Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

I would disagree, he is arguing about what constitutes “running for president”...which is semantics
According to your info trump formed an exploratory committee but then decided not to run

Your reading compression sucks.

He held campaign events, he put out a tax plan and a proposed cabinet and then made an official “withdrawing from the race” press release.
As I said previously you get a half point for a not too serious effort with a minor party

How many career politician hacks have run for president as dems or repubs without success?


But trump made it on his first try

2nd try.

Now...Obama made it on his first try! :113:
Yeah, good for obama but bad for America

But trump also made on his first try

Do you need a hug?

Hilary lost the election, but that's not your fault.

No, really, it's not your fault...

First of all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than your fat assed orange buddy.

Second, the election is over. We are now concerned about America & how you low IQ assfucks are trying to destroy it.

You're still stuck in the last election, Fake.
Hillary lost that election fair and square, time to move on.

Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.

I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.


His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?

At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven


Uh, no, he's not immune. Nor did I say he is. Is Trump the only person on the planet who could have asked Ukraine to look into that?
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
Yes he can

Asking for the cooperation of the local government is needed for a through investigation
No, he can't. He can't violate one law to enforce another. And it's illegal to solicit foreign aid to benefit his campaign.
Trump did not violate any law
No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

You lying piece of shit. How dare you denigrate the contributions of other nations to the American war. The blood they shed. The financial costs of executed the war. Troops from 39 NATO nations went to Afghanistand and some of them are still there.

158 Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan fighting on behalf of NATO. Our troops executed your war for 10 years, and Canadians are still paying the price for our "wounded warriors". Thousands more were injured, and our government is still dealing with their injuries and disabilities.

Canada and the War in Afghanistan | The Canadian Encyclopedia

You stupid piece of shit. If they were there it was under NATO. If the Canadian Govt. authorized those troops then they knew what could happen. You think they didn't know they would have dead and wounded??

No one is forgetting the dad and injured. Only an idiot like you would try to play that card.

You really are one stupid piece of shit.

First off, there was no obligation on the part of NATO nations to participate in your wars. Not all NATO nations went to Afghanistan. And not all NATO nations went to Iraq. Canada refused to participate in W's illegal and unfounded war, as did France. France did not go into Afghanistan either. Canada left Afghansitan after 10 years there, but the Brits are still there.

Trump goes on how other countries aren't "paying their share" of military spending. That's how Trump views "defence spending", as the amount spent on armies and weapons. Currently, the combined military spending of the EU gives it the second highest military budge in the world, second only to the USA, and more than China and Russia combined. So Trump's cries that other's are "taking advantage of the US", are utter lies.

Furthermore, Trump completely ignores the fact that European countries took in over a million Syrian refugees, at great fiscal expense to the host countries, as well as social and political costs. The USA did nothing, even as this refugee crisis was precititated by US foreign policy.

So stop getting all high and mighty about NATO, you clueless clown. Stop parrotting Trump's lies and bullshit and show us your ability to actually think for yourself, and stop promoting Russian anti-NATO progaganda.

And you most certainly did denigrate the sacrifices and participation of other nations. You're doing it still.
Meanwhile, at home in France, Macron is facing the music.

A guillotine factory, closed for hundreds of years but kept intact as a museum is bustling with activity it hasn't seen in generations. But the folks going in don't seem to be tourists.......
Last edited:
you said that he took HIS BALL and ran home . If its HIS ball he can do as he likes with it HJoy .

Just because you can do something, does not mean you should
---------------------------------------- when dealing with low life 'euro type' TRUMP should always be assertive and kick their butts GGator .

Throwing a hissy fit and going home to pout is not kicking anyone’s butt.
--------------------------------------------------- TRUMP simply does what he likes GGator .
First of all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than your fat assed orange buddy.

Second, the election is over. We are now concerned about America & how you low IQ assfucks are trying to destroy it.
You're still stuck in the last election, Fake.
Hillary lost that election fair and square, time to move on.

Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
The Fed dropped the rate to its lowest possible level under Bush because of his failed policies. Meanwhile, while you're bragging about the economy under Trump, the reality is the Fed had to lower the Federal Fund rate the last two quarters.
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven


Uh, no, he's not immune. Nor did I say he is. Is Trump the only person on the planet who could have asked Ukraine to look into that?
It appears that most of the ukraine specialists in the white house were obama plants with no interest in uncovering the truth
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
Yes he can

Asking for the cooperation of the local government is needed for a through investigation
No, he can't. He can't violate one law to enforce another. And it's illegal to solicit foreign aid to benefit his campaign.
Trump did not violate any law
Of course he did. Asking Zelensky to investigate a political rival is a thing of value to his own campaign. Zelensky is a foreign national. It's illegal to solicit a foreign national to contribute anything of value towards his campaign.
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven


Uh, no, he's not immune. Nor did I say he is. Is Trump the only person on the planet who could have asked Ukraine to look into that?
It appears that most of the ukraine specialists in the white house were obama plants with no interest in uncovering the truth
Trump has been president for nearly 3 years now. This has nothing to do with Obama.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
Yes he can

Asking for the cooperation of the local government is needed for a through investigation
No, he can't. He can't violate one law to enforce another. And it's illegal to solicit foreign aid to benefit his campaign.
Trump did not violate any law
Of course he did. Asking Zelensky to investigate a political rival is a thing of value to his own campaign. Zelensky is a foreign national. It's illegal to solicit a foreign national to contribute anything of value towards his campaign.
What you are saying is that presidential candidates are the sacred cows of American politics

Which does describe how hillary was treated when obama was president

But theres a new sheriff in town
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven


Uh, no, he's not immune. Nor did I say he is. Is Trump the only person on the planet who could have asked Ukraine to look into that?
It appears that most of the ukraine specialists in the white house were obama plants with no interest in uncovering the truth
Trump has been president for nearly 3 years now. This has nothing to do with Obama.
I think it does

Obama was president when the soft coup to overthrow trump was launched
Yes, I do care

We rely on the rest of the world to assist us in military actions. Often picking up much of the on the ground combat

We also rely on them for trade deals and international treaties
We are not alone on this planet

The fact that our leader is not trusted and mocked as a fool does not help us
He's mocked by those that are weaker and envious.

No normal American gives a rip what some effeminate Canadian says.
you said that he took HIS BALL and ran home . If its HIS ball he can do as he likes with it HJoy .

Just because you can do something, does not mean you should
---------------------------------------- when dealing with low life 'euro type' TRUMP should always be assertive and kick their butts GGator .

Throwing a hissy fit and going home to pout is not kicking anyone’s butt.
--------------------------------------------------- TRUMP simply does what he likes GGator .

Yes, as do all spoiled, petulant children
Yes, I do care

We rely on the rest of the world to assist us in military actions. Often picking up much of the on the ground combat

We also rely on them for trade deals and international treaties
We are not alone on this planet

The fact that our leader is not trusted and mocked as a fool does not help us
He's mocked by those that are weaker and envious.

No normal American gives a rip what some effeminate Canadian says.
I didnt hear any mocking of trump on the audio

That was a lib fantasy
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
Yes he can

Asking for the cooperation of the local government is needed for a through investigation
No, he can't. He can't violate one law to enforce another. And it's illegal to solicit foreign aid to benefit his campaign.
Trump did not violate any law
Of course he did. Asking Zelensky to investigate a political rival is a thing of value to his own campaign. Zelensky is a foreign national. It's illegal to solicit a foreign national to contribute anything of value towards his campaign.
What you are saying is that presidential candidates are the sacred cows of American politics
I said no such thing. I even clarified I didn't when you made that same mistake earlier.

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