LWIR FAILS to Warm the Atmosphere by Empirical Experiment.

Cant wait to see the ice cover in two weeks after this monster polar vortex settles in. But for sure I'll be laughing my balls off ( if they haven't already fallen off in the cold. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: )
Cryogenic cooling with CO2 utilizes a special case of phase change. Because of its chemical properties, it has no liquid state below 75 psi. It is said to have a triple point instead, where it can simultaneously exist in all three states, liquid, gas and solid. Most elements or chemical compounds have a triple point at some combination of pressure and temperature ( for example water has a triple point at .088 atmospheres and 0.01 Degrees C.) For CO2 the triple point happens in the range releasing to atmosphere CO2 of normal tank temperatures and pressures. What this means for cooling purposes is that when liquid CO2 is precisely introduced to the system and the pressure is dropped dramatically such as at the nozzle of a spray gun or cooling injector tube on a temperature chamber or thermal platform (coldplate), the liquid quickly turns to dry ice snow, solid state CO2. As the dry ice warms up, the resulting phase change is the direct change from solid to gas, called sublimation. There is a great release of the latent heat as the CO2sublimates.

How Cooling With CO2 works - TotalTemp Technologies

CO2 is economically advantageous for applications above -50C. Below that, other gases are more widely used. In the range of domestic refrigerators and freezers, of course, freon is the refrigerant of choice.

Really now s0n? Is that so? And just how many Americans give a shit about CO2 phase changes and latent heat in a refrigerator?

I will tell you.....about 37!!:backpedal:

JC.....Billy.....you know what? Sometimes I hit the SUBMIT button and I'm laughing so hard I'm tearing up and almost shitting my pants!!!

When I joined up in here 10 years ago, I could never have imagined I'd have so many laughs at others expense. Place can be such a hoot!
Thank you for making my point for me...

"That means, on the average, every CO2 molecule is hit 30,000 times by an air molecule during it's residency time."

This means that the energy absorbed by CO2 near surface is spent in collision with other molecules, water vapor being the primary one. Only 1/1,000,000,000 of the photons are re-radiated and less than half of that is RE-RADIATED TOWARDS THE EARTH. This makes CO2 an insignificant player in the near earth atmosphere as conduction and convection have a 1,000,000,000/1 ratio of energy transfer..
I agree with this accept that nothing is re-radiated back toward the surface. It is radiated toward the colder vacuum of space.
QM theroy states "all mater radiates, at its black body temperature, in all directions, above absolute zero kelvin."

While this is a mathematical construct and not proven, its the theroy, which does not interfere with the second law of energy movement. The reason it doesn't is how a more organized/energetic body reacts to less organized/lower energy photon.

When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass. This is one of the hotly debated actions of a photon, is it energy or mass.. It acts like mass cooling the larger object according to empirical experiment..

When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass.

I didn't think I'd see anything dumber than your "magnetic photon" claim, but you've out done yourself!
SO you have proof that the debate about a photon being matter or energy was complete? lINK

If you have any links that back up your claim that photons are magnetic or that photons are matter, post 'em.
If you have any that back up your claim that low energy photons cool matter because the "photon matter needs to be warmed up, which consumes energy" show me.

Because your claims are starting to make SSDDs idiocy seem logical, by comparison.
Tell me, Are you ignorant of the positive and negative charges in all matter?
I agree with this accept that nothing is re-radiated back toward the surface. It is radiated toward the colder vacuum of space.
QM theroy states "all mater radiates, at its black body temperature, in all directions, above absolute zero kelvin."

While this is a mathematical construct and not proven, its the theroy, which does not interfere with the second law of energy movement. The reason it doesn't is how a more organized/energetic body reacts to less organized/lower energy photon.

When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass. This is one of the hotly debated actions of a photon, is it energy or mass.. It acts like mass cooling the larger object according to empirical experiment..

When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass.

I didn't think I'd see anything dumber than your "magnetic photon" claim, but you've out done yourself!
SO you have proof that the debate about a photon being matter or energy was complete? lINK

If you have any links that back up your claim that photons are magnetic or that photons are matter, post 'em.
If you have any that back up your claim that low energy photons cool matter because the "photon matter needs to be warmed up, which consumes energy" show me.

Because your claims are starting to make SSDDs idiocy seem logical, by comparison.
Tell me, Are you ignorant of the positive and negative charges in all matter?

Still can't find a source, eh?

Dictionary result for photon
plural noun: photons
  1. a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.
Web results
Photon - Wikipedia


The photon is a type of elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force (even when static via virtual particles). The photon has zero rest mass and always moves at the speed of light within a vacuum.

Photon, also called light quantum, minute energy packet of electromagnetic radiation. The concept originated (1905) in Albert Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect, in which he proposed the existence of discrete energy packets during the transmission of light. Earlier (1900), the German physicist Max Planck had prepared the way for the concept by explaining that heat radiation is emitted and absorbed in distinct units, or quanta. The concept came into general use after the U.S. physicist Arthur H. Compton demonstrated (1923) the corpuscular nature of X-rays. The term photon(from Greek phōs, phōtos, “light”), however, was not used until 1926. The energy of a photon depends on radiation frequency; there are photons of all energies from high-energy gamma- and X-rays, through visible light, to low-energy infrared and radio waves. All photons travel at the speed of light. Considered among the subatomic particles, photons are bosons, having no electric charge or rest mass and one unit of spin; they are field particles that are thought to be the carriers of the electromagnetic field.
Your definition forgot to mention that photons are theoretical...

theoretical - Of, relating to, or based on theory. Restricted to theory; not practical.
Welcome to the natural sciences

Be that as it may, the points noted about photons are empirical observations
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Welcome to the natural sciences

Be that as it may, the points noted about photons are empirical observations

Sorry skidmark...the behavior of light is an empirical observation....photons are a theoretical explanation for that behavior...
Sometimes, depending on who you read in here, youd think this is the SCIENCE forum. It is not....it is the ENVIRONMENT forum. Nobody cares about the science gobblygoop except the climate obsessed. How many folks are sitting home this weekend kicking around photon theory? Maybe 11 people?

Most progressives think they sway people with an omnipotent display of scientific processes. But a vast majority have zero interest.....they look out the window. That's what the research shows conclusively. Perceptions will never be moved by some jughead posting about force carriers of electromagnetic forces. C'mon now!!!!:aug08_031:
It was answered repeatedly....sorry you aren't bright enough to remember...it is baked in since the atmospheric parameters would vary should the solar insolation change...as is clearly evident by the fact that it works everywhere...not just here as with the greenhouse effect, and requires no ad hoc fudge factor.

Ah yes, now I remember. The new physics term "baked in". If you can't explain it simply call it "baked in". I also remember that the author had an article that only said atmospheric gases in planets follow the IGL. But he didn't compute anything of merit about planetary atmospherics. I also remember that you didn't understand analytic geometry.

As usual...your memory is either terribly flawed, or you interpreted it so grossly that you can't remember what was posted...he provided the work for all his claims... this is another tedious thing about you...constantly correcting your flawed memory and your incessant interpretation of everything in an effort to either make it agree with you, or discredit it.
Nope. How I interpreted the paper last time and now are the same. The paper was meaningless. He only had NASA values of P, V and T and showed that they followed the IGL. Nothing new there.
QM theroy states "all mater radiates, at its black body temperature, in all directions, above absolute zero kelvin."

While this is a mathematical construct and not proven, its the theroy, which does not interfere with the second law of energy movement. The reason it doesn't is how a more organized/energetic body reacts to less organized/lower energy photon.

When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass. This is one of the hotly debated actions of a photon, is it energy or mass.. It acts like mass cooling the larger object according to empirical experiment..

When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass.

I didn't think I'd see anything dumber than your "magnetic photon" claim, but you've out done yourself!
SO you have proof that the debate about a photon being matter or energy was complete? lINK

If you have any links that back up your claim that photons are magnetic or that photons are matter, post 'em.
If you have any that back up your claim that low energy photons cool matter because the "photon matter needs to be warmed up, which consumes energy" show me.

Because your claims are starting to make SSDDs idiocy seem logical, by comparison.
Tell me, Are you ignorant of the positive and negative charges in all matter?

Still can't find a source, eh?

View attachment 242403
And your incapable of finding the definitive action stating what a photon is..
Welcome to the natural sciences

Be that as it may, the points noted about photons are empirical observations

Sorry skidmark...the behavior of light is an empirical observation....photons are a theoretical explanation for that behavior...

You gonna help your buddy out and show proof they're matter or hehe, magnetic?
And your ignorant of basic physics...

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge? DO All molecules have orbitals?

Your an idiot!
When a lower energy photon (matter) hits a warmer body it must warm the photon matter. In doing so it consumes energy cooling the bigger mass.

I didn't think I'd see anything dumber than your "magnetic photon" claim, but you've out done yourself!
SO you have proof that the debate about a photon being matter or energy was complete? lINK

If you have any links that back up your claim that photons are magnetic or that photons are matter, post 'em.
If you have any that back up your claim that low energy photons cool matter because the "photon matter needs to be warmed up, which consumes energy" show me.

Because your claims are starting to make SSDDs idiocy seem logical, by comparison.
Tell me, Are you ignorant of the positive and negative charges in all matter?

Still can't find a source, eh?

View attachment 242403
And your incapable of finding the definitive action stating what a photon is..

Were you lying when you claimed photons were magnetic?
Or were you just woefully ignorant?
Welcome to the natural sciences

Be that as it may, the points noted about photons are empirical observations

Sorry skidmark...the behavior of light is an empirical observation....photons are a theoretical explanation for that behavior...

You gonna help your buddy out and show proof they're matter or hehe, magnetic?
And your ignorant of basic physics...

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge? DO All molecules have orbitals?

Your an idiot!

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge?

Are photons molecules now?
Or are molecules photons?

All your tap dancing can't disguise your idiocy.
Welcome to the natural sciences

Be that as it may, the points noted about photons are empirical observations

Sorry skidmark...the behavior of light is an empirical observation....photons are a theoretical explanation for that behavior...

You gonna help your buddy out and show proof they're matter or hehe, magnetic?
And your ignorant of basic physics...

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge? DO All molecules have orbitals?

Your an idiot!

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge?

Are photons molecules now?
Or are molecules photons?

All your tap dancing can't disguise your idiocy.

I tire of your silly ass games. SO lets put somethings in context..

Matter and Energy in the Universe

"Another place we encounter words of this type is in the history and properties of the cosmos as a whole. We read about matter, radiation, dark matter, and dark energy. The use of the words by cosmologists is quite different from what you might expect — and it actually involves two or three different meanings, and depends strongly on context."

"Energy exists as a wave. A wave has momentum. Either that momentum is dedicated to travelling through space at some fraction of the speed of light, or it is turned in on itself as a standing wave to stay in one place as “mass.” Even as mass, it is still a wave. That wave is still energy, it’s just energy that stays in one place rather than travelling through space."

Is a photon energy or matter? "Photons are particles just as electrons are particles; they both are ripples in a corresponding field, and they both have energy."

With some basic context lets throw you under the short bus.. Please tell us Todd, how a photon, which is a particle and has mass, affects a warmer body than its radiated temperature.

I'll wait for this. I wonder what it is you will now have to concoct to show how a colder mass warms a warmer one. Be sure and show your work..
The reason we found that nothing in the cylinder warmed, with specific LWIR, in the specific band of 12-16um, was because the mass passing through, could not affect the atmospheric gases or cause them to warm.

The empirical experiment proved that LWIR is incapable of warming our atmosphere without water vapor.
Welcome to the natural sciences

Be that as it may, the points noted about photons are empirical observations

Sorry skidmark...the behavior of light is an empirical observation....photons are a theoretical explanation for that behavior...

You gonna help your buddy out and show proof they're matter or hehe, magnetic?
And your ignorant of basic physics...

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge? DO All molecules have orbitals?

Your an idiot!

Tell Me, Do all molecules posses a charge?

Are photons molecules now?
Or are molecules photons?

All your tap dancing can't disguise your idiocy.

I tire of your silly ass games. SO lets put somethings in context..

Matter and Energy in the Universe

"Another place we encounter words of this type is in the history and properties of the cosmos as a whole. We read about matter, radiation, dark matter, and dark energy. The use of the words by cosmologists is quite different from what you might expect — and it actually involves two or three different meanings, and depends strongly on context."

"Energy exists as a wave. A wave has momentum. Either that momentum is dedicated to travelling through space at some fraction of the speed of light, or it is turned in on itself as a standing wave to stay in one place as “mass.” Even as mass, it is still a wave. That wave is still energy, it’s just energy that stays in one place rather than travelling through space."

Is a photon energy or matter? "Photons are particles just as electrons are particles; they both are ripples in a corresponding field, and they both have energy."

With some basic context lets throw you under the short bus.. Please tell us Todd, how a photon, which is a particle and has mass, affects a warmer body than its radiated temperature.

I'll wait for this. I wonder what it is you will now have to concoct to show how a colder mass warms a warmer one. Be sure and show your work..

I tire of your silly ass games.

So end the game. Post some back up for your moronic claims.

Please tell us Todd, how a photon, which is a particle and has mass,

Mass? LOL!

affects a warmer body than its radiated temperature.

Right after you post proof that photons are magnetic.

I wonder what it is you will now have to concoct to show how a colder mass warms a warmer one.

Why would I try to show that?

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