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Lugar’s Last Hurrah


Sep 23, 2010
The media did such a good job of burying the public under the presidential race the New World Order crowd tightened its grip on the US Senate. Indiana’s long-serving senator, Richard Lugar, not getting his party’s nomination was one bit of good news for conservatives during the primaries. Eventually, a Democrat won Lugar’s seat. No great loss there. Not much changes when you trade a RINO for a Democrat.

In any event both the media and establishment Republicans did not want control of the Senate if victory meant seating a few more conservatives. Bottom line: Media and establishment Republicans knew they could not lie their way out of repealing the Affordable Care Act if Republicans controlled both houses; hence, there was no real effort, or political necessity, behind gaining control of the Senate. So how come deciding which UN-loving douche bag lives in the White House for the next four years was the most important election in the nation’s history, while control of the Senate was given short-shrift?

The tragedy in Democrat control of the Senate begins tomorrow:

Amid all the media frenzy concerning the fiscal cliff and the drumbeat to increase taxes, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a vote on another objective of progressives – ceding our sovereignty to the United Nations. This treaty adopted by the U.N. in 2006 called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, or CRPD, will ostensibly promote and protect the rights of the disabled around the world.


On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on ratification of this treaty. If two-thirds of the Senate passes CRPD, it will become law of the land under the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, would trump state laws and could be used as precedent by state and federal judges.

Exclusive: Rick Santorum exposes shocking details of U.N. power play
Published: 12 hours ago

This treaty crushes U.S. sovereignty

Call it Lugar’s Last Hurrah because he gets to vote for the CRPD before he leaves in January.

Media is doing the same thing with the fake fiscal cliff that it did with Senate races; i.e, burying everything else under a foregone conclusion. It’s pathetic because there will be a huge tax increase, the debt ceiling will be raised, and so on.

I have not been doing a lot of channel surfing lately, but I’ll wager that you never saw Rick Santorum or anyone else on the talk shows warning the public about ratifying a United Nations treaty. Think back to the LOST. How much did you ever hear on TV talk shows about that one? If the scarcity of Internet articles about the CRPD is any guide there has not been enough time for the public to contact their senators and tell them not to ratify this, or any other, UN treaty.

Incidentally, if the CRPD is so wonderful how come Hussein & Company are not out there selling it. God knows, you can’t surf into a news shows without seeing a clip of the liar-in-chief talking about his agenda. As I said, I have not been doing a lot of channel surfing lately, yet I run into the liar every time I turn on the TV. The liar is about as close Orwell’s Big Brother as television can get without exposing themselves. Fear grips me whenever I think about the tens of millions who are addicted to television. The appalling thing is that they believe everything television tells them.

Finally, is there a chance conservative senators can pull together 34 votes to stop ratification? I don’t know the answer. I do know that RINO led by John McCain are for surrendering America’s sovereignty to the New World Order with United Nations treaties if they cannot do it any other way. Ratifying the CRPD is the latest step in the process.
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The US under UN Control, how stupid is that? Who thinks this sh*t up?

Only our Military is under UN Control as Obama and Panetta have stated.

Wait, wut? :confused:
Democrats, and Republicans, want to raise taxes and the debt ceiling. The only thing separating them is this: Republicans have to look like they oppose both. When it comes to fighting tax increases establishment Republicans fight like pimps defending a hustling girl’s virginity —— they do not believe in what they are fighting for.

Saving the country from financial ruin one more time is the story Republicans will lay down. Funding RobertsCare is only the first in a series of huge tax increases Republicans are agreeing to behind locked doors. Media finding a way to make it digestible is the only thing delaying implementation. Tax manure and mendacity duly noted, establishment Republicans have no excuse for ratifying any United Nations treaty.

On the plus side:

“The Republican caucus is becoming more conservative, even if it is by just one or two people,” said Heritage Foundation fellow Steven Groves, an expert on treaties. Groves cited the election of Sen.-elect Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who replaces the socially liberal Republican Kay Bailey Hutchison, and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), who is at least as conservative as his predecessor, Jon Kyl.

Of course, RINO always come down on the negative side:

While Democrats added to their majority in the Senate, they still lack the supermajority needed to ratify treaties. To get the 67 votes they need, they have to win over Republicans. And so far, the lame duck gambit seems to be working well.

Positive and Negative pale beside DANGER:

“If they pass it, they could go straight to the Law of the Sea Treaty.”

Republicans ready for ‘sneaky treaties’
By: Hope Hodge
12/3/2012 05:23 AM

This treaty crushes U.S. sovereignty

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