Lunatic Dem Says Hack Of Hillary Server As Bad as 3k Americans Dying on 9/11/01

THIS kind of b@t-$hit crazy stuff is why so many people are leaving the Democratic party and not believing a word Democrats say....

"Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal called Russian election meddling a “9/11 moment” on CNN Wednesday.

The Connecticut Senator insisted that the “red light is flashing” as it was prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, and therefore Congress deserves to know what Trump talked about with Putin. Blumenthal invoked the 9/11 attacks three times during his explanation."

After 3 years Democrats still can not produce one piece of evidence to support their insane, un-supported claims that President Trump ever illegally colluded with / is 'in league' with Russia / Vladimir Putin....

....yet Blumenthal is claiming that the indictment of 12 Russians for 'hacking' Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET+ data - which is somehow President Trump's fault and which they claim is equivalent to 'HACKING THE ELECTION' - is as bad as 9/11/01.


Dem Senator: ‘We Are In A 9/11 National Emergency’

While I agree that Hillary's treason / Espionage is extremely bad and needs to be investigated, I hardly find it equivalent to 9/11/01, when 3,000 Americans were slaughtered by the same terrorists Obama allies he later helped take over Libya.

If you have your car stolen, your insurance might not grant your claim if it turns out you left the car unlocked with keys in the ignition. While it's still the crooks fault, you would have to take some responsibility for tempting the thief with an easy target.

Hillary didn't give a damn about national security when she broke laws and had some guy create a private server, which was kept in a bathroom. This isn't someone hiring professionals. This is someone so desperate to keep her actions from being seen by anyone else hiring some shady guy to do it for her. Hillary was only worried about keeping her own secrets, even at the expense of the country. She is guilty as hell but the DNC owns Comey.

The only way you could compare this to 9/11 is by considering what could have happened thanks to Hillary's total disregard of security. She left us wide open and invited enemies to use information against us. Hillary is just as bad as 9/11 because she hates America as much as those terrorists did. Her and Obama supported bringing in more radicals so they could continue to launch attacks on our own soil.

Taking down corrupt wannabe tyrants is always a good thing. I think a Hillary administration would have destroyed this country faster than any other enemies. And understand that she and her ilk are our enemies. They are the worst kind because they walk among us and have been given more trust than they deserve. We still have some deep state swamp creatures who need to go.
Ahhhh, yes, of course... it was not the Burglar's fault that they broke in to the DNC head quarters at the Watergate...... the DNC should have had a better lock....

It was not the rapist's fault for raping the woman she should have carried a gun....


That's some pretty sick as hell thinking there Clementine....

The justification of this crime by the likes of you is pretty shameful and disgusting.... so holy, so Christlike!

Try EVIL.... you have let yourself become opened the doors for it.... with your justification of it....

Is that what you really want to be.... free will, your choice, you made it....
THIS kind of b@t-$hit crazy stuff is why so many people are leaving the Democratic party and not believing a word Democrats say....

"Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal called Russian election meddling a “9/11 moment” on CNN Wednesday.

The Connecticut Senator insisted that the “red light is flashing” as it was prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, and therefore Congress deserves to know what Trump talked about with Putin. Blumenthal invoked the 9/11 attacks three times during his explanation."

After 3 years Democrats still can not produce one piece of evidence to support their insane, un-supported claims that President Trump ever illegally colluded with / is 'in league' with Russia / Vladimir Putin....

....yet Blumenthal is claiming that the indictment of 12 Russians for 'hacking' Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET+ data - which is somehow President Trump's fault and which they claim is equivalent to 'HACKING THE ELECTION' - is as bad as 9/11/01.


Dem Senator: ‘We Are In A 9/11 National Emergency’

While I agree that Hillary's treason / Espionage is extremely bad and needs to be investigated, I hardly find it equivalent to 9/11/01, when 3,000 Americans were slaughtered by the same terrorists Obama allies he later helped take over Libya.

If you have your car stolen, your insurance might not grant your claim if it turns out you left the car unlocked with keys in the ignition. While it's still the crooks fault, you would have to take some responsibility for tempting the thief with an easy target.

Hillary didn't give a damn about national security when she broke laws and had some guy create a private server, which was kept in a bathroom. This isn't someone hiring professionals. This is someone so desperate to keep her actions from being seen by anyone else hiring some shady guy to do it for her. Hillary was only worried about keeping her own secrets, even at the expense of the country. She is guilty as hell but the DNC owns Comey.

The only way you could compare this to 9/11 is by considering what could have happened thanks to Hillary's total disregard of security. She left us wide open and invited enemies to use information against us. Hillary is just as bad as 9/11 because she hates America as much as those terrorists did. Her and Obama supported bringing in more radicals so they could continue to launch attacks on our own soil.

Taking down corrupt wannabe tyrants is always a good thing. I think a Hillary administration would have destroyed this country faster than any other enemies. And understand that she and her ilk are our enemies. They are the worst kind because they walk among us and have been given more trust than they deserve. We still have some deep state swamp creatures who need to go.
Ahhhh, yes, of course... it was not the Burglar's fault that they broke in to the DNC head quarters at the Watergate...... the DNC should have had a better lock....

It was not the rapist's fault for raping the woman she should have carried a gun....


That's some pretty sick as hell thinking there Clementine....

The justification of this crime by the likes of you is pretty shameful and disgusting.... so holy, so Christlike!

Try EVIL.... you have let yourself become opened the doors for it.... with your justification of it....

Is that what you really want to be.... free will, your choice, you made it....
you are insane.
First, this is the leftists first time to ever blame a criminal for a crime and not guns or society as they usually do
Second, To allow this comparison to 911 is outrageous and makes you an embarrassment for oking such a thing
Third, Please tell us what Trump did with Putin was even remotely close to:

Nothing happened and you're pissed....Get over it Trump won and he'll win again. And a lot of the reason is you lefties are batshit crazy
THIS kind of b@t-$hit crazy stuff is why so many people are leaving the Democratic party and not believing a word Democrats say....

"Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal called Russian election meddling a “9/11 moment” on CNN Wednesday.

The Connecticut Senator insisted that the “red light is flashing” as it was prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, and therefore Congress deserves to know what Trump talked about with Putin. Blumenthal invoked the 9/11 attacks three times during his explanation."

After 3 years Democrats still can not produce one piece of evidence to support their insane, un-supported claims that President Trump ever illegally colluded with / is 'in league' with Russia / Vladimir Putin....

....yet Blumenthal is claiming that the indictment of 12 Russians for 'hacking' Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET+ data - which is somehow President Trump's fault and which they claim is equivalent to 'HACKING THE ELECTION' - is as bad as 9/11/01.


Dem Senator: ‘We Are In A 9/11 National Emergency’

While I agree that Hillary's treason / Espionage is extremely bad and needs to be investigated, I hardly find it equivalent to 9/11/01, when 3,000 Americans were slaughtered by the same terrorists Obama allies he later helped take over Libya.

If you have your car stolen, your insurance might not grant your claim if it turns out you left the car unlocked with keys in the ignition. While it's still the crooks fault, you would have to take some responsibility for tempting the thief with an easy target.

Hillary didn't give a damn about national security when she broke laws and had some guy create a private server, which was kept in a bathroom. This isn't someone hiring professionals. This is someone so desperate to keep her actions from being seen by anyone else hiring some shady guy to do it for her. Hillary was only worried about keeping her own secrets, even at the expense of the country. She is guilty as hell but the DNC owns Comey.

The only way you could compare this to 9/11 is by considering what could have happened thanks to Hillary's total disregard of security. She left us wide open and invited enemies to use information against us. Hillary is just as bad as 9/11 because she hates America as much as those terrorists did. Her and Obama supported bringing in more radicals so they could continue to launch attacks on our own soil.

Taking down corrupt wannabe tyrants is always a good thing. I think a Hillary administration would have destroyed this country faster than any other enemies. And understand that she and her ilk are our enemies. They are the worst kind because they walk among us and have been given more trust than they deserve. We still have some deep state swamp creatures who need to go.
Ahhhh, yes, of course... it was not the Burglar's fault that they broke in to the DNC head quarters at the Watergate...... the DNC should have had a better lock....

It was not the rapist's fault for raping the woman she should have carried a gun....


That's some pretty sick as hell thinking there Clementine....

The justification of this crime by the likes of you is pretty shameful and disgusting.... so holy, so Christlike!

Try EVIL.... you have let yourself become opened the doors for it.... with your justification of it....

Is that what you really want to be.... free will, your choice, you made it....

WTF are you talking about?

Obama KNEW in 2014 what the Russians were doing....and he let them continue unchallenged.

Obama KNEW in 2014 the Russians were trying to hack top / senior govt officials / politicians....he also KNEW Hillary was operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all illegal) server - he had been e-mailing her using an alias - and he never warned anyone what the Russians were doing and did not shut Hillary's crimes down. By not acting, by remaining silent, by allowing Hillary to continue jeopardizing national security Barak Obama was an ACCOMPLICE to the crimes to include ESPIONAGE that were perpetrated.

Hillary and Obama were not f*ing 'VICTIMS', you nut job!
Any dimocrap scum follow what's happened to that indictment? Of course not.

First off, it was proof positive that there was no 'collusion' with the Trump Campaign. Not one indictment for collusion in it.

Secondly, Mullet handed the indictment off to the AG's Counter-Intel office where it will die an unseen death.

It will never come to trial. Never.

dimocrap scum are running around with their hair on fire so Mullet gave them a hand-job. A parting shot for his last days in office after which he will be led from his Office by US Marshalls.

As soon as the Mid Terms are over, the fur is gonna fly.

Everybody knows it. This is the lying scumbag's last hurrah. They know it. I know it.

dimocrap scum know shit.
I was a Republican for 30 years, but I've switched to Democrat. I think this is much more common than the other way around, sorry. Better luck next time.
Ah another bullshitter.
well I was once a billionaire, I just like to post on here because I'm bored.
It was an attack on our Constitutional Republic. Some might say an act of war. Anyone who aided and abetted them is guilty of treason.

Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!

Treasonous Trump the illegitimate president.

But there is still no evidence that the untouchable super-duper criminal mastermind Hillary's private email server she used as Sec. of State was ever hacked.
....yet Blumenthal is claiming that the indictment of 12 Russians for 'hacking' Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET+ data - which is somehow President Trump's fault and which they claim is equivalent to 'HACKING THE ELECTION' - is as bad as 9/11/01.

Well then he's a moron. Because it's HIGHLY likely her illegal server was hacked by MANY foreign Intel Groups. Comey tried to wipe out that fact, but it's since resurfaced. BUT those the phony indictments on the 12 Russians has NOTHING to do with Hillary's server.

How can anyone that stupid get a hall pass to ENTER Congress?

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