Mac or PC Obama or McCain


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
Maybe it's all the emotion around Obama versus McCain that's making the classic Mac-PC rivalry seem as though it represents ever-higher stakes. Witness the newest Mac ad, called "Bean Counter" -- it's a quick-and-dirty riposte to the Windows "I'm a PC" campaign, with Justin Long's Apple character skewering John Hodgman's PC as he tallies up dollars, five for advertising for every one allotted to "fix Vista." As TechCrunch characterized the more-pointed-than-usual attack ad, "Apple Goes McCain on Microsoft With Mocking Attack Ads."

You know, I thought this was sort of amusing , and I am always one for comic relief, so what is it Obama a Mac? and McCain a PC or the other way around?

The Mac-PC war dance now a McCain-Obama stand-in | Web Scout | Los Angeles Times

Do you still have to be gay to own a Mac?

I thought it was sort of funny to watch some of these spoofs but it really is an interesting comparision if you think about it. I am not talking about the side issues that would make someone look foolish mind you, but just the basics. Where one is perceived as elegant and easy to use but is very expensive and most people don't know that much about it till they use it. The other is cheaper and a little more complicated but has a commanding hold on the market, but is prone to breaking down.

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