'Mad Max' Calls For Americans To Turn Off TVs - 'Don't Listen To President'

I always watch the SOTU...pomp and ceremony is good for the kids to see....especially the entrance....see who the Prez shakes with and ignores....every picture tells a story....like Barry shaking a bony finger at the Supremes and Dubya going west Texas on the a-rabs. I want Trump to invoke the better angels amongst us....show the haters he cares about them too....got them jobs, cut their taxes, trying to protect them from the invading hoards only allowed here to vote for the Rats. Make Pelosi look at the Angel Mothers....look them in the eye and then tell them their dead children are an "acceptable" loss for her to gain power. I never wish bad health on others but if that witch dropped dead in the middle of the speech I'd jump up and moon-walk.
That old POS probably doesn't want to hear how good the country is doing under Trump.

She sure as hell doesn't want to here how crappy border security is or who's to blame.

What a POS.

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