Luke Letlow, 41-year-old congressman-elect, dies with COVID-19

Letlow died of a heart attack.
Another case of a person dying WITH COVID

The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported.

LSU Health Shreveport Chancellor G.E. Ghali confirmed Letlow underwent an operation related to the virus and later went into cardiac arrest
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

Putting a protective fence around a swimming pool in your back yard is not going to guarantee your neighbor's toddler won't be able to get to that pool and drown, but it would be stupid not to take that precaution.
Letlow died of a heart attack.
Another case of a person dying WITH COVID

The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported.

LSU Health Shreveport Chancellor G.E. Ghali confirmed Letlow underwent an operation related to the virus and later went into cardiac arrest
Sounds like the medical field failed the poor guy, and it still might not have been Covid related, but that sure can stop a malpractice lawsuit can't it ?? Just claim Covid when all else fails. Covid sounds like the new "get out of lawsuit's card".
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

Putting a protective fence around a swimming pool in your back yard is not going to guarantee your neighbor's toddler won't be able to get to that pool and drown, but it would be stupid not to take that precaution.
If the fence is secured, and locked, it surely would keep that toddler out, but viruses don't care about mask with holes in them as big as fences. How's about letting the best known de-fence we have (the human immune system), do it's job. Understanding the virus is the fastest way to defeating it, and not by these primitive feel good methods being used. The vaccine is the only hope in defeating it, and we are on our way hopefully to victory with that tried and true method now.
What about people of all ages who get the virus, and are showing light symptoms, but are told to just go home and sweat it out ??? Isn't there any medicine that should be being subscribed to them just encase they might be compromised ???

Heck they prescribed me doxycycline when I tested positive, but al least it was something. I hear constant stories of people being told to just go home, and call back if they need them. Well the go home without any medication may be interpreted to them as you're ok, it's just the flu sort of, but you'll be ok. But what if their not ok ? What if they think they will be ok, but it quickly gets worse without anything to help arrest it somewhat ???

I was glad to get the doxycycline, even if it didn't help much, but at least it was something. That along with self help method's, I'm still here today.
Get with the program. If you're eaten by a lion and his/her/its handler had da virus you're gonna be counted as a Covidictim.

A fearful population is a compliant population.
Sure worked for the election. What a coincidence eh ?
A sad way to pass. So young.

Just as an aside, I am noticing people younger and younger passing on from this virus. Has it become more lethal and we aren't aware?


Luke Letlow, the newly elected member of Congress from Louisiana, died Tuesday night from complications related to COVID-19, a spokesman announced.

The Associated Press reported earlier this month that Letlow, a 41-year-old Republican, had been hospitalized after being diagnosed with the virus. He was days away from being sworn into office.

Dr. G.E. Ghali, of LSU Health Shreveport, told that Letlow was in critical condition but showed signs of improvement. He "apparently suffered a cardiac event this evening that was refractory to all resuscitation efforts."

Rep. Steve Scalise, another Republican from the state, issued a statement calling Letlow a "positive spirit" who had a "tremendously bright future ahead of him."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi also issued a statement saying the entire body mourns his passing.
Why is it only Republicans are catching the China Virus?
This is perfect for Democrats.

They can assassinate as many Republicans as they want and they can claim it's COVID-19 that did it.
Letlow died of a heart attack.
He died from Covid.
Yea, we know what those 300k deaths were from. Heart attacks, plane crashes, car wrecks, obesity, diabetes, boating accidents, you name it. Of course this guy who died of cardiac arrest died from "covid." Why on earth would anybody doubt this? Just because his heart stopped, doesn't mean it was cardiac arrest right? That sure sounds like a classic case of covid...

I bet the Clintons add Covid to their standard Arkancide protocols pretty soon.
What was his position on masks?

Does it make a difference? The virus doesn't give a shit whether someone is pro or con re:masks.

Myself, I'm in the middle of the road on this. If you want to wear a mask, that's cool with me.
His positions on masks was the same as almost all republic pols, he was against mask mandates and held/attended mask less rallies.

He doesn't need a mask were he is now.
Well, there you go....he deserved to die.

With the shutdowns and mask wearing mandates in California, why all the cases and deaths?

You are unbelievable!
A sad way to pass. So young.

Just as an aside, I am noticing people younger and younger passing on from this virus. Has it become more lethal and we aren't aware?


Luke Letlow, the newly elected member of Congress from Louisiana, died Tuesday night from complications related to COVID-19, a spokesman announced.

The Associated Press reported earlier this month that Letlow, a 41-year-old Republican, had been hospitalized after being diagnosed with the virus. He was days away from being sworn into office.

Dr. G.E. Ghali, of LSU Health Shreveport, told that Letlow was in critical condition but showed signs of improvement. He "apparently suffered a cardiac event this evening that was refractory to all resuscitation efforts."

Rep. Steve Scalise, another Republican from the state, issued a statement calling Letlow a "positive spirit" who had a "tremendously bright future ahead of him."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi also issued a statement saying the entire body mourns his passing.
VIRAL LOAD---------plays a huge part.

The new strains are more virulent--spread easier so by defination a LARGER viral load.

This said---------republicans have been getting hit harder than the dems---and I can't help but think that this isn't by design. Still think the chinese purposely released the virus and that it wouldn't be really unexpected if convenient deaths for the chinese and their swamp pets wouldn't occur using this virus as the weapon. Given that China and Russia likes to poison, the virus now provides an excellent cover story for hits.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

Putting a protective fence around a swimming pool in your back yard is not going to guarantee your neighbor's toddler won't be able to get to that pool and drown, but it would be stupid not to take that precaution.
If the fence is secured, and locked, it surely would keep that toddler out, but viruses don't care about mask with holes in them as big as fences. How's about letting the best known de-fence we have (the human immune system), do it's job. Understanding the virus is the fastest way to defeating it, and not by these primitive feel good methods being used. The vaccine is the only hope in defeating it, and we are on our way hopefully to victory with that tried and true method now.
The human immune system didn't save those 343K dead people, and it will be months before the vaccine is utilized enough to be widely effective. Refusing to wear a mask is assault..
Letlow died of a heart attack.
Another case of a person dying WITH COVID

The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported.

LSU Health Shreveport Chancellor G.E. Ghali confirmed Letlow underwent an operation related to the virus and later went into cardiac arrest
Viral heart attacks happen.....a flu, a cold, whatever are known to cause heart attacks.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

Putting a protective fence around a swimming pool in your back yard is not going to guarantee your neighbor's toddler won't be able to get to that pool and drown, but it would be stupid not to take that precaution.
If the fence is secured, and locked, it surely would keep that toddler out, but viruses don't care about mask with holes in them as big as fences. How's about letting the best known de-fence we have (the human immune system), do it's job. Understanding the virus is the fastest way to defeating it, and not by these primitive feel good methods being used. The vaccine is the only hope in defeating it, and we are on our way hopefully to victory with that tried and true method now.
The human immune system didn't save those 343K dead people, and it will be months before the vaccine is utilized enough to be widely effective. Refusing to wear a mask is assault..
The mask does not stop virus hun.......................why don't you understand this? The virus is tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny------the masks can not stop tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny..
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

Putting a protective fence around a swimming pool in your back yard is not going to guarantee your neighbor's toddler won't be able to get to that pool and drown, but it would be stupid not to take that precaution.
If the fence is secured, and locked, it surely would keep that toddler out, but viruses don't care about mask with holes in them as big as fences. How's about letting the best known de-fence we have (the human immune system), do it's job. Understanding the virus is the fastest way to defeating it, and not by these primitive feel good methods being used. The vaccine is the only hope in defeating it, and we are on our way hopefully to victory with that tried and true method now.
The human immune system didn't save those 343K dead people, and it will be months before the vaccine is utilized enough to be widely effective. Refusing to wear a mask is assault..
The mask does not stop virus hun.......................why don't you understand this? The virus is tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny------the masks can not stop tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny..

Sorry, but I gotta go with what the medical experts say over some right wing crazy on the internet. They say that masks aren't 100%, but they are the best we can do for now.
Refusing to wear a mask is assault
.If the mask protects you, WEAR IT. If you have the mask, you dont need to worry about anyone else

BTW, "Mask wearing" isnt even the controversy you PRETEND it is.

EVERYONE is wearing your damn mask

You pretend 50% (the evil Trump voters) are not.

I see well over 90% compliance EVERY TIME IM OUT IN PUBLIC.


You Biden voters are just ranting about this to excuse the fact that it isnt working so you refuse to accept that your "solutions" arent working.

So instead of looking for real solutions, you keep doubling down on stupid
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
You are vile

People MAKE CHOICES. Trump is NOT responsible. Mask wearing is no guarantee.
People who wear masks get covid.
Most recover.
Some die

You're still a vile excuse of a human being

Putting a protective fence around a swimming pool in your back yard is not going to guarantee your neighbor's toddler won't be able to get to that pool and drown, but it would be stupid not to take that precaution.
If the fence is secured, and locked, it surely would keep that toddler out, but viruses don't care about mask with holes in them as big as fences. How's about letting the best known de-fence we have (the human immune system), do it's job. Understanding the virus is the fastest way to defeating it, and not by these primitive feel good methods being used. The vaccine is the only hope in defeating it, and we are on our way hopefully to victory with that tried and true method now.
The human immune system didn't save those 343K dead people, and it will be months before the vaccine is utilized enough to be widely effective. Refusing to wear a mask is assault..
The mask does not stop virus hun.......................why don't you understand this? The virus is tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny------the masks can not stop tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny..

Sorry, but I gotta go with what the medical experts say over some right wing crazy on the internet. They say that masks aren't 100%, but they are the best we can do for now.
I have the covid so does my husband------------My husband gave me the covid, but we both wear our masks out in public. The masks can not stop virus's---70% of infected reported wearing the masks.

the intelligent answer is not to attack someone (me) for pointing out facts, the correct answer if you had any morals would be to admit that the masks are are not stopping the virus and look for better ways of controlling the virus---like maybe putting layers in the mask (my poor terrorified elderly mother) has actually sewed her own masks adding a pocket in the inside to place a hepa filter and extra layers to improve the efficiency of the masks. The clear plastic face covers and masks are showing better rates of preventing the spread as well. Yet here you are---attacking people and trying to smear them for simply posting facts..............

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