Lynch Confirms Obama CAN'T LEGALLY Transfer Gitmo Detainees to the US

Lynch Confirms: Obama ‘Prohibited’ from Transferring Gitmo Detainees to U.S.

Lynch Confirms: Obama ‘Prohibited’ from Transferring Gitmo Detainees to U.S.

"Attorney General Loretta Lynch reiterated, while testifying before a House panel Wednesday, that it is against the law for President Obama to transfer detainees from the Guantánamo Bay prison to U.S. soil.

“That is the state of the law,” Lynch told the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, citing the most recent defense policy signed into law by President Obama last year."


Evidently Barry forgot HE signed into law the legislation that legally prevents him from bringing Gitmo Detainees / terrorists into the U.S. .... not that the Constitution / Rule of Law has been much of an obstacle to Barry in the past when he REALLY wants to do something.

Only a cowardly piece of shit would want to bring them fuckers To stateside, that is 100% appeasement to bring those fuckers here.
Actually the coward would be the one who keeps them off US soil. Could you imagine some other country keeping their prisoners in the US.
Mexico- "This guy just tried to blow up an airplane. We are going to hold him without representation, indefinitely in a prison in Colorado.

Pretty ridiculous.
Na, not really.
They are not worth the time, effort and money it takes to deal with in such a politically correct environment.
You do know that some of those detainees were held because their were big cash incentives for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan to turn in members of Al Qaeda and the Taliban and some people turned in people they didn't like just to get the riches.
No it is not irrelevant. Holding anyone without due process, or officially charging them or without representation is wrong no matter which ridiculous law the US implemented for these detainees. Actions like these create more terrorists. The US does not want to stop terrorism. It wants to expand it.
Lynch Confirms: Obama ‘Prohibited’ from Transferring Gitmo Detainees to U.S.

Lynch Confirms: Obama ‘Prohibited’ from Transferring Gitmo Detainees to U.S.

"Attorney General Loretta Lynch reiterated, while testifying before a House panel Wednesday, that it is against the law for President Obama to transfer detainees from the Guantánamo Bay prison to U.S. soil.

“That is the state of the law,” Lynch told the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, citing the most recent defense policy signed into law by President Obama last year."


Evidently Barry forgot HE signed into law the legislation that legally prevents him from bringing Gitmo Detainees / terrorists into the U.S. .... not that the Constitution / Rule of Law has been much of an obstacle to Barry in the past when he REALLY wants to do something.

Only a cowardly piece of shit would want to bring them fuckers To stateside, that is 100% appeasement to bring those fuckers here.
Actually the coward would be the one who keeps them off US soil. Could you imagine some other country keeping their prisoners in the US.
Mexico- "This guy just tried to blow up an airplane. We are going to hold him without representation, indefinitely in a prison in Colorado.

Pretty ridiculous.

Nope sorry, they do not even qualify for GC rights let alone the right to use our justice system.
Seems like you backed up my points. The US are cowards because they know under any REAL authority of law they would have to prosecute or let them go. Instead they use the coward's method. Keep them locked up indefinitely on foreign soil on a nation that also claims their sovereignty has been trampled by the US.

LOL, tell me son, who actually has prosecutorial authority over prisoners acquired during War?

As for "poor" trampled on Cuba, you're a Communist eh?
Oh, is the war still officially on? Those detainees during WW2 were let go after the war or stood trial in a public hearing.
it's a slap in the face to our troops bringing them stateside
I'm really wondering if you can explain that conclusion
They have no rights. Dumbass
i could almost guarantee that in another thread you'd argue for the concept of natural rights.

putting that aside, your did not answer the question.

how would incarcerating gitmo detainees in the united states be a 'slap in the face to our troops?'
it's a slap in the face to our troops bringing them stateside
I'm really wondering if you can explain that conclusion
They have no rights. Dumbass
i could almost guarantee that in another thread you'd argue for the concept of natural rights.

putting that aside, your did not answer the question.

how would incarcerating gitmo detainees in the united states be a 'slap in the face to our troops?'
Ask them I have heard many, many times, they don't deserve the dignity or the cost of our legal system they are pieces of human shit...
Should be treated as such
it's a slap in the face to our troops bringing them stateside
I'm really wondering if you can explain that conclusion
They have no rights. Dumbass
i could almost guarantee that in another thread you'd argue for the concept of natural rights.

putting that aside, your did not answer the question.

how would incarcerating gitmo detainees in the united states be a 'slap in the face to our troops?'
Ask them I have heard many, many times, they don't deserve the dignity or the cost of our legal system they are pieces of human shit...
Should be treated as such
still not an answer to gow it's a slap in the face to anyone.

but what are you afraid of? why do you fear living by American ideals?
it's a slap in the face to our troops bringing them stateside
I'm really wondering if you can explain that conclusion
They have no rights. Dumbass
i could almost guarantee that in another thread you'd argue for the concept of natural rights.

putting that aside, your did not answer the question.

how would incarcerating gitmo detainees in the united states be a 'slap in the face to our troops?'
Ask them I have heard many, many times, they don't deserve the dignity or the cost of our legal system they are pieces of human shit...
Should be treated as such
still not an answer to gow it's a slap in the face to anyone.

but what are you afraid of? why do you fear living by American ideals?
American ideals only applied Americans...
I'm really wondering if you can explain that conclusion
They have no rights. Dumbass
i could almost guarantee that in another thread you'd argue for the concept of natural rights.

putting that aside, your did not answer the question.

how would incarcerating gitmo detainees in the united states be a 'slap in the face to our troops?'
Ask them I have heard many, many times, they don't deserve the dignity or the cost of our legal system they are pieces of human shit...
Should be treated as such
still not an answer to gow it's a slap in the face to anyone.

but what are you afraid of? why do you fear living by American ideals?
American ideals only applied Americans...
so you do not believe in rights endowed by a creator?

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