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Low Income Voters (>$50,000/year) Put Joe in the White House

What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
Voter raud is why the lamestream media declared Pedo Joe the "winner".....if'n I was a leftard? I wouldn't be maing any travel plans to D.C just yet....

Yeah, offer them the free shit. They'll catch on
How much "free shit" have the richest ten percent of Americans received since the Gipper came to DC?

Can the 1% really pay for the ‘free stuff’ Democrats want?

"Want every student to have free access to state universities?

"It would cost $47 billion, covered by the $55 billion the Times says boosting taxes on the 115,000 highest-income households to 40% of their income would raise in its first year.

"Raise taxes on the top 1% of earners from about 33% to 40%, and you’d collect $157 billion the first year, the Times calculates."
Yeah, offer them the free shit. They'll catch on
Rich folks have been running away with federal contracts for decades. Now, who is "them?"
Cons think only the poor get lots of free shit. They have no comprehension of the enormous free shit the rich get.

Nobody gives me shit!!
The gov only takes! They took 500K from the Wife and I this year.
BS dude. Just do a simple screenshot of that. Leave out the personal info. Just a little screen shot. Do it.
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?
Voter raud is why the lamestream media declared Pedo Joe the "winner".....if'n I was a leftard? I wouldn't be maing any travel plans to D.C just yet....

LOL! Yer Trumper buddiez beat ya 2 it!
Those low-income voters are apparently too uninformed, or just don't care, that they did better under Trump than they have ever done. Wages rose more under Trump than they had risen since the 1990s. Also, the Trump tax cuts included a huge increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit. Low-income voters also benefitted from the low gas prices, which resulted substantially from Trump's pro-energy energy policies. And many, many low-income folks were unemployed under Obama were able to get jobs under Trump--I guess it never dawned on them that there was a connection between Trump's pro-growth economic policies and their newly found employment.

If Biden gets his anti-business economic agenda through Congress and sucks over $1 trillion from the economy, I can't wait to hear low-income voters start complaining when the economy slows down as a result. I will remind them, "Hey, folks, YOU voted for this."
Calls for "socialism" hurt Democrats in swing districts, cost them the Senate and almost cost them the House.
Corporate socialists like Biden, Harris, Clinton, and Obama told their base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA. In 2016, the base took their advice. In 2020 a South Carolina kingmaker decreed Joe Biden the anointed one, and Joe failed to inspire 70% of the voting age population to cast a ballot.

Wall Street freeloaders openly proclaimed they would vote for Trump if Biden wasn't the Democratic nominee, proving, once again, the US government is owned by the same private power interests that FDR labelled fascist in 1938.

Biden's campaign was bereft of ideas and policy issues.
"I'm not Donald Trump" was his strongest claim.
Moderate Democrats will continue their policy of appeasement and Republicans will take back the House in two years.
Who gets rich(er) from that?
It should tell Democrats something they can't win without buying votes.

It should...but it won't.
It tells Democrats and Republicans corporate oligarchs have bought the electoral process, the courts and media, and the lobbyists who write the legislation that allows one percent of Americans to accumulate obscene amounts of wealth and unchecked political power.

Those who "think" Don the Con's a populist aren't likely to notice.
The problem is Biden doesn’t give a shit about low income Americans, just as Don, Ears, and W did. They are whistling past the graveyard.
In more ways than one:

"The militarists and war industry that drained the national treasury to mount futile and endless wars that have squandered some $7 trillion and turned us into an international pariah.

"The CEOs, raking in bonuses and compensation packages in the tens of millions of dollars, that shipped jobs overseas and left our cities in ruins and our workers in misery and despair without a sustainable income or hope for the future."

Chris Hedges: American Requiem

There's no doubt in my mind Biden and Harris intend to maintain the political vacuum that speculators, war profiteers, and assorted gangsters and hired killers are only too happy to fill.
Huge voter registration initiatives and huge numbers of unsolicited mail-in ballots appears to have put China Joe over the top. Not low income, low information voters. I don't buy the "college educated women" narrative either. It was the over-emotional women who watch "The View" during the day.
And still fewer than 7 in 10 eligible voters saw any good reason to cast a ballot; what changes when 90% of the voting age population gets involved?

Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief - CounterPunch.org

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."
The problem is Biden doesn’t give a shit about low income Americans, just as Don, Ears, and W did. They are whistling past the graveyard.
In more ways than one:

"The militarists and war industry that drained the national treasury to mount futile and endless wars that have squandered some $7 trillion and turned us into an international pariah.

"The CEOs, raking in bonuses and compensation packages in the tens of millions of dollars, that shipped jobs overseas and left our cities in ruins and our workers in misery and despair without a sustainable income or hope for the future."

Chris Hedges: American Requiem

There's no doubt in my mind Biden and Harris intend to maintain the political vacuum that speculators, war profiteers, and assorted gangsters and hired killers are only too happy to fill.
So true, but somehow many Americans don’t understand this. Of course many are duped by major institutions cheerleading. Such as the MSM, numerous think tanks, the billionaires, most government agencies including the CIA, War Department, etc, and some in academia and Hollywood.
What percentage of voters earning less than $50,000 a year would you classify as political "moderates"? How many of those voters would benefit from Medicare for All or partial amortization of all student debt?

"NOVEMBER 13, 2020
Low Income Voters Turned Out for Biden, Now They Need Relief

"According to early polls, voters with household incomes of less than $50,000 in 2019 broke for Biden by 55 to 43 percent — a 12 point margin, compared to 8 four years ago.

"This helped overcome Trump’s gains among households with incomes above $100,000 — from 45 percent in 2016 to just over half in 2020.

"At least 6 million more people in low-income households voted in 2020 compared to 2016."

Once again, Democrats lost the White vote.

What happened in 1964 to cause that?

Duh. The less your income, the more likely you are to vote for more “free” stuff. This is hardly ground breaking. Successful folks, you know, the truly smart ones, will vote for Republicans.
The problem is Biden doesn’t give a shit about low income Americans, just as Don, Ears, and W did. They are whistling past the graveyard.
In more ways than one:

"The militarists and war industry that drained the national treasury to mount futile and endless wars that have squandered some $7 trillion and turned us into an international pariah.

"The CEOs, raking in bonuses and compensation packages in the tens of millions of dollars, that shipped jobs overseas and left our cities in ruins and our workers in misery and despair without a sustainable income or hope for the future."

Chris Hedges: American Requiem

There's no doubt in my mind Biden and Harris intend to maintain the political vacuum that speculators, war profiteers, and assorted gangsters and hired killers are only too happy to fill.
We will know very soon what Joe has in mind. If he fills his administration with warmongers, which seems likely, we’ll know for certain. Then if he gets no criticism in the msm or in Congress for picking warmongers, we’ll know who supports warmongering.

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