"Lower Taxes + Less Government = More Freedom."

If less taxes = more freedom then why isn't Haiti and Somalia such great places? How is being treated like shit by some corporation = more freedom? How is being paid pennies by the same = more freedom? How is breathing dirty air and drinking shitty water = more freedom and better?

Corporations have never respected human rights or the environment. This is a historical fact.

How is not having any police, roads, bridges and science institutions = a better land to live in? So you'd rather live pre-civilization then within the most advance country on earth?? Is that what you're saying.

well, we lost the firemen earlier..now we're losing roads, bridges police and blah...blah...blah...


You're the only one wanting to cut the shit out of taxes to the point where we wouldn't have any of these. You're blahing and without a clue.

you're making things up again...bless your little heart...
If less taxes = more freedom then why isn't Haiti and Somalia such great places? How is being treated like shit by some corporation = more freedom? How is being paid pennies by the same = more freedom? How is breathing dirty air and drinking shitty water = more freedom and better?

Corporations have never respected human rights or the environment. This is a historical fact.

How is not having any police, roads, bridges and science institutions = a better land to live in? So you'd rather live pre-civilization then within the most advance country on earth?? Is that what you're saying.

well, we lost the firemen earlier..now we're losing roads, bridges police and blah...blah...blah...


You're the only one wanting to cut the shit out of taxes to the point where we wouldn't have any of these. You're blahing and without a clue.

you're making things up again...bless your little heart...

He's sooooooo emotional ...
we have explained all that already

star and every other leftist won't learn, they refuse to learn.

We are $18 Trillion in debt and they still want to spend more.

You can't reason with "people" that dumb.

Where did this debt come from?? Here is your education, child.

We're spending no more on science, infrastructure and education then we did under Reagan by percentage of our gdp. So explain to me why they need to be cut??/

You're pretty fucking dumb if you're not wishing to understand exactly what is causing this debt! The 3 main causes of debt are, 1. Our wars of nation building that your president got us into, 2. Welfare and bail-outs, 3. Our fucked up healthcare system...Each of these are driving us deep into debt and I think there's a shit ton of corruption in each one.

It would be nice to have some accountability that didn't want to fuck our own country over right about now. Of course, mr.small government at all cost doesn't give two shits about fixing this.
just skimming over your bullshit, I noticed that you claimed that hc cost have added to the debt.

while we have medicare, a bloated system no one wants to use and few doctors accept, adding to the debt, your Pres added a plan that will add Trillions to the debt in short time.

the roads are built
we've been to the moon
the space shuttle program did little for the cost

sucks your pet programs don't need billions, but we have trillions in debt and cuttin

never mind, I almost bothered to teach you again
Such is the naïve, childish, sophomoric right.

And conservatives have little interest in 'less government,' with regard to issues such as abortion and 'voter ID' laws, most on the right seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
Such is the naïve, childish, sophomoric right.

And conservatives have little interest in 'less government,' with regard to issues such as abortion and 'voter ID' laws, most on the right seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

The Democratic Party and the establishment Republicans are both guilty, Conservatives... not at all.

I'd laugh my ass off at the goofus' t-shirt message in the picture if it wasn't so ironic/sad.

This One Weird Pic DESTROYS Ayn Rand
Aug 25, 2015
by lapin


attribution: Elaine Thompson, AP

Snohomish County firefighter Ken Lawless, left, and Lt. Brandon Gardner being thanked by a man near Omak after firefighters saved his home from a wildfire.

The gentleman on the right, his shirt says "Lower Taxes + Less Government=More Freedom." Yeah, freedom to watch your home burn to ashes. Freedom to rebuild from the bottom up (or not depending on insurance, etc). I swear to g*d I hope these people see the intensity of the irony in this picture.


Calm down the right is not advocating for zero government. Cut back on your MSNBC consumption.
The irony is at the rate we are going ($18 trillion in debt and climbing) we will reach a point where we have borrowed and printed that last dollar we can. Then people will know real pain and suffering.

I ask you, is it fair to borrow and spend future generation's wealth so we can live high on the hog and stick them with the bill?
Such is the naïve, childish, sophomoric right.

And conservatives have little interest in 'less government,' with regard to issues such as abortion and 'voter ID' laws, most on the right seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
The irony is at the rate we are going ($18 trillion in debt and climbing) we will reach a point where we have borrowed and printed that last dollar we can. Then people will know real pain and suffering.

I ask you, is it fair to borrow and spend future generation's wealth so we can live high on the hog and stick them with the bill?

The point I'm hearing is 24 trillion...
The opposite is actually true. We should have the opposite where every possible action is regulated by the government and every dollar we have is directly handed to the government. We should have plenty of money and freedom after that.

They should for sure make lib/dems pay more in taxes they find low taxes and less government funny. LET them donate their weekly paychecks to them. Put their money where their big mouth is. this op can't be for real, has to be a programmed robot

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