Luke Letlow, 41-year-old congressman-elect, dies with COVID-19

will the Dems pick up the seat?

too soon!

You're one sick fuck.

so true there are "people" here celebrating the death by virus of
a 41 year old kid
Only a total fool would listen to a man who looked at a solar eclipse with out protective glasses on.

Only a total fool would listen to a man who wants to inject disinfectant into humans to cure the virus.

Only a total fool would listen to a man who wants to inject sunlight into human bodies to cure the virus.

I could go on but intelligent people get the point.
Only a total fool would post such nonsense. I don't need to go on.
How many times do people need to be told, masks offer important, but limited only protection from airborne viruses. The purpose of a mask is mostly to prevent an infected person from spreading viruses to others around them.
Among the countless fallacies that have been inserted into the minds of Trumpsters is the notion that, if science is not perfect, it is worthless.

They're trained on binary thought processes. If masks are not 100% effective, they are absolutely worthless and an assault on our "freedoms".

It's madness. I just hope it fades with time.

Please explain the science of a bar being OK to go into at 9:00 PM, but not OK at 10:00 PM.

Please explain the science of say a restaurant or store being allowed 25% occupancy but a Church being limited to 10 or 25 people only, regardless of occupancy.
There is no science to either. They are reactions to the science that Trumpsters don't like.

Dodge. Again, what is the scientific basis of the two policies in question?
I'll try to keep this simple.

Unlike health scientists (such as our younger daughter), most Americans are not experts in the science of this. So, we decide to follow recommendations by health scientists whose words they trust. As compared to trusting Trump and his obedient Trumpsters, whom we don't trust in the least, because of their arrogant ignorance.

That's your answer. If you don't like it, too bad.

Sorry, not good enough. We have been given no reasoning behind these restrictions, and all of them have come from local level politicians, not "health scientists"

What the hell is a health scientist anyway? What degree are we talking here?

If you are going to ruin a person's livelihood you should be able to tell them why, not just "shut up and listen you dumb fucking rube"

Your arrogance is fucking sad, you bougie prick.
Aww, look at you. Of course it's "not good enough". You're a Trumpster. You'll only believe what Trump and his crew tell you.

This is why I put so little effort into communicating with you people. You're fascinating as hell to observe, but worthless in conversation.

No, I am an American Citizen demanding to know the basis for these restrictions.

I have a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, and I probably know more about statistics and risk analysis that most of the "experts" harping all this bullshit.

Again, what the fuck is the scientific basis for closing Bars and such at 10:00 PM? What is the scientific basis for number limits on churches but occupancy limits on other similar gatherings?
I've already told you this. I don't know the specific science. When we are not expert in something, we have to decide whom to trust. You have chosen to trust Trump and his crew. Not much I can do about that, outside of hoping folks like you don't infect and kill too many more people while whining about your "freedom".

I would ask why this needs to be so complicated for you to understand, but I already know the answer to that.

I hope you'll be done soon. This is tedious.

Trying to discuss logic and common sense to a person who trusts a man who believes that airports and fighter jets existed during the Revolutionary War is a total waste of time.
How many times do people need to be told, masks offer important, but limited only protection from airborne viruses. The purpose of a mask is mostly to prevent an infected person from spreading viruses to others around them.
Among the countless fallacies that have been inserted into the minds of Trumpsters is the notion that, if science is not perfect, it is worthless.

They're trained on binary thought processes. If masks are not 100% effective, they are absolutely worthless and an assault on our "freedoms".

It's madness. I just hope it fades with time.

Please explain the science of a bar being OK to go into at 9:00 PM, but not OK at 10:00 PM.

Please explain the science of say a restaurant or store being allowed 25% occupancy but a Church being limited to 10 or 25 people only, regardless of occupancy.
There is no science to either. They are reactions to the science that Trumpsters don't like.

Dodge. Again, what is the scientific basis of the two policies in question?
I'll try to keep this simple.

Unlike health scientists (such as our younger daughter), most Americans are not experts in the science of this. So, we decide to follow recommendations by health scientists whose words they trust. As compared to trusting Trump and his obedient Trumpsters, whom we don't trust in the least, because of their arrogant ignorance.

That's your answer. If you don't like it, too bad.

Sorry, not good enough. We have been given no reasoning behind these restrictions, and all of them have come from local level politicians, not "health scientists"

What the hell is a health scientist anyway? What degree are we talking here?

If you are going to ruin a person's livelihood you should be able to tell them why, not just "shut up and listen you dumb fucking rube"

Your arrogance is fucking sad, you bougie prick.
Aww, look at you. Of course it's "not good enough". You're a Trumpster. You'll only believe what Trump and his crew tell you.

This is why I put so little effort into communicating with you people. You're fascinating as hell to observe, but worthless in conversation.

No, I am an American Citizen demanding to know the basis for these restrictions.

I have a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering, and I probably know more about statistics and risk analysis that most of the "experts" harping all this bullshit.

Again, what the fuck is the scientific basis for closing Bars and such at 10:00 PM? What is the scientific basis for number limits on churches but occupancy limits on other similar gatherings?
I've already told you this. I don't know the specific science. When we are not expert in something, we have to decide whom to trust. You have chosen to trust Trump and his crew. Not much I can do about that, outside of hoping folks like you don't infect and kill too many more people while whining about your "freedom".

I would ask why this needs to be so complicated for you to understand, but I already know the answer to that.

I hope you'll be done soon. This is tedious.

Trying to discuss logic and common sense to a person who trusts a man who believes that airports and fighter jets existed during the Revolutionary War is a total waste of time.

So what is the "science" behind closing a Bar at 10:00 PM instead of say 11:00 PM or 4:00 PM and restricting only religious gatherings to a set number instead of a percentage of the allowed occupancy?
I believe things are done on purpose to move us to tyranny. He could have been infected with something on purpose. I do not trust the deep state.
Yet you trust Trump and his media. Maybe a healthy dose of reasoned skepticism across the board would be a better approach.

What do you expect from people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?

Seriously here, these people are bat crap nuts. Why would anyone try to reason with people who believe such totally bat crap crazy things?
I believe things are done on purpose to move us to tyranny. He could have been infected with something on purpose. I do not trust the deep state.
Yet you trust Trump and his media. Maybe a healthy dose of reasoned skepticism across the board would be a better approach.

What do you expect from people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?

Seriously here, these people are bat crap nuts. Why would anyone try to reason with people who believe such totally bat crap crazy things?
Well, I no longer try. But I do wonder how the country is supposed to survive when 40% of it are essentially QAnon members.
I believe things are done on purpose to move us to tyranny. He could have been infected with something on purpose. I do not trust the deep state.
Yet you trust Trump and his media. Maybe a healthy dose of reasoned skepticism across the board would be a better approach.

What do you expect from people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?

Seriously here, these people are bat crap nuts. Why would anyone try to reason with people who believe such totally bat crap crazy things?
Michelle's not a man?! Come on now. Next thing you'll tell us is Biden isn't senile.
Why was he not given the vaccine...did he refuse it?
Priority for the Trump vaccine is given to important people like AOC and Pelosi, not the riff-raff of flyover states.
Why do we need a vaccine for a simple flu?
We don't. We have them.
You have what, precisely?
God you're an idiot. You asked the question. Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?
Your "response" was vague.

So again: Why do we need a vaccine for a simple flu?

Don't you have the balls to provide a clear response?
We have flu shots available everywhere. Usually free.

I see that you can get them at almost every pharmacy. I have never had a flu shot, not sure I want one.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
masks dont stop you from getting covid,, so you dancing on his grave for political reasons shows how evil you really are,,
Masks help prevent infecting other people. Attending a rally where most aren't wearing masks is like holding your ass up to a gloryhole, and then being surprised when somebody takes a poke.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
masks dont stop you from getting covid,, so you dancing on his grave for political reasons shows how evil you really are,,
Masks help prevent infecting other people. Attending a rally where most aren't wearing masks is like holding your ass up to a gloryhole, and then being surprised when somebody takes a poke.
thats not what fauci said,,,
" Louisiana Rep.-elect #LukeLetlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said."

That's too bad, Covid might have stressed his heart, life is precious and we all need to guard it.
will the Dems pick up the seat?

too soon!

I have not been wearing a mask and I am still alive and doing well. Why is it that we are supposed to wear a face diaper mask and social distance at the same time? Isn't the wearing of a mask the whole idea that we could all get back to the old normal once again? And why does one have to cover their noses when wearing a mask? Droplets of the virus does not come out of ones nose unless one is about to sneeze. Then one should cover their nose if they are about to sneeze. The wearing of a mask by some people all day long is not very good for anyone's health. They will keep breathing back in some of their expelled carbon dioxide. Personally, anyone who wears a face diaper mask is a total maskhole. Real men and women do not wear face masks. Wearing a face mask are for maskholes, wimps, and cowards. Just saying.
will the Dems pick up the seat?

too soon!

I have not been wearing a mask and I am still alive and doing well. Why is it that we are supposed to wear a face diaper mask and social distance at the same time? Isn't the wearing of a mask the whole idea that we could all get back to the old normal once again? And why does one have to cover their noses when wearing a mask? Droplets of the virus does not come out of ones nose unless one is about to sneeze. Then one should cover their nose if they are about to sneeze. The wearing of a mask by some people all day long is not very good for anyone's health. They will keep breathing back in some of their expelled carbon dioxide. Personally, anyone who wears a face diaper mask is a total maskhole. Just saying.

it is very normal to "breathe back some of... expelled carbon dioxide" In fact if
you don't you are likely to PASS OUT. Droplets get expelled even if you just
talk. Adenoviruses AIN'T fussy about how they get around-----they pop into the
air from an infected person and onto surfaces
will the Dems pick up the seat?

too soon!

I have not been wearing a mask and I am still alive and doing well. Why is it that we are supposed to wear a face diaper mask and social distance at the same time? Isn't the wearing of a mask the whole idea that we could all get back to the old normal once again? And why does one have to cover their noses when wearing a mask? Droplets of the virus does not come out of ones nose unless one is about to sneeze. Then one should cover their nose if they are about to sneeze. The wearing of a mask by some people all day long is not very good for anyone's health. They will keep breathing back in some of their expelled carbon dioxide. Personally, anyone who wears a face diaper mask is a total maskhole. Just saying.

it is very normal to "breathe back some of... expelled carbon dioxide" In fact if
you don't you are likely to PASS OUT. Droplets get expelled even if you just
talk. Adenoviruses AIN'T fussy about how they get around-----they pop into the
air from an infected person and onto surfaces

It is not normal for anyone to breathe back in ones expelled carbon dioxide. Our body wants and needs to expel CD fully and not breathe some of it back into the lungs. I do not stop in the middle of expelling my CD and try to take some of it back into my lungs. How stupid would that be?
You will no doubt pass out if you keep breathing in your CD. We live and need pure oxygen and not expelled carbon.

Viruses have been around for centuries. But for some nefarious reason some people in high places have decided to make this Convid 19 a big thing. It's just another flu virus that comes around every year. It's all a hoax, folks. Woke the bloody hell up.

Maybe if we tell people that their brain is an app, maybe then they will start to use their brain. Hey, we never know, eh?
will the Dems pick up the seat?

too soon!

I have not been wearing a mask and I am still alive and doing well. Why is it that we are supposed to wear a face diaper mask and social distance at the same time? Isn't the wearing of a mask the whole idea that we could all get back to the old normal once again? And why does one have to cover their noses when wearing a mask? Droplets of the virus does not come out of ones nose unless one is about to sneeze. Then one should cover their nose if they are about to sneeze. The wearing of a mask by some people all day long is not very good for anyone's health. They will keep breathing back in some of their expelled carbon dioxide. Personally, anyone who wears a face diaper mask is a total maskhole. Just saying.

it is very normal to "breathe back some of... expelled carbon dioxide" In fact if
you don't you are likely to PASS OUT. Droplets get expelled even if you just
talk. Adenoviruses AIN'T fussy about how they get around-----they pop into the
air from an infected person and onto surfaces

It is not normal for anyone to breathe back in ones expelled carbon dioxide. Our body wants and needs to expel CD fully and not breathe some of it back into the lungs. I do not stop in the middle of expelling my CD and try to take some of it back into my lungs. How stupid would that be?
You will no doubt pass out if you keep breathing in your CD. We live and need pure oxygen and not expelled carbon.

Viruses have been around for centuries. But for some nefarious reason some people in high places have decided to make this Convid 19 a big thing. It's just another flu virus that comes around every year. It's all a hoax, folks. Woke the bloody hell up.

Maybe if we tell people that their brain is an app, maybe then they will start to use their brain. Hey, we never know, eh?

sorry sweetie-----search HYPOCAPNIA . and put a paperbag over your auntie's
face when she HYPERVENTILATES so she can get her carbon dioxide back and not
fall off the couch. Covid 19 has a much higher fatality rate than most other
adeno viruses. All viruses AIN'T THE SAME. eg. HIV ain't MUMPS.
Poliovirus ain't pink eye ----Pink eye is also caused by an adenovirus----it is
not fatal but one kid in kindergarten so afflicted can infect all the little
toddlers in the class and ALL WILL LIVE
I believe things are done on purpose to move us to tyranny. He could have been infected with something on purpose. I do not trust the deep state.
Yet you trust Trump and his media. Maybe a healthy dose of reasoned skepticism across the board would be a better approach.

What do you expect from people who believe that Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man?

Seriously here, these people are bat crap nuts. Why would anyone try to reason with people who believe such totally bat crap crazy things?
Well, I no longer try. But I do wonder how the country is supposed to survive when 40% of it are essentially QAnon members.

That is a very good question.

I don't know the answer.
will the Dems pick up the seat?

too soon!

I have not been wearing a mask and I am still alive and doing well. Why is it that we are supposed to wear a face diaper mask and social distance at the same time? Isn't the wearing of a mask the whole idea that we could all get back to the old normal once again? And why does one have to cover their noses when wearing a mask? Droplets of the virus does not come out of ones nose unless one is about to sneeze. Then one should cover their nose if they are about to sneeze. The wearing of a mask by some people all day long is not very good for anyone's health. They will keep breathing back in some of their expelled carbon dioxide. Personally, anyone who wears a face diaper mask is a total maskhole. Just saying.

it is very normal to "breathe back some of... expelled carbon dioxide" In fact if
you don't you are likely to PASS OUT. Droplets get expelled even if you just
talk. Adenoviruses AIN'T fussy about how they get around-----they pop into the
air from an infected person and onto surfaces

It is not normal for anyone to breathe back in ones expelled carbon dioxide. Our body wants and needs to expel CD fully and not breathe some of it back into the lungs. I do not stop in the middle of expelling my CD and try to take some of it back into my lungs. How stupid would that be?
You will no doubt pass out if you keep breathing in your CD. We live and need pure oxygen and not expelled carbon.

Viruses have been around for centuries. But for some nefarious reason some people in high places have decided to make this Convid 19 a big thing. It's just another flu virus that comes around every year. It's all a hoax, folks. Woke the bloody hell up.

Maybe if we tell people that their brain is an app, maybe then they will start to use their brain. Hey, we never know, eh?

PS "PURE OXYGEN" can cause blindness in newborns---especially preemies
Untitled drawing - 2020-12-30T022204.820.png
It’s going to happen again when this one is contained. We either learn the lessons or we face even worse pandemics. We should bear in mind that so far we’ve been lucky with coronaviruses. There have been some, like the present one, which are highly contagious, but not very lethal. There have been some, like Ebola, which was very lethal, and not too contagious. Nothing guarantees that the next one down the road won’t be the worst of all worlds, contagious and lethal.

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