M14 beat my ass - Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts

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It's going to be a big night on Wisconsin streets tonight! I just hope they leave their AR-15's at home?
Translation: It is okay to use deadly force to protect your own life.

Meh, relevant. I'm sorry my post triggered you -
Call upstairs from your basement hidey-hole for a hot pocket! ;)

yep; the blacks will; good l;ooting and buring tonight
Except Kenosha is mostly white and it was whites who were loot7ng and burning when Rittenhouse committed murder. Whites were the ones doing most of the looting and burning the whole time.
If you throw a rock at a rightist, he can shoot you dead in self defense. But if you throw a rock at a leftist, he can shoot you dead too, in self defense.
There is precedence in American law!

Look, you can spin all you want but Rittenhouse bought a gun, drove from another town and acted like he was law enforcement and had no authority to do so.
Except Kenosha is mostly white and it was whites who were loot7ng and burning when Rittenhouse committed murder. Whites were the ones doing most of the looting and burning the whole time.

Dude, the prosecutor in this case is competent and KILLED any defense of the assholes who ran down and MURDERED Arbery.

Now, if these assholes are acquitted? Then there is still SEVERE racism in rural Georgia.

This is either 2021 or 1951 - The jury must decide.

In my mind and per ALL of the evidence - Life in prison and minimally ten years for fellow Bubbas
It's going to be a big night on Wisconsin streets tonight! I just hope they leave their AR-15's at home?
Why? Are you implying the left is incapable of accepting due process? Had it been a mistrial there is no clear result, which in theory could spark anger. Yet folks cannot be taken seriously if they demand justice and riot when trials don't go their way.
Because this asshole of a judge defended the defendant EVERY time and with EVERY ruling.
It was very obvious that he literally dripped Klan ideals and sentiments but it's so conspicuous that nobody came right out and stated their impression of that. Fear of the country's momentum being too great to fight against?

However, the trial and Kyle walking is of secondary importance now. America has taken a huge step in the wrong direction and backwards into the 60's again.

This is the culmination of the ideal of the Trump agenda that will unfold over a short period of time.
Not even turning over the decision on appeal can be done soon enough to quell the damage that will be done.
Dude, the prosecutor in this case is competent and KILLED any defense of the assholes who ran down and MURDERED Arbery.

Now, if these assholes are acquitted? Then there is still SEVERE racism in rural Georgia.

This is either 2021 or 1951 - The jury must decide.

In my mind and per ALL of the evidence - Life in prison and minimally ten years for fellow Bubbas
Yes she did and the whites on that jury must decide exactly as you have stated. All the evidence shows that these 3 men are guilty. There should not be a hung jury, it should be unanimous, but...
Why? Are you implying the left is incapable of accepting due process? Had it been a mistrial there is no clear result, which in theory could spark anger. Yet folks cannot be taken seriously if they demand justice and riot when trials don't go their way.
Due process is done without bias. This was process, but not due process. When the judge said you couldn't call the dead victims what they were, but you could call them rioters and looters, due process ended.
Why? Are you implying the left is incapable of accepting due process?

Yes. I think that half the country won't accept this verdict.

I don't promote violence but I'm aware of the possibilities. The police have prepared and the military will too but maybe not as soon as tonight?
Due process is done without bias. This was process, but not due process. When the judge said you couldn't call the dead victims what they were, but you could call them rioters and looters, due process ended.
So very true on the judge's blatant insult to the prosecution!
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