MadisonWorld: A Future Where Corporations Have Human Rights... and Humans Don't


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Richard (RJ) Eskow: MadisonWorld: A Future Where Corporations Have Human Rights... and Humans Don't

Today we saw state troopers in Madison tearing peaceful protestors out of their own capitol after the state's Senate voted to deprive them of their rights. Video footage of that event should come with a label: Brought to you by the State of Wisconsin, a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries.

Right now Wisconsin is serving as the prototype for United States 2.0, a newly reconstituted nation where corporations have all the rights of personhood without any of the responsibilities -- and people have all the duties of personhood without any of the rights.

Welcome to your future. They're preparing it for you right now in America's heartland.

Who makes the corporations rich, those who run it or the people who actually do the work?
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Richard (RJ) Eskow: MadisonWorld: A Future Where Corporations Have Human Rights... and Humans Don't

Today we saw state troopers in Madison tearing peaceful protestors out of their own capitol after the state's Senate voted to deprive them of their rights. Video footage of that event should come with a label: Brought to you by the State of Wisconsin, a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries.

Right now Wisconsin is serving as the prototype for United States 2.0, a newly reconstituted nation where corporations have all the rights of personhood without any of the responsibilities -- and people have all the duties of personhood without any of the rights.

Welcome to your future. They're preparing it for you right now in America's heartland.

Who makes the corporations rich, those who run it or the people who actually do the work?

The Republicans on this board applaud corporations being able to spend unlimited money in America's political campaigns. That gives the CEO many votes to the regular man's just "one".
Richard (RJ) Eskow: MadisonWorld: A Future Where Corporations Have Human Rights... and Humans Don't

Today we saw state troopers in Madison tearing peaceful protestors out of their own capitol after the state's Senate voted to deprive them of their rights. Video footage of that event should come with a label: Brought to you by the State of Wisconsin, a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries.

Right now Wisconsin is serving as the prototype for United States 2.0, a newly reconstituted nation where corporations have all the rights of personhood without any of the responsibilities -- and people have all the duties of personhood without any of the rights.

Welcome to your future. They're preparing it for you right now in America's heartland.

Who makes the corporations rich, those who run it or the people who actually do the work?

if what you are saying is true.... I"M Psyched !!. corporations made america great. running a corporation is such hard work. thank goodness the supreme court leveled the playing field against the special interest unions that extort money from their "members" and give to obama.
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well we could all go back to farming I guess ... or hunting gathering that would be fun. Then people would actually have to do the work and if they didnt they would die. those evil CEOs included. They would pry be better at farming and hunting though and the other farmers and hunters would get jealous and all conspire to get together and take his corn and beaver pelts or whatever. hallelujah!... the union survives.
No one is forcing you to work for a corporation.

You've got to be kidding, right? The GOP is turning over control of the country to the corporations. Pretty soon the only small business will be a franchise. As the corporations grope for more and more power, they will intrude on small businesses next.
it's not trolling if you really believe it.
the fundemental confict is penalizing success to compensate mediocrity.
our constitution is built on capitalism, socialists vote for kleptocracy.
Ok, I dont understand how anyone can agree with giving corporations human rights...I cant think of one way that can help anyone. Unless someone gets killed from working under foul work conditions...but corporations cant be charged with, yeah bad idea...

And you know what really would suck, If people try limit the amount someone can sue a corporation for by calling every lawsuit "frivolous". The corporations would pretty much have the run of the country.

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