Luke Letlow, 41-year-old congressman-elect, dies with COVID-19

It’s going to happen again when this one is contained. We either learn the lessons or we face even worse pandemics. We should bear in mind that so far we’ve been lucky with coronaviruses. There have been some, like the present one, which are highly contagious, but not very lethal. There have been some, like Ebola, which was very lethal, and not too contagious. Nothing guarantees that the next one down the road won’t be the worst of all worlds, contagious and lethal.

Ebola was a pandemic in the USA? in which alternate universe?
How can you reason with people who are too stupid to understand how filters work? A mask is a filter.
Masks cannot and do not filter airborne viruses. Learn science. Idiots like you wear masks then stand next to people as if you’re “safe” from getting the virus.

But I get it, you want us all to coward in fear because some 41 year old we never heard of before died of a “COVID related” issue.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
masks dont stop you from getting covid,, so you dancing on his grave for political reasons shows how evil you really are,,

STILL haven't learnt to read? The post isn't even ABOUT the deceased, let alone "dancing on his grave".

Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
masks dont stop you from getting covid,, so you dancing on his grave for political reasons shows how evil you really are,,

STILL haven't learnt to read? The post isn't even ABOUT the deceased, let alone "dancing on his grave".

I was responding to someone about their personal off topic comments,,, due try and keep up,,
What was his position on masks?

I don't know. I do know of people who have contracted it even though they wore a mask. Some of them on reddit [sic] said they wore a mask, gloves and hid in their basement for months and still contracted it.

Does not follow. Not wearing face protection doesn't make it easier to get infected ---- it makes it easier to infect other people.

Fer FUXSAKE do we STILL not know how this works, after a YEAR?
3 layers for an effective cloth mask - many wearing a thin one layered one is likely a false sense of security.
covid can also be spread through the virus droplets landing on people's eyes

Might explain why my eyes hurt when I got it. When moved them around in my sockets, I felt pain in my sockets. Weird.
The mans condition became worse within hours. A day or two later he was gone. It was a haunting story as his wife described how quickly his fever became his funeral.
That is sad, but it sounds like something else was going on for his condition to progress from no symptoms to death in 2 days. I think these outlier cases get way too much publicity. The one common theme about this virus is most people who contract the virus get it indoors. For example, I am at my local golf course at least 5 days a week and I know everyone on staff. I keep asking them if ANYONE staff or otherwise has gotten COVID at the course. So far 1 cook got it, but most likely from a big event he was cooking for not at the golf course.

It's possible. I do think the indoor theory has merit. Like any virus, I would assume it travels faster indoors in stale air, while outside the wind blows, spreads out any substances in the air, much larger space rather than condensed etc. I'm not an expert on these issues, just using basic logic.

The problem is, sometimes people don't know they have a weak heart or other underlying issues that exasperate the problem once they contract the virus. I recall in this article, that his wife was a nurse (or working in that field if not), and she had some sort of oxygen measurement device. She blew into it and had a strong reading, he blew into it and had a very low reading and that's why she demanded he go to the hospital. An early sign it seems, is weakened oxygen levels.

Maybe he could have blown into it and had a weaker reading that hers without the virus, post-Wuhan it made it that much worse and took it's toll. I don't know, but, all of the unnecessary deaths are tragedies.
All flu or severe chest colds probably place a strain on the heart, and deplete oxygen levels in the blood stream. Have we lost all stats on the similarities of viruses, and their affects on the human system ???

A pharmacist told my wife the other day that she found it odd that everything was Covid-19 now, and that they haven't filled any tama-flu orders this season for the regular flu. Hmmmm.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
masks dont stop you from getting covid,, so you dancing on his grave for political reasons shows how evil you really are,,

STILL haven't learnt to read? The post isn't even ABOUT the deceased, let alone "dancing on his grave".

I was responding to someone about their personal off topic comments,,, due try and keep up,,

Apparently not. There's no other quote preceding it.
Do you really think everybody can't read a quote nest or click quote links?
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
masks dont stop you from getting covid,, so you dancing on his grave for political reasons shows how evil you really are,,

STILL haven't learnt to read? The post isn't even ABOUT the deceased, let alone "dancing on his grave".

I was responding to someone about their personal off topic comments,,, due try and keep up,,

Apparently not. There's no other quote preceding it.
Do you really think everybody can't read a quote nest or click quote links?
Letlow died of a heart attack.

He did, but the garbage media will add him to the hundreds of thousands of phony "Covid" deaths, at least until January 20th, when the media and the Chinese Democrats will completely and totally forget about Covid.
It would be interesting to see just how many of the 300k "covid" deaths are from heart attacks. I'd bet around 75k.

Just because they say there was no underlying conditions doesn't make it so. Will wait for the autopsy report. There's lots of people who die of heart attacks in their thirties.

COVID may have contributed but then the common cold could have killed him if he had a heart condition.


Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

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