Lying to Get FISA Warrants Violation of the Law

Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...
Can,t be without signing of POTUS. Barry's in trouble.
Tom Fitton predicts the Horowitz IG report would be partial truth, partial coverup, very accurate if you hear Bongino's findings posted above through to the end.

Bill Barr is not afraid of anyone engaging in anti-American betrayal of the Constitution.


Barr is afraid of trump.
trump defies The Constitution daily.

History will NOT be kind to trump or Barr, and that rudy guy.
That is as bigly group of Tards.
Wow ... not a word from you about the perfidy of those who anointed themselves righteous "keepers of the realm" and broke laws and agency regs to get at the man they would not have be POTUS? You have no prob with any of that?

Horowitz report is damning for the FBI and unsettling for the rest of us
People will go to prison over this. Hope Strzok gets what he deserves.
Strzok is a little player. The true criminal is the person who hired Christopher Steele to shill a few top-secret salacious lies she had her husband's ex-war room minions concoct, plus the accusation that Trump colluded with Russia, while the salacious story put her in the role of "victim," when the real victim of all this was President Trump. I hope Hillary Rodham Clinton gets to wear an orange jump suit for the duration of her lying, cheating, grasping attempt to assassinate President Trump's character with her little passel of false narratives. Strzok was probably just hoping Hillary would find out how supportive he was of her that she would favor him and give him Comey's job. Too much ambition for total control of this country was the goal of Hillary. She thinks it takes a village to raise a child, when the tradition in America is parents raise the child in their own families. She is a dangerous loose cannon and needs to be placed in solitary confinement for the duration. So do Pelosi, Waters, Nadler, and Schiff for their aggressive coup attempt. They're bald-faced traitors to the people of the United States of America. They don't deserve freedom because they tried to take away our freedom and replace it with them as permanent leaders in the manner of the Lenin, Stalin, and Kruschev terms of office. I'm really unhappy with Hillary Clinton. She was a privileged person growing up, went to the best schools in the land, and made the decision early on she was going to be inflicting pain on all her opponents, which has always been her modus operandi, except she gets someone else to do the dirty work, and in this case, the leaders of the liberals-gone-mad House of Representatives under the tutelage of the dowager player Pelosi.
My point being being loony-leftards like Winco care nothing about America or Americans but rather are committed to their globalist ideology. There is no point in giving the scumbags a lick of common courtesy ... they are traitors and proud of it.
My point being being loony-leftards like Winco care nothing about America or Americans but rather are committed to their globalist ideology. There is no point in giving the scumbags a lick of common courtesy ... they are traitors and proud of it.

Looney-Leftard. lol.
You could be more wrong, and probably will be with your next post.

My point being being loony-leftards like Winco care nothing about America or Americans but rather are committed to their globalist ideology. There is no point in giving the scumbags a lick of common courtesy ... they are traitors and proud of it.

Looney-Leftard. lol.
You could be more wrong, and probably will be with your next post.

Awww ... did you say your butt hurts, Princess?

Here's a clue ... GTF over it and yourself.
Bill Barr is not afraid of anyone engaging in anti-American betrayal of the Constitution.


Barr is afraid of trump.
trump defies The Constitution daily.

History will NOT be kind to trump or Barr, and that rudy guy.
That is as bigly group of Tards.
Wow ... not a word from you about the perfidy of those who anointed themselves righteous "keepers of the realm" and broke laws and agency regs to get at the man they would not have be POTUS? You have no prob with any of that?

Horowitz report is damning for the FBI and unsettling for the rest of us
People will go to prison over this. Hope Strzok gets what he deserves.
Strzok is a little player. The true criminal is the person who hired Christopher Steele to shill a few top-secret salacious lies she had her husband's ex-war room minions concoct, plus the accusation that Trump colluded with Russia, while the salacious story put her in the role of "victim," when the real victim of all this was President Trump. I hope Hillary Rodham Clinton gets to wear an orange jump suit for the duration of her lying, cheating, grasping attempt to assassinate President Trump's character with her little passel of false narratives. Strzok was probably just hoping Hillary would find out how supportive he was of her that she would favor him and give him Comey's job. Too much ambition for total control of this country was the goal of Hillary. She thinks it takes a village to raise a child, when the tradition in America is parents raise the child in their own families. She is a dangerous loose cannon and needs to be placed in solitary confinement for the duration. So do Pelosi, Waters, Nadler, and Schiff for their aggressive coup attempt. They're bald-faced traitors to the people of the United States of America. They don't deserve freedom because they tried to take away our freedom and replace it with them as permanent leaders in the manner of the Lenin, Stalin, and Kruschev terms of office. I'm really unhappy with Hillary Clinton. She was a privileged person growing up, went to the best schools in the land, and made the decision early on she was going to be inflicting pain on all her opponents, which has always been her modus operandi, except she gets someone else to do the dirty work, and in this case, the leaders of the liberals-gone-mad House of Representatives under the tutelage of the dowager player Pelosi.
My point being being loony-leftards like Winco care nothing about America or Americans but rather are committed to their globalist ideology. There is no point in giving the scumbags a lick of common courtesy ... they are traitors and proud of it.
Consider their important others--the dowager Maxine Waters. she's not a libtard. She is a mean, vicious, calculating hater of white men, all Republicans, people who support the President, she hates the President, and her life just isn't going well right now she is focused on personal hatred for all. She sends emisaries of hatred into the streets to humiliate Trump staffers in Washington DC.She's the poster girl for women in power, and there are others out there just like here who you would not want in your home. I don't think their party is prospering, but shrinking.

We need some laws against exercising hatred in Congress.

Time for bed. Hope everyone has a nice evening.
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...
Can,t be without signing of POTUS. Barry's in trouble.
Goddamn right he is.
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...

You are a lying weasel. Even the IG says that the investigation was justified. The dossier was not 100% lies. The dossier correctly talked about Russia's attempt to meddle in our elections. It correctly pointed out a member of the Russian embassy was a Russian spy rather than a diplomat. Some of it is unverifiable but none of it has been proven false.
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...
Can,t be without signing of POTUS. Barry's in trouble.
Goddamn right he is.

You are goddamn wrong.
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...

You are a lying weasel. Even the IG says that the investigation was justified. The dossier was not 100% lies. The dossier correctly talked about Russia's attempt to meddle in our elections. It correctly pointed out a member of the Russian embassy was a Russian spy rather than a diplomat. Some of it is unverifiable but none of it has been proven false.

Barr, a vocal defender of President Donald Trump, said he disagreed with the inspector general that the FBI had enough information to open the investigation and particularly to use surveillance on a former Trump campaign aide. He said that law enforcement officials involved in applying for those warrants had withheld from judges what he said was key exculpatory information that they had received.

Barr says the dossier is rubbish. The author of the dossier said it was rubbish.
You are a lying weasel. Even the IG says that the investigation was justified. The dossier was not 100% lies. The dossier correctly talked about Russia's attempt to meddle in our elections. It correctly pointed out a member of the Russian embassy was a Russian spy rather than a diplomat. Some of it is unverifiable but none of it has been proven false.
You've been watching too much CNN. Is there a doctor in the house ?

FISA abuse and Obama illegally spying on Trump need to be investigated. Almost makes me wish Obama was serving a third term so we could impeach him. Almost.
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...

If I were Queen for a day, they'd all be hung
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...

If I were Queen for a day, they'd all be hung
Comey admitted the FBI was wrong.
Comey admits error in defense of FBI's FISA process after IG report: 'He was right, I was wrong'
Crossfire Hurricane operation by a few weasels inside the FBI will land them in big trouble. Steele dossier was not properly vetted and was used to get initial FISA warrant. Then after the sub-contact inside Russia was interviewed...they discovered the dossier was pure 100% lies and innuendo. But they went back and used it to get 2 more warrants.
FBI Lied To FISA Court About Christopher Steele’s Credibility
Punishable by prison time...

You are a lying weasel. Even the IG says that the investigation was justified. The dossier was not 100% lies. The dossier correctly talked about Russia's attempt to meddle in our elections. It correctly pointed out a member of the Russian embassy was a Russian spy rather than a diplomat. Some of it is unverifiable but none of it has been proven false.

The IG report shows that Steele was used by the FBI in the past and was considered a reliable source

The report was critical of some procedural flaws by the FBI

The report did not identify criminal negligence, as it was more of a grading of the procedures of the investigation

The right points to flaws as proof of criminal intent but the IG report does not say that. The recommendations point to what needs to be corrected.

Still the FISA warrants were heavily redacted. The other information in the warrants was more of a factor that the steele dossier as the warrants were on other people and not Trump. The number of pages indicated other factors other than the couple of page in a paragraph that the dossier is mentioned

Ignoring the other narratives of the FISA warrents is like picking out spelling errors and pointing to them as proof of something irrelevant

FISA warrant was on Carter Page and his activities and he had significant foreign ties that could not be ignored especially with Russia. It also continued well into the Trump presidency. Trump had cut him off long ago after it became clear that he was a liability

Probably why Trump let him join the Team for a very brief period. It is clear by meetings, trying to set up a phone line with Putin, and denials of Russian involvement in US elections is that Trump has nothing but good things to say about Russia.

Steel Dossier pointed out that Carter Page was having associations with Russians which was true

FISA warrants are for gathering intelligence and are issued for those who might be a foreign spy

That is the main purpose

Yet it was the Trump team that said that Trump and Carter never met until a picture of Trump and Carter in a meeting with other team members appeared

It was proven that he lied about this

Still the IG report says that the FBI began the investigation with sufficient basis of probable cause to begin the investigation

Still he was not charged and the system even not perfect is what it is


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