Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

From the OP:

“He’s just failing miserably,” said Juliette Kayyam, who helped handle the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak and the British Petroleum oil spill for Obama’s Department of Homeland Security and now lectures on emergency management at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

If Biden was President, he would still be wondering if he should shut down the borders or not. But, at least we wouldn't have to worry about the tests, since everyone would get the virus anyway.

The borders wouldn't be closed until Trump had been run out to political asylum iin Russia.

If old Joe can even remember who Donald Trump is after he is elected.

325 million Americans would love to forget Dopey Donald Trump.

Trump is doing a great job by keeping the US infection rate low compared to other countries. The EU is roughly the population of the US and has 10x-15x the number of infections. You should be Thanking Trump for keeping the virus out for so long. Trump did well, the numbers show it.
The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.

How come PROGS consistently miss context? Are you people liars or do you have problems connecting the dots?

Here's what Trump said - he's right on and there's nothing you can do to articulate why he's not.

Trump has had it easy, he inherited a red hot economy thanks to Pres. Obama, then promptly slashed taxes on corporations, who were all flush with loads of cash thanks to the 1%er's getting their free handouts, who in turn could afford to hire more workers, and all Trump had to do was play golf and hold his redneck rallies in backwaters all across the country. Who cares that the deficit will grow exponentially under his policies.

But then a little thing called the Coronavirus showed up, and it was time for him to lead. And Trump couldn't lie his way or tweet his way out of this problem, he had to step up and provide leadership, direction, and a clear message for America on how to deal with this medical emergency.

And he failed. Miserably.
We have closed down a good part of the nation and closing down more. Perhaps we all need to have out comforts and medications cut in half or so. You have cried so much that there may be a danger of economic collapse if we are not careful. We do not have 20 million dead people. Places where people congregate are getting empty. Are we going to close stores and supermarkets next? Watching Prog statists is sickening. The same ones will moralize exterminating people when the time comes. And it won't be them.
Still shamelessly trying to scare people, hey? I notice you've said nothing about the fact that the numbers of new cases and deaths in China have plummeted in the last two weeks, and that the WHO recently reported its finding that in China only 5-10% of the people who actually lived with or worked closely with infected person caught the virus. This at least partially explains why fewer than 9,000 out of China's 1.3 billion people have caught the virus.

I also notice that you've ignored the microscopically tiny death rates in China among people between the ages of 0 and 59:

50-59: 1.3%
40-49: 0.4%
30-39: 0.18%
20-29: 0.09%
10-19: 0.02%
0-9: <0.01%

Do you know what 1.3% equals? 13 out of every 1,000 people. Do you know what 0.09% equals? 9 out of every 10,000 people. So if you're in your 50s and in average health, you have a 98.7% chance of not dying from the virus. If you're in your 30s, you have a 99.82% of not dying from the virus. Why don't you talk about these facts instead of dishonestly scaring people with misleading information?
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Obama ushers it in

It's all good you ---------------- --------------------- !!!!
From the OP:

“He’s just failing miserably,” said Juliette Kayyam, who helped handle the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak and the British Petroleum oil spill for Obama’s Department of Homeland Security and now lectures on emergency management at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Wow... declaring a national emergency a year too late.... and allowing 130 million gallons of oil to spill into the ocean...

That's quite a resume!

In the interest of full disclosure, here is an image of this gentleman:

The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.
Your hatred for Trump makes you giddy at possibly thousands of Americans dying. You show the reason liberalism needs to be destroyed.
From the OP:

“He’s just failing miserably,” said Juliette Kayyam, who helped handle the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak and the British Petroleum oil spill for Obama’s Department of Homeland Security and now lectures on emergency management at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Wow... declaring a national emergency a year too late.... and allowing 130 million gallons of oil to spill into the ocean...

That's quite a resume!

In the interest of full disclosure, here is an image of this gentleman:

From the OP:

“He’s just failing miserably,” said Juliette Kayyam, who helped handle the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak and the British Petroleum oil spill for Obama’s Department of Homeland Security and now lectures on emergency management at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Oh the chick that let thousands die? Lol
The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.
Nor does shutting down every things. It’s a fking virus and you think one can contain it. You sir are the fool
It seems that lying and panic and fake news does work. More people are dying from various diseases under blue tarps on the streets of San Francisco and the rest of the left coast but the media has us convinced that there is a toilet paper shortage in the rest of the Country. Go figure.
The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump isn't responsible for this. He didn't create it.
The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump isn't responsible for this. He didn't create it.

Try and convince these lying rat bastard left wingers in the media and this board of that.
The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump isn't responsible for this. He didn't create it.

Try and convince these lying rat bastard left wingers in the media and this board of that.

You can't because theyre illogical, irrational, and stupid. They have no substance to add and are filled with gooey emotions. That's all they have.
Trump has had it easy, he inherited a red hot economy thanks to Pres. Obama, then promptly slashed taxes on corporations, who were all flush with loads of cash thanks to the 1%er's getting their free handouts, who in turn could afford to hire more workers, and all Trump had to do was play golf and hold his redneck rallies in backwaters all across the country. Who cares that the deficit will grow exponentially under his policies.

But then a little thing called the Coronavirus showed up, and it was time for him to lead. And Trump couldn't lie his way or tweet his way out of this problem, he had to step up and provide leadership, direction, and a clear message for America on how to deal with this medical emergency.

And he failed. Miserably.

Trump has had it easy, he inherited a red hot economy thanks to Pres. Obama

1.6% in 2016 was red hot?

then promptly slashed taxes on corporations, who were all flush with loads of cash thanks to the 1%er's getting their free handouts

When did 1% ers get free handouts? Link?
The “I don’t take responsibility at all” president’s efforts to downplay the disease could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands more serious cases and deaths.

WASHINGTON – What happens when the president of the United States tries to lie, wish and tweet a pandemic away?

As it turns out, it puts a government response four to six weeks behind schedule, possibly resulting in thousands — or even tens or hundreds of thousands — more Americans getting seriously ill and dying.

“They underprepared, and now we have to catch up,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who worked on the widely praised 2014 Ebola outbreak response under former President Barack Obama. “We could have been in a dramatically different place at this point.”

On Jan. 22, the day before China imposed a draconian quarantine on the province where the virus originated, Donald Trump claimed the disease was “totally under control,” that it was just in a single patient who had come from China. “It’s going to be just fine.”

On Feb. 10, as the virus was starting to spread in Italy and Iran, Trump told a meeting of the nation’s governors at the White House: “A lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat.”

On Feb. 26, the day after a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that life in the United States was likely to change very quickly, Trump claimed that there were only 15 cases here, and that number would soon fall to zero.

Two days later, he called the virus the latest “hoax” that Democrats and the media were using to hurt the economy and, in turn, his chances for reelection. Indeed, over the course of February, he spoke and posted on Twitter repeatedly that the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes, had not killed as many as the seasonal flu and suggested that Americans should buy stocks.

Much More: Lying, Tweeting and Wishing A Pandemic Away Doesn’t Work, It Turns Out

This is a detailed article with much good information. Truthful information. It further illustrates how Trump has totally mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump isn't responsible for this. He didn't create it.

Trump definitely has responsibility.


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