden has also screwed the pooch on everything energy. If some Leftist clown wants to debate that, take them up on it!

They want to crow? About what exactly?

Low prices? Kidding, correct? Diesel that moves everything is through the roof! That adds a tremendous load upon retailers, which affects our bottom line as consumers.

Biden IS the ZOMBIE and CHIEF! He has no idea.............and since he never had any kind of business, has absolutely ZERO idea what he is doing. It is all political; pandering to the GREENIES; which are a very large % of our college students.

In all sincerity, we have probably already lost. To believe that we can come out in enough force, change policy, and prove the Left is gaslighting them in the process, is a pipe dream.

We are being propagandized by Hamas, North Korea, Russia, and China. So to even moderately believe we can fix our energy stance is really stretching. We have LOST! And aren't you happy you are older, and will not be the generation to give the USA away! I sure am!
People who died of the shot was suicide, murder and potentially genocide. The vaxxed going berserk over the non vaxxed is humanity at its finest. And has not been forgotten. From authoritarians to anarchy...to be in between is maddening and dangerous and hate begats hate and it seems a slowly growing vengeance. Throughout the world protests/riots against Israel involving many cultures is dangerous involving Prog groups. And we get the white nationalism propaganda.

The vaxxed are polluted. They should never done any blood or organs. I sure as fuck dont want any tainted Biden vax blood in my system.
If Dems claim the electoral college is shit, how come they have never changed it via legislation?
We had < $2/gallon.
Which trump POLICY created this low price?
I'm not saying some gas was briefly below $2, but please share the trump POLICY that created this low price.

I wager that you cannot and that you will deflect.
If Dems claim the electoral college is shit, how come they have never changed it via legislation?
The Electoral College is Fine.

Hillary fucked up because ALL she had to do was put all of her efforts into a few swing states and she wins.
The scum-sucking piece of fucking shit has been DUMPING Crude oil into the Market to artificially lower Oil Prices.

Jesus Jumping Christ on a Fucking Pogo Stick but you are one stupid bitch!

THAT is how Sponge Brains Shits Pants is Lowering Oil Prices. No other way.

If it's so unimportant, how come he's drained 300,000,000 (Three Hundred MILLION) barrels since he stole Office?
There are also thoughts that the current conflict in the Middle East could drive oil prices even higher. That certainly won’t lower gas prices any. That moron also doesn’t realize that once those reserves are gone, the gas prices will skyrocket.
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422

Of course none of it has to do with politics, people drive less in the winter and winter blends cost less to make. Too bad low information voters are ignorant of these facts, just like the commies like them. BTW I paid $2.48 last night. And I'll save another $0.82 cash back on my card for that purchase.

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Average national regular gas price is $3.36 today. It was less than $2.oo when Trump left office. The point is that the left is telling us that the Biden administration is able and willing to manipulate the price of gas for political reasons.
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
Meanwhile America has no emergency reserve as Joe drained it.
Reading comprehension issues? My posts said gas prices wont be an issue. It doesnt give credit or fault to anyone. But now that you mention it.. .THANKS BIDEN!
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
Do you think the astronomical price of homes will come down by then? how about the 8% interest rates on a home loan when it was 2% under Trump.
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
Nothing is going to replace the money people lost buying expensive gas. Too little, too late.

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