Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

------------------------------------------------------------ USA is doing fine , TRUMP works for Americans like me and he doesn't work for the world and foreigners HJoy .

No, he takes his ball and goes home apparently. Unless he's trying to strong arm another president to work for his reelection campaign.
----------------------------------------------------- if he owns or controls the Ball it is his ball to do with as he wishes HJoy .

He doesn't own or control any ball that isn't his. His fee fees got hurt so he left instead of making nice with our allies.
--------------------------------------- no azz kissin for the TRUMP HJoy .

So Trump's choices were to go home because he doesn't know how to communicate with others or kiss ass? NATO is probably our most important treaty and shit for brains can't get over high school.
--------------------------------------------------- thank you but things will be fine HJoy .
No, he takes his ball and goes home apparently. Unless he's trying to strong arm another president to work for his reelection campaign.
----------------------------------------------------- if he owns or controls the Ball it is his ball to do with as he wishes HJoy .

He doesn't own or control any ball that isn't his. His fee fees got hurt so he left instead of making nice with our allies.
--------------------------------------- no azz kissin for the TRUMP HJoy .

So Trump's choices were to go home because he doesn't know how to communicate with others or kiss ass? NATO is probably our most important treaty and shit for brains can't get over high school.
--------------------------------------------------- thank you but things will be fine HJoy .

Hopefully, the ties that bind the NATO alliance I'm betting are stronger than Trump.
No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

They sent advisors after 2014 and after they helped us invade the county, at our behest

No. one tells NATO what to do. NATO made that decision after conferring with the members.

If they decided to assist in Afghanistan it was because they thought it was for the best. Not because the US requested it.
Last edited:
Thanks for the update

Your info reveals that Trump never ran for president before 2016 but did briefly get involved with the Reform Party in 2000

He campaigned, he gave speeches, he announced his proposed cabinet, he gave a tax proposal.

Those are all part of running for president.

You kind of suck at this reading thing.
He ran for the Reform Party nomination

Trump never ran for president across the nation


Your little sig is mistaking semantics for syntax. Nice try though.

I would disagree, he is arguing about what constitutes “running for president”...which is semantics
According to your info trump formed an exploratory committee but then decided not to run
I'd bet that, at some level, Trumpsters understand why so many people mock him and his behaviors.

They won't admit it, because they have to keep their defenses up at all times, but they know he's a buffoon.

It may be a few layers down, but it's in there somewhere. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
Trump is not a professional politician

He’s an ordinary guy who is not poll driven or focus group tested

Obama, bush, biden, hillary and the other washington swamp rats are buffoons also

But being plastic and contrived do not display their buffonary quite as often

But we have glimpses of it for every one
I'm not talking about behaviors within a political context. I'm talking about behaviors within the context of a normally-functioning, relatively intelligent adult.

Again, I'll bet you know that, at some level.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

They sent advisors after 2014 and after they helped us invade the county, at our behest

No. one tells NATO what to do. NATO made that decision after conferring with the members.

If they decided to assist in Afghanistan it was because they thought it was for the best. Not because the US requested it.

Wrong yet least you are consistent.
Nato approves military support for US

“NATO has approved the United State’s eight specific request....”

Do you not get tired of always being wrong?
Only idiots like you care what the rest of the world thinks. I sure don't especially since a lot of the rest of the world gets foreign aid from we tax payers. I'd do away with that as well.

Trump is making America great again, for Americans.

You can always move to one of those countries you admire so much. Adios shithead.

Yes, I do care

We rely on the rest of the world to assist us in military actions. Often picking up much of the on the ground combat

We also rely on them for trade deals and international treaties
We are not alone on this planet

The fact that our leader is not trusted and mocked as a fool does not help us

Assist us in military actions?? Your delusional. No one assists us. In fact, they expect us to carry the load.

We work our own trade deals and treaties.

We might as well be alone on this planet as everyone on the planet expects us to fund them and protect them at our tax payers expense.

I couldn't care less if they mock Trump and I'd bet he couldn't care less either. As for being trusted? They sure trust us when they need out protection and our money.

Your one stupid biased asshole.

Sorry, but you are the stupid biased asshole.

NATO troops have assisted us many many times,.

Operations and missions: past and present

Read it.

No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US. We have assisted many times UNDER NATO.

Your an idiot.

The ONLY country to EVER call on the assistance of other NATO nations is the USA after 9/11. The ONLY country who needed NATO allies, was YOU.

Trump keeps lying to you about NATO. The USA wanted troops in Europe to keep communism at bay. Nobody asked the US to be the world's cop, you WANTED this role. Americans WANTED to have the biggest and baddest army in the world. Nobody is forcing you to waste 4% of your GDP on weapons and military. You did that to yourselves.

Trump is pushing NATO to bulk up their arms because the USA sells its allies weapons. He's pushing exports, not defence. Instead of the rest of us wasting our money on weapons we don't need, why don't you cut back on military spending?

Instead of Trump demanding NATO countries increase their military spending, we should drop our spending to 2 percent

If NATO feels insecure, they will increase their spending

I doubt if they will
I'd bet that, at some level, Trumpsters understand why so many people mock him and his behaviors.

They won't admit it, because they have to keep their defenses up at all times, but they know he's a buffoon.

It may be a few layers down, but it's in there somewhere. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
Trump is not a professional politician

He’s an ordinary guy who is not poll driven or focus group tested

Obama, bush, biden, hillary and the other washington swamp rats are buffoons also

But being plastic and contrived do not display their buffonary quite as often

But we have glimpses of it for every one
I'm not talking about behaviors within a political context. I'm talking about behaviors within the context of a normally-functioning, relatively intelligent adult.

Again, I'll bet you know that, at some level.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
I need a favor though
He campaigned, he gave speeches, he announced his proposed cabinet, he gave a tax proposal.

Those are all part of running for president.

You kind of suck at this reading thing.
He ran for the Reform Party nomination

Trump never ran for president across the nation

Your little sig is mistaking semantics for syntax. Nice try though.

I would disagree, he is arguing about what constitutes “running for president”...which is semantics
According to your info trump formed an exploratory committee but then decided not to run

Your reading compression sucks.

He held campaign events, he put out a tax plan and a proposed cabinet and then made an official “withdrawing from the race” press release.
you said that he took HIS BALL and ran home . If its HIS ball he can do as he likes with it HJoy .

Just because you can do something, does not mean you should
---------------------------------------- when dealing with low life 'euro type' TRUMP should always be assertive and kick their butts GGator .

Throwing a hissy fit and going home to pout is not kicking anyone’s butt.
I'd bet that, at some level, Trumpsters understand why so many people mock him and his behaviors.

They won't admit it, because they have to keep their defenses up at all times, but they know he's a buffoon.

It may be a few layers down, but it's in there somewhere. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
Trump is not a professional politician

He’s an ordinary guy who is not poll driven or focus group tested

Obama, bush, biden, hillary and the other washington swamp rats are buffoons also

But being plastic and contrived do not display their buffonary quite as often

But we have glimpses of it for every one
I'm not talking about behaviors within a political context. I'm talking about behaviors within the context of a normally-functioning, relatively intelligent adult.

Again, I'll bet you know that, at some level.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
The first sign of serious mental illness is to care more about how others see you than how you see yourself. All the worse if the people you worry about are all flaming jackasses.

Only a jackass cares what other jackasses think.
If everyone is laughing at you and you didn’t tell a need to wonder what the reason is

Trump is openly mocked around the much for making America Great

Only idiots like you care what the rest of the world thinks. I sure don't especially since a lot of the rest of the world gets foreign aid from we tax payers. I'd do away with that as well.

Trump is making America great again, for Americans.

You can always move to one of those countries you admire so much. Adios shithead.

Yes, I do care

We rely on the rest of the world to assist us in military actions. Often picking up much of the on the ground combat

We also rely on them for trade deals and international treaties
We are not alone on this planet

The fact that our leader is not trusted and mocked as a fool does not help us

When was the last time the rest of the world was laughing at the POTUS.
Obama's Red Line. The world was busting a gut, except for those who Assad gassed of course.

Is that why South Korea feels so safe, because North Korea doesn't have nukes anymore. Oh wait Rocket Man still has his rockets.
No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

They sent advisors after 2014 and after they helped us invade the county, at our behest

No. one tells NATO what to do. NATO made that decision after conferring with the members.

If they decided to assist in Afghanistan it was because they thought it was for the best. Not because the US requested it.

Wrong yet least you are consistent.
Nato approves military support for US

“NATO has approved the United State’s eight specific request....”

Do you not get tired of always being wrong?

NATO approved it. The NATO members approved it.

Not the US. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong??
Why the personal insults?
An accurate description/label is hardly an insult.
Your opinions represent true ignorance

And your insecurity as you parrot what you hear on liberal tv

This from someone who does nothing but parrot GOP talking points???

Irony escapes you
You mean trump talking points dont you?

Most of the GOP are spineless wimps who fear the lib media and toe tap with the Deep State
/—-/ We only hate Commies and Socialist leeches.
Farmers and big companies?
Why did the epa stop farmers from growing?
Better question:

When do you think the EPA stopped farmers from farming?
Epa- Democrat’s creating laws to control people, I’m thinking 1978 on
Allowing people to live longer is so controlling.

Trump's recent actions will sicken/kill, thousands of Americans every year.

Maybe one will be you or someone you know.
/——/ And Hitler got the trains to run on time. I guess that makes him OK in your eyes.

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