Low gas prices (<$3) projected ‘24 Election Night

Which trump POLICY created this low price?
I'm not saying some gas was briefly below $2, but please share the trump POLICY that created this low price.

I wager that you cannot and that you will deflect.

Briefly below 2.00, I paid between 1.46-1.85 for well more than a year.

Certainly possible with Trump’s Republican Fed pick doing everything he can to crash the economy but experts predicted a 100% chance of recession in 2023 so I can only be so scared of 2024 predictions.
Joe Biden and administration have devalued the USD by 40% YES, As Biden's government spent, borrowed, and printed trillions of dollars,
inflation returned to levels not seen in 40 years with the currency becoming devalued 40% This leaves no choice. Powell raise the rates to fix Joes mistakes.
Biden has raised the price of fossil fuels exponentially, no doubt about it, not a talking point, lol.

Biden has also screwed the pooch on everything energy. If some Leftist clown wants to debate that, take them up on it!

They want to crow? About what exactly?

Low prices? Kidding, correct? Diesel that moves everything is through the roof! That adds a tremendous load upon retailers, which affects our bottom line as consumers.

Biden IS the ZOMBIE and CHIEF! He has no idea.............and since he never had any kind of business, has absolutely ZERO idea what he is doing. It is all political; pandering to the GREENIES; which are a very large % of our college students.

In all sincerity, we have probably already lost. To believe that we can come out in enough force, change policy, and prove the Left is gaslighting them in the process, is a pipe dream.

We are being propagandized by Hamas, North Korea, Russia, and China. So to even moderately believe we can fix our energy stance is really stretching. We have LOST! And aren't you happy you are older, and will not be the generation to give the USA away! I sure am!
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
This coming from the same idiots that predicted an ice free Arctic Ocean by 2012?
GTFOH!!!! :eusa_hand:
How about we simply transmit directions to a high cliff you can leap from ?
“Transmit” directions? What are you, a Russian troll or an AI bot? Only a non-human or non-American would speak like that. Transmit directions. Lol. Yea… transmit away!
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
It will be a non-issue for people with very, very, short memories. Gas prices were under $2.40 per gallon when Trump left office.

Democrats love to compare their best results with their worst results and pretend that is an improvement over their Republican predecessor.
Do you think the astronomical price of homes will come down by then? how about the 8% interest rates on a home loan when it was 2% under Trump.
If you own a home you now have tons of equity to eventually reinvest or spend. It will fuel the economy for a few years. Interest rates are falling. They are predicted to be mid 6’s next year. Or you can do what I did and just pay cash. Just got a great deal on a condo that needs like 50-100k put into it about 100 yards from the beach in Florida. Will fix it up, use in the winter, and sell when the market is good for it.
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Lowest gas in my area is $4.02 a gallon, it just dropped this weekend, you are not the brightest bulb are you?
Gas Buddy isn't enough proof for you?

What is your general area of the PNW?
and let's do a search.
I'll help find you cheaper gas.
Gas prices look like it will be a non-issue in 2024. One less gimmick in the GOPs unlimited card monte game of issues they parade around. I just paid $2.87 for gas today and most projections have gasoline dropping over the next year - including nationally sub $3 on election night 2024.

By the way. We are the world’s richest nation with the 72nd highest gas prices per liter.

Price Rankings by Country of Gasoline (1 liter) (Transportation)

So you know what that means right? Yep… Immigrant Caravans coming for your women….

Looming migrant caravan re-ignites Republican demands for changes at the border: 'Brace for the impact'

View attachment 857422
LOL. So, you're saying that things like polls matter this far out from election day? Did it ever occur to you that gas prices may be low because we are going to be in a recession?
LOL. So, you're saying that things like polls matter this far out from election day? Did it ever occur to you that gas prices may be low because we are going to be in a recession?
The right has been predicting a recession ever since Biden took office. Three years later, the economy had massive third quarter growth.

But keep hoping for that recession. Eventually you’ll get one I’m sure.

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