Lynch/DOJ: Your 'Gender Identity' More Important Than Sexual Privacy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...or the one.”
- Spock

Liberals, however, have NEVER been confused with anyone concerned with 'logic', and their agendas have always been clearly driven by the minority, not the majority. Such is the case with their latest 'crusade' to force the ability for people who 'self-identify' with an alternate gender (than what they were born as / truly are biologically) to be able to intrude on the privacy of that truly opposite sexual gender.

Attorney General Janet Lynch argued May 9 that any one person’s desire to choose a male or female “gender identity” is more important than Americans’ right to sexual privacy in shared public facilities, such as bathrooms and school locker rooms.

“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,” Lynch declared Monday...
Lynch did not offer any alternative rule in her speech, but instead made an open-ended claim that a person’s choice of “gender identity” overrules communities’ sexual privacy rules. "This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them..."

What about the dignity, respect, safety, and security of the majority of Americans who do not want to be forced to share a bathroom with someone of the opposite sex who, for whatever reason, declares that they FEEL like they are of the opposite sex than what they truly are / how they were born?! SORRY - with Liberals, MINORITY RULES.

The ACA was a perfect example of this. In the case of the ACA, Liberals, without even reading the legislation, rammed the agenda-driven, minority-supported bill into law against the will of the majority of Americans. This time, Liberals are trying to impose their views on who can be in the bathroom with you on you without you having a say. To hell with your rights to privacy, respect, safety, and security, you MUST have this imposed upon you because the minority of liberals supporting this say so.

Here's a suggestion being ignored because it does not accomplish the liberals' agenda: In many locations there are 'Men's' rooms, 'Women's' rooms, and a 3rd room for 'Families' and those who need additional help...designate these single-occupant bathrooms as Transgender / Gender-Preference bathrooms?! Um, NO! According to Liberals like Lynch, these 'sexually confused people's right to enter the bathroom with the natural biologically opposite sex and their personal preference / identity is more important than others' rights of respect, dignity, safety, and security.

To a liberal, 'the desires of the one or the few out-weigh those of the many or majority'.

Obama's Attorney General: 'Gender Identity' More Important Than Sexual Privacy, Opponents Are Like Racists - Breitbart
"Gender Identity" is a construct designed to create yet more protected classes of people.

No such classes are constitutionally permitted.

Your sex is male or female. There is no "gender" except as employed in various languages.
"Gender Identity" is a construct designed to create yet more protected classes of people.

No such classes are constitutionally permitted.

Your sex is male or female. There is no "gender" except as employed in various languages.

I know, this is all so retarded.
The State Dept and DOJ are actively trying to protect Hillary from going to jail...

It is being reported the Obama administration deleted a video of a State Department Rep lying to a reporter about the Iran Deal....

Obama is sending more combat troops AGAIN to Iraq and now Yemen....

and to try to distract Americans he is publicly pushing this diversionary insane divisional transgender bathroom cr@p.....

'Pay no attention to the failed, lying a$$hole behind the curtain,...I am the Great and Powerful Barry!'
What about your species identity?
Because lynch can eat shit!!

You know something, I am not a rw and I hope NC take this to court!!
NC will win!
The State Dept and DOJ are actively trying to protect Hillary from going to jail...

It is being reported the Obama administration deleted a video of a State Department Rep lying to a reporter about the Iran Deal....

Obama is sending more combat troops AGAIN to Iraq and now Yemen....

and to try to distract Americans he is publicly pushing this diversionary insane divisional transgender bathroom cr@p.....

'Pay no attention to the failed, lying a$$hole behind the curtain,...I am the Great and Powerful Barry!'
And you are the lame and weak easyt65.
The State Dept and DOJ are actively trying to protect Hillary from going to jail...

It is being reported the Obama administration deleted a video of a State Department Rep lying to a reporter about the Iran Deal....

Obama is sending more combat troops AGAIN to Iraq and now Yemen....

and to try to distract Americans he is publicly pushing this diversionary insane divisional transgender bathroom cr@p.....

'Pay no attention to the failed, lying a$$hole behind the curtain,...I am the Great and Powerful Barry!'
And you are the lame and weak easyt65.
Do you ever contribute anything?
The State Dept and DOJ are actively trying to protect Hillary from going to jail...

It is being reported the Obama administration deleted a video of a State Department Rep lying to a reporter about the Iran Deal....

Obama is sending more combat troops AGAIN to Iraq and now Yemen....

and to try to distract Americans he is publicly pushing this diversionary insane divisional transgender bathroom cr@p.....

'Pay no attention to the failed, lying a$$hole behind the curtain,...I am the Great and Powerful Barry!'
And you are the lame and weak easyt65.
Do you ever contribute anything?

I can answer that one...."No"......he has no substance at all.
Here is a little mind bender for ya

If a transgender person claims they are gay, what does that mean?

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