Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

She claims 'firsthand knowledge' on practically every topic she sticks her nose into. It's a compulsive liar's stock-in-trade.

It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel and you pushed paper as a clerk....and that I have extensive credentials in economics and you have NONE. LOL.

Now, little boy, given that I've worked at those levels, I know when a Congressional report is full of holes. You on the other hand merely regurgitate talking points.
Riiigghht... You can be anything you want to be on the internetz... Wannabe

Ask your Commie Comrades who've spent hours trying to track down my credentials....that's why they can't dispute them SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I'm waiting for one of you Libs to answer the question of whether the CIA lied to Graham or not. You're a bimbo that can barely spell Benghazi. Why are you even here, LOL. I know you sure can't find it on a map.
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

What's your security clearance?

And remember, I told you I was an S-2 clerk. Look up S-2 if you need to.
Saw him trying to talk about it this morning - boy, he's just about lost all touch with reality. He kept getting Benghazi confused with Ebola and immigration.

Oh, and very funny was Santorum's sputtering.

The right is struggling to find some way to sue/impeach/yadda/yadda but there's no there there.
Maybe you need to join reality, obama's paradise isn't as nice as he had told you it would be.
Riiigghht... You can be anything you want to be on the internetz... Wannabe

Ask your Commie Comrades who've spent hours trying to track down my credentials....that's why they can't dispute them SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I'm waiting for one of you Libs to answer the question of whether the CIA lied to Graham or not. You're a bimbo that can barely spell Benghazi. Why are you even here, LOL. I know you sure can't find it on a map.
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

Since you seem to have the inside information I can hardly wait to hear the details.

She's been using BS claim since she showed up here.

Yet another ILLEGAL post from you. If I were you, I'd stop them, because you know what mother fucker....your days of getting away with it or just about over.

Now back to topic, it's right there on the internet for all to see (you know, like all you desperate libs have researched the hell out of) that I have conversations with the people who were on the ground...... In fact if you weren't such corrupt people, YOU could get the facts from them too.

But I command you to keep bumping this thread. :)
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.

Thanks for that ILLEGAL post. The fact you liberal fuckers get away with this day in and day out is about to come to an end one way or another. The credibility of this site will either get better or get worse.... and if it keeps getting worse.....figure it out, pig.

Now back to topic- which is a LEGAL post, I gave just ONE of many examples of why the report is full of holes. The CIA lied to Graham about Benghazi, yet the report exonerates them.

Why is that?
Because Graham and you only have an opinion about what you are calling a lie? What are the lies told to Graham? Show and explain the easiest lie to prove.

I'm not doing your homework for you. It's all over the public domain. Get a clue.
I have done my homework. The CIA didn't lie to Senator Graham. As usual, you are unable to back up your claims. There was no MASH UNIT in the Green Zone as you claimed. Route Irish was not captured and Graham wasn't lied to by the CIA.
This is not same thread as the one claiming Benghazi completely debunked.

In fact, since it came out, many of us who know the report is FULL OF SHIT and that the House Committee was too stove piped to even properly investigate it have been refuting the FULL OF HOLES REPORT. But now people who were directly lied to or lied about are coming out of the woodwork and SLAMMING THE REPORT SO BADLY that the dancing in the end zones by Democrats will soon turn to more defeat and depression once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT.

The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi. By the time Graham is done in coming days, Rogers won't want to show his face.

Trust me, this is about to boomerang in Democrats' faces, just like Gruber and Obamacare has.
Nobody cares.
Meanwhile, the price of gas is below $2.60 in my neighborhood.

Thanks Mr. President.
LOL...what has Barack Obama done to lower the price of gas? You might as well thank him for the sun rise this morning!
It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel and you pushed paper as a clerk....and that I have extensive credentials in economics and you have NONE. LOL.

Now, little boy, given that I've worked at those levels, I know when a Congressional report is full of holes. You on the other hand merely regurgitate talking points.
Riiigghht... You can be anything you want to be on the internetz... Wannabe

Ask your Commie Comrades who've spent hours trying to track down my credentials....that's why they can't dispute them SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I'm waiting for one of you Libs to answer the question of whether the CIA lied to Graham or not. You're a bimbo that can barely spell Benghazi. Why are you even here, LOL. I know you sure can't find it on a map.
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

What's your security clearance?

And remember, I told you I was an S-2 clerk. Look up S-2 if you need to.

Another illegal post.

What's security clearance have to do with this topic?

What's relative is who has the information.

Are you currently a S-2???? If so, your employer needs to have a little talk with you.
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Trey Gowdy isn't in the Senate, he's a Rep from South Carolina.

I stand corrected - he's leading the Benghazi Select Committee in the House not the Senate.
Smarty pants don't even know her Dowdy isn't a Senator. Aw.

So Gowdy's not going to be burning down the walls and striking fear in dems as you claim in your OP:
"once Trey Gowdy sets them straight in December with the SENATE REPORT."

Look at that haughty declaration. Nope, won't happen.

Cause there won't be any SENATE REPORT in DECEMBER...will there, e-chick?

There will be seven investigations completed so far, most of which have been nothingburgers...especially the last one.

But this one!! This one - You betcha! It'll fly.

And Linsdey, will declah, he's been lahed ta, bah the See Eye Aye! And by george, it'll stick this time. It'll stick!!

And Hillary, finally, will go down in fwames.

All that the Benghazi attack and the aftermath illustrate is that Hillary Clinton was more worried about appearances then she was about reality (something that is dangerous in any leader!) and that the Obama White House was willing to mislead the American public about what took place in Benghazi for political reasons.
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.

Thanks for that ILLEGAL post. The fact you liberal fuckers get away with this day in and day out is about to come to an end one way or another. The credibility of this site will either get better or get worse.... and if it keeps getting worse.....figure it out, pig.

Now back to topic- which is a LEGAL post, I gave just ONE of many examples of why the report is full of holes. The CIA lied to Graham about Benghazi, yet the report exonerates them.

Why is that?
Because Graham and you only have an opinion about what you are calling a lie? What are the lies told to Graham? Show and explain the easiest lie to prove.

I'm not doing your homework for you. It's all over the public domain. Get a clue.
I have done my homework. The CIA didn't lie to Senator Graham. As usual, you are unable to back up your claims. There was no MASH UNIT in the Green Zone as you claimed. Route Irish was not captured and Graham wasn't lied to by the CIA.

You really are a pathetic idiot aren't you? You don't know shit about the Green Zone. I worked directly beside the hospital which was called different things during different times I was there over the years.

You would know that if YOU had been there.

Were you ever on Route Irish? I was there dozens and dozens of times.

Now, what does that have to do with THIS topic????

I think Graham would know better if he was directly lied to than some idiot like yourself would know if Graham was lied to, LMAO.
Ask your Commie Comrades who've spent hours trying to track down my credentials....that's why they can't dispute them SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I'm waiting for one of you Libs to answer the question of whether the CIA lied to Graham or not. You're a bimbo that can barely spell Benghazi. Why are you even here, LOL. I know you sure can't find it on a map.
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

Since you seem to have the inside information I can hardly wait to hear the details.

She's been using BS claim since she showed up here.

Yet another ILLEGAL post from you. If I were you, I'd stop them, because you know what mother fucker....your days of getting away with it or just about over.

Now back to topic, it's right there on the internet for all to see (you know, like all you desperate libs have researched the hell out of) that I have conversations with the people who were on the ground...... In fact if you weren't such corrupt people, YOU could get the facts from them too.

But I command you to keep bumping this thread. :)

Please feel free to elaborate on the facts you have at your disposal to substantiate your premise.
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.

Thanks for that ILLEGAL post. The fact you liberal fuckers get away with this day in and day out is about to come to an end one way or another. The credibility of this site will either get better or get worse.... and if it keeps getting worse.....figure it out, pig.

Now back to topic- which is a LEGAL post, I gave just ONE of many examples of why the report is full of holes. The CIA lied to Graham about Benghazi, yet the report exonerates them.

Why is that?
Because Graham and you only have an opinion about what you are calling a lie? What are the lies told to Graham? Show and explain the easiest lie to prove.

I'm not doing your homework for you. It's all over the public domain. Get a clue.
I have done my homework. The CIA didn't lie to Senator Graham. As usual, you are unable to back up your claims. There was no MASH UNIT in the Green Zone as you claimed. Route Irish was not captured and Graham wasn't lied to by the CIA.

I don't back up my claim about this topic?

SHIT FOR BRAINS, I've got the quote straight out of the mouth of the dude I'm quoting. IT's all over the internet.

Ummmmmm, another idiot lib pummeled. LOL

But keep bumping my thread; I have better things to do right now, LOL. Like Christmas
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

Since you seem to have the inside information I can hardly wait to hear the details.

She's been using BS claim since she showed up here.

Yet another ILLEGAL post from you. If I were you, I'd stop them, because you know what mother fucker....your days of getting away with it or just about over.

Now back to topic, it's right there on the internet for all to see (you know, like all you desperate libs have researched the hell out of) that I have conversations with the people who were on the ground...... In fact if you weren't such corrupt people, YOU could get the facts from them too.

But I command you to keep bumping this thread. :)

Please feel free to elaborate on the facts you have at your disposal to substantiate your premise.
Saw him trying to talk about it this morning - boy, he's just about lost all touch with reality. He kept getting Benghazi confused with Ebola and immigration.

Oh, and very funny was Santorum's sputtering.

The right is struggling to find some way to sue/impeach/yadda/yadda but there's no there there.
Maybe you need to join reality, obama's paradise isn't as nice as he had told you it would be.

Moderators - not only is Carbee bordering on breaking rules on this forum about PII, he's saying shit that will get investigators on his ass faster than flies on shit. Someone might want to remind him of that.

Now one last thing about this topic before I go shopping. I still haven't seen a lib explain how they think Graham is lying about the CIA lying to HIM.
Riiigghht... You can be anything you want to be on the internetz... Wannabe

Ask your Commie Comrades who've spent hours trying to track down my credentials....that's why they can't dispute them SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I'm waiting for one of you Libs to answer the question of whether the CIA lied to Graham or not. You're a bimbo that can barely spell Benghazi. Why are you even here, LOL. I know you sure can't find it on a map.
And nobody would ever mistake you for anyone who would have access to intelligence. Not even your psychotic Teaparty buddies. :lol:[/QUOTE


Really bitch? You want to cough up a thousand dollars to back that claim up? Every time I tell you libs to back your lies up you either RUNNNNNNNNN or like Carbee the clerk you pretend you've made a bet based on nothing to do with what's being bet.

Now that I've slammed your bimbo face into the ground, I'm waiting for you to answer the very basic question about the CIA lying straight to Graham. Why are you not aware of that, idiot?

What's your security clearance?

And remember, I told you I was an S-2 clerk. Look up S-2 if you need to.

Another illegal post.

What's security clearance have to do with this topic?

What's relative is who has the information.

Are you currently a S-2???? If so, your employer needs to have a little talk with you.

"It must really make your dick go limp that I worked at the highest levels of intel"

that's what you said. If that were true then you had to have had a security clearance. So YOU brought it up.

btw, since you obviously don't really know anything about the military,

S-2 refers to section 2 in a battalion, which is the intelligence section, which is headed by an intelligence officer over several NCO and EM's.

You need to tune up your lies.
Moderators - not only is Carbee bordering on breaking rules on this forum about PII, he's saying shit that will get investigators on his ass faster than flies on shit. Someone might want to remind him of that.

Now one last thing about this topic before I go shopping. I still haven't seen a lib explain how they think Graham is lying about the CIA lying to HIM.

You should probably stick to things you know shopping.
What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.

Thanks for that ILLEGAL post. The fact you liberal fuckers get away with this day in and day out is about to come to an end one way or another. The credibility of this site will either get better or get worse.... and if it keeps getting worse.....figure it out, pig.

Now back to topic- which is a LEGAL post, I gave just ONE of many examples of why the report is full of holes. The CIA lied to Graham about Benghazi, yet the report exonerates them.

Why is that?
Because Graham and you only have an opinion about what you are calling a lie? What are the lies told to Graham? Show and explain the easiest lie to prove.

I'm not doing your homework for you. It's all over the public domain. Get a clue.
I have done my homework. The CIA didn't lie to Senator Graham. As usual, you are unable to back up your claims. There was no MASH UNIT in the Green Zone as you claimed. Route Irish was not captured and Graham wasn't lied to by the CIA.

You really are a pathetic idiot aren't you? You don't know shit about the Green Zone. I worked directly beside the hospital which was called different things during different times I was there over the years.

You would know that if YOU had been there.

Were you ever on Route Irish? I was there dozens and dozens of times.

Now, what does that have to do with THIS topic????

I think Graham would know better if he was directly lied to than some idiot like yourself would know if Graham was lied to, LMAO.

Would you like me to link you to the Committee report so you can show us, with PROOF, which parts are inaccurate?

It appears you've never read it.
Moderators - not only is Carbee bordering on breaking rules on this forum about PII, he's saying shit that will get investigators on his ass faster than flies on shit. Someone might want to remind him of that.

Now one last thing about this topic before I go shopping. I still haven't seen a lib explain how they think Graham is lying about the CIA lying to HIM.

the amount of play that the dems give to this false report shows just how scared they are of the truth about benghazi.

obama lied, rice lied, clinton lied, the CIA lied---------------all because they were afraid that the truth might hurt obama in the election.
Moderators - not only is Carbee bordering on breaking rules on this forum about PII, he's saying shit that will get investigators on his ass faster than flies on shit. Someone might want to remind him of that.

Now one last thing about this topic before I go shopping. I still haven't seen a lib explain how they think Graham is lying about the CIA lying to HIM.

the amount of play that the dems give to this false report shows just how scared they are of the truth about benghazi.

obama lied, rice lied, clinton lied, the CIA lied---------------all because they were afraid that the truth might hurt obama in the election.

Now that we have an inside source we should be able to crack this case wide open.
Moderators - not only is Carbee bordering on breaking rules on this forum about PII, he's saying shit that will get investigators on his ass faster than flies on shit. Someone might want to remind him of that.

Now one last thing about this topic before I go shopping. I still haven't seen a lib explain how they think Graham is lying about the CIA lying to HIM.

the amount of play that the dems give to this false report shows just how scared they are of the truth about benghazi.

obama lied, rice lied, clinton lied, the CIA lied---------------all because they were afraid that the truth might hurt obama in the election.

Have you proven any of the report to be untrue? Did I miss you posting that?

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