Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

You understand that free speech as granted in the constitution has nothing to do with private companies, don't you? Surely you aren't that dumb, are you?
It should be greater in sites that offer the internet a public square. And if not a warning sign WE ONLY SUPPORT DEMOCRAT VIEWS
They have a Constitutional right to do that.
Not if they are disguising themselves as a public forum for everybody.
Obviously, they are letting it be known they have rules for using their platforms.
Yes if your main rule is we only allow provocative leftist views no right wing provocative views allowed

then post it before sign up
Again, you are promoting the forcing of individuals and privately-owned companies to publish the speech of your or someone else.
That is not true though. Plenty of Repubs on Twitter and FB and all the rest of the successful companies you hate
That’s like saying we let people
In that group speak just not all of them lol

They let everyone that does not break the rules speak, it is pretty simple.
Free speech has rules? Can you show me where in the constitution?

The constitution applies to the Government, not private business. Have you not finished high school yet?

The 1st Amendment limits the government's ability to interfere with our free speech, it has NOTHING to do with private companies.
Are cigarette companies private or not? Is draft Kings Private Company? Our taxi companies private our car companies private?

why do you keep trying to change the subject?
It should be greater in sites that offer the internet a public square. And if not a warning sign WE ONLY SUPPORT DEMOCRAT VIEWS
They have a Constitutional right to do that.
Not if they are disguising themselves as a public forum for everybody.
Obviously, they are letting it be known they have rules for using their platforms.
Yes if your main rule is we only allow provocative leftist views no right wing provocative views allowed

then post it before sign up
Again, you are promoting the forcing of individuals and privately-owned companies to publish the speech of your or someone else.
Hey you democrats want to control all private businesses we want to allow free speech.. deal with it nazi lol
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

The audio smear of trump is a joke

Nothing they said was audible so you or the Guardian are lying about what was said
That’s like saying we let people
In that group speak just not all of them lol

They let everyone that does not break the rules speak, it is pretty simple.
Free speech has rules? Can you show me where in the constitution?

The constitution applies to the Government, not private business. Have you not finished high school yet?

The 1st Amendment limits the government's ability to interfere with our free speech, it has NOTHING to do with private companies.
Are cigarette companies private or not? Is draft Kings Private Company? Our taxi companies private our car companies private?

why do you keep trying to change the subject?
It’s the subject you created about private business.. answer it boy lol or chicken shit lol
They let everyone that does not break the rules speak, it is pretty simple.
Free speech has rules? Can you show me where in the constitution?

The constitution applies to the Government, not private business. Have you not finished high school yet?

The 1st Amendment limits the government's ability to interfere with our free speech, it has NOTHING to do with private companies.
Are cigarette companies private or not? Is draft Kings Private Company? Our taxi companies private our car companies private?

why do you keep trying to change the subject?
It’s the subject you created about private business.. answer it boy lol or chicken shit lol

If you have a point to make, make it. If not, quit trying to change the subject.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

The audio smear of trump is a joke

Nothing they said was audible so you or the Guardian are lying about what was said

The Guardian.

Say no more. :26:
No worries. Their countries will always be there when they need us. At which time we’ll have to decide if it’s worth bailing their asses out. Again.
I don’t hate people that are successful

Liar. You are one of the people leading the bandwagon against all the successful social media companies.
/—-/ We may not like their politics but we don’t begrudge them their wealth and success. Bloomberg is an example of rags to riches we can admire, but his wacky social agenda is ridiculous. He was a great city manager in NYC but his social engineering was pure nanny state.

World leaders never got together to laugh at him, so there is that.
/——/ Bloomie was never on the international stage. Foreign leaders wouldn’t have much to say about a city mayor.

More proof that Trump isn't qualified to be on the international stage.
Why? Because he isn't going around apologizing for American greatness?
Free speech has rules? Can you show me where in the constitution?

The constitution applies to the Government, not private business. Have you not finished high school yet?

The 1st Amendment limits the government's ability to interfere with our free speech, it has NOTHING to do with private companies.
Are cigarette companies private or not? Is draft Kings Private Company? Our taxi companies private our car companies private?

why do you keep trying to change the subject?
It’s the subject you created about private business.. answer it boy lol or chicken shit lol

If you have a point to make, make it. If not, quit trying to change the subject.
And you chose chicken shit lol
The constitution applies to the Government, not private business. Have you not finished high school yet?

The 1st Amendment limits the government's ability to interfere with our free speech, it has NOTHING to do with private companies.
Are cigarette companies private or not? Is draft Kings Private Company? Our taxi companies private our car companies private?

why do you keep trying to change the subject?
It’s the subject you created about private business.. answer it boy lol or chicken shit lol

If you have a point to make, make it. If not, quit trying to change the subject.
And you chose chicken shit lol

So, you have no point.

Thanks for clarifying.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Only snowflakes would revel in this MSM-pushed news meant to hurt our President back at home while he is abroad.
Only snowflakes would see the 'anti-Trump' angle in this story, unable to see deeper than the surface, what it means.

The fact that these individuals have been 'out'ed for behaving this way means they now find themselves in an awkward position, embarrassed and shown to be less than completely trustworthy to a President who leads the most powerful free nation in the world, a nation and leader their nations receive millions/billions from, whose own defense relies on the United States.

Diplomatically, I would have our Ambassadors of each of these nations relay to their counterparts in those nations that their behavior has done damage to our mutual relationship and trust, that if we find they mock us or our leaders in public they can not be counted on to be loyal / trustworthy in private....which might affect how the United States executes foreign policy, provides foreign aid, conducts trade, etc...

Personally, I would also make it clear to their Ambassadors that since they publicly mocked the President, to prevent any ill-feelings or negatively affect our relationship going forward, these leaders can ISSUE A PUBLIC APOLOGY.

The fact is every one of the individuals who made light of the President owe their nation's existence / freedom to the United States, as the United States has saved their asses / protected them from threat / being conquered, which means - with humility - they should not only respect this country but also its leader; for, if they mock the President they mock the entire country and those who voted him into power.

The fact is every one of those leaders wish their nations were as strong, as successful, and as powerful as the United States:

Canada, for example, is a 'parasite' living / existing off of the United States. It can afford to ignore the strength of its military because it knows the United States would never allow any nation to threaten Canada, our northern 'buffer zone'.

France and England would be speaking German right now had the United States not bailed their collective asses out TWICE, and they STILL remain sheltered in part under the umbrella of our protection.
- Perhaps Macron would prefer Obama back in office, the man who protected ISIS Black Market Oil operations which funded half of ISIS' terrorist activities, to include their attack on Paris - the largest attack on France since WWII. After the attack, Obama refused to allow US forces participate in coalition air strikes on those ISIS oil facilities - instead, Obama chose to betray the coalition by dropping leaflets warning them of the pending attack, which put the coalition forces coming in to conduct the strikes in danger.

England is literally on a BREXIT Island, attempting to escape the 'Tar Paper Trap' of the European Union to regain its sovereignty yet having no deal in place yet, relying heavily on the US.

This news that world leaders behaved so poorly does not reflect negatively on the President, even though snowflakes celebrate any MSM negative story against the President. It exposes how undignified, two-faced, ungrateful, and untrustworthy these leaders are.

Also, waking up to see their massive 'gaffe' splashed in the global news, how 'happy' are these leader this has gotten out, especially considering Trump will most probably be the President for another 4 years?!


Yup....a PUBLIC APOLOGY from each one of these 'leaders' (more like children) is called for.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

A Frenchy dealing with yellow vest protests all year over his taxes and fixing to get slammed with US tariffs, A Canadian in black face and a limey that can’t even figure out how to leave the EU.

Who gives a shit.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

The audio smear of trump is a joke

Nothing they said was audible so you or the Guardian are lying about what was said

They were talking about how Trump blew them off for a press conference. Macron has his yellow vest embarrassment. Boris Johnson cannot explain how it's not a bad thing to release a dangerous terrorist resulting in the attack in London. Princess Anne. Poor kid trying to avoid Prince Andrew and all.

Nope none of them have any reason to laugh at Trump.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Thank you Comrade Bulldyke

Has anybody stopped YOU from saying what you want?
Yes in two please where all you see is opinions I have been banned, and most conservatives.. any other questions?

If you are dumb enough to get banned, that's your fault dumb ass. Being banned on the internet has nothing to do with denying free speech.
Huh? On a sites that people visit to get opinions why is mine bad but not democrats where 90% of daily violent crimes are happening??

You should ask the site that banned you what rules you broke. They might just be trying to get rid of idiots. In your case, I wouldn't blame them.
Giving a diverse thought got me banned in a public option forum. And there logic makes no sense. 90% of all daily violent crimes happen in towns run by democrats, (in police states) According to their logic all Democrats should be banned

"90% of all daily violent crimes happen in towns run by democrats, (in police states)"

99% of everything you say is a lie.

Seems to me that there was a recent update to the rules stating that if you post a FACT like that you are supposed to provide links to prove it.

I noticed that 99% of the time you do NOT post links.
If you are dumb enough to get banned, that's your fault dumb ass. Being banned on the internet has nothing to do with denying free speech.
/——/ “Being banned on the internet has nothing to do with denying free speech”
Congratulations, your post had been nominated as dumbest statement of the year.

You understand that free speech as granted in the constitution has nothing to do with private companies, don't you? Surely you aren't that dumb, are you?
It should be greater in sites that offer the internet a public square. And if not a warning sign WE ONLY SUPPORT DEMOCRAT VIEWS
They have a Constitutional right to do that.
Not if they are disguising themselves as a public forum for everybody.

I suggest you hold your breath till you turn blue, or perhaps fall on the ground screaming and kicking. A childish response from you to match your childish understanding of freedom of speech seems like your best bet.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

They're all completely irrelevant to start. When you take into account that France, England and Germany are all on an irreversible death spiral to becoming Islamic States, withdrawing our military will be the only option. Further, taken together they haven't done DICK for any ongoing freedom movement, especially in Hong Kong, where they wave Old Glory and NOT Canadian or EU flag.

I don't give a single fuck what these irrelevant people think of the greatest US President in 100 years

Of course you don't. Fortunately, sane people do care about our allies.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Only snowflakes would revel in this MSM-pushed news meant to hurt our President back at home while he is abroad.
Only snowflakes would see the 'anti-Trump' angle in this story, unable to see deeper than the surface, what it means.

The fact that these individuals have been 'out'ed for behaving this way means they now find themselves in an awkward position, embarrassed and shown to be less than completely trustworthy to a President who leads the most powerful free nation in the world, a nation and leader their nations receive millions/billions from, whose own defense relies on the United States.

Diplomatically, I would have our Ambassadors of each of these nations relay to their counterparts in those nations that their behavior has done damage to our mutual relationship and trust, that if we find they mock us or our leaders in public they can not be counted on to be loyal / trustworthy in private....which might affect how the United States executes foreign policy, provides foreign aid, conducts trade, etc...

Personally, I would also make it clear to their Ambassadors that since they publicly mocked the President, to prevent any ill-feelings or negatively affect our relationship going forward, these leaders can ISSUE A PUBLIC APOLOGY.

The fact is every one of the individuals who made light of the President owe their nation's existence / freedom to the United States, as the United States has saved their asses / protected them from threat / being conquered, which means - with humility - they should not only respect this country but also its leader; for, if they mock the President they mock the entire country and those who voted him into power.

The fact is every one of those leaders wish their nations were as strong, as successful, and as powerful as the United States:

Canada, for example, is a 'parasite' living / existing off of the United States. It can afford to ignore the strength of its military because it knows the United States would never allow any nation to threaten Canada, our northern 'buffer zone'.

France and England would be speaking German right now had the United States not bailed their collective asses out TWICE, and they STILL remain sheltered in part under the umbrella of our protection.
- Perhaps Macron would prefer Obama back in office, the man who protected ISIS Black Market Oil operations which funded half of ISIS' terrorist activities, to include their attack on Paris - the largest attack on France since WWII. After the attack, Obama refused to allow US forces participate in coalition air strikes on those ISIS oil facilities - instead, Obama chose to betray the coalition by dropping leaflets warning them of the pending attack, which put the coalition forces coming in to conduct the strikes in danger.

England is literally on a BREXIT Island, attempting to escape the 'Tar Paper Trap' of the European Union to regain its sovereignty yet having no deal in place yet, relying heavily on the US.

This news that world leaders behaved so poorly does not reflect negatively on the President, even though snowflakes celebrate any MSM negative story against the President. It exposes how undignified, two-faced, ungrateful, and untrustworthy these leaders are.

Also, waking up to see their massive 'gaffe' splashed in the global news, how 'happy' are these leader this has gotten out, especially considering Trump will most probably be the President for another 4 years?!


Yup....a PUBLIC APOLOGY from each one of these 'leaders' (more like children) is called for.

I'm sure you would do lots of goofy things, just like our childish president.

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