Madman (black guy) found not guilty of attempted murder in brutal cop stabbing


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Mod edit: Do not post the entire article.

A police union chief was outraged and a cop’s wife left in tears as a Manhattan jury on Wednesday cleared a Harlem madman of attempted murder for stabbing the cop in the head, causing serious long-term injuries.

“It is impossible to conceive of a reason why this jury got this verdict so wrong,” Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch railed. “The facts of the crime are the very definition of attempted murder of a police officer.”

The surprising verdict, which came after just five hours of deliberation, left Det. Eder Loor’s wife, Dina, sobbing as she collapsed into the arms of a relative.

The jury’s decision means Terrance Hale, 29, has dodged a life sentence for plunging a jagged 3 ¹/₂–inch blade into Loor’s skull, piercing his brain, on April 17, 2012.

Madman found not guilty of attempted murder in brutal cop stabbing New York Post

Liberals everywhere.....

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He can still get a 25 year sentence.

If he's schizophrenic, then I am surprised he wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The police have to deal with a lot of literally crazy people. It's a bitch of a job.

There is no right outcome in this story, owl. It's a tragedy through and through. For the maniac, for the cop, and for both their families.

The one thing that jumps out at me in this story was "her son was a bipolar schizophrenic, off his medication and acting erratic."

Why was he off his medication? Did he voluntarily stop taking it? If so, he should be culpable for everything bad that springs from that. If he was involuntarily off his meds due to financial inability to pay, then society is culpable for everything bad that springs from that.

I hope the cop is financially okay after all this. Probably not. If there is a donation fund for him, please provide and I will send what I can.
It's decisions like this, that tells cops, the justice system does not have your back, thus leading cops to have a greater propensity to use more than necessary force on suspects.
It's decisions like this, that tells cops, the justice system does not have your back, thus leading cops to have a greater propensity to use more than necessary force on suspects.
He can still get a 25 year sentence.

If he's schizophrenic, then I am surprised he wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The police have to deal with a lot of literally crazy people. It's a bitch of a job.

There is no right outcome in this story, owl. It's a tragedy through and through. For the maniac, for the cop, and for both their families.

The one thing that jumps out at me in this story was "her son was a bipolar schizophrenic, off his medication and acting erratic."

Why was he off his medication? Did he voluntarily stop taking it? If so, he should be culpable for everything bad that springs from that. If he was involuntarily off his meds due to financial inability to pay, then society is culpable for everything bad that springs from that.

I hope the cop is financially okay after all this. Probably not. If there is a donation fund for him, please provide and I will send what I can.
Not sure how a bipolar schizophrenic can willfully do anything, let alone decide to take his meds or not.
He can still get a 25 year sentence.

If he's schizophrenic, then I am surprised he wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The police have to deal with a lot of literally crazy people. It's a bitch of a job.

There is no right outcome in this story, owl. It's a tragedy through and through. For the maniac, for the cop, and for both their families.

The one thing that jumps out at me in this story was "her son was a bipolar schizophrenic, off his medication and acting erratic."

Why was he off his medication? Did he voluntarily stop taking it? If so, he should be culpable for everything bad that springs from that. If he was involuntarily off his meds due to financial inability to pay, then society is culpable for everything bad that springs from that.

I hope the cop is financially okay after all this. Probably not. If there is a donation fund for him, please provide and I will send what I can.
Not sure how a bipolar schizophrenic can willfully do anything, let alone decide to take his meds or not.
If he is not capable of making rational decisions about taking his meds while on his meds, then his doctors should have had him institutionalized.

Somewhere along the way, someone decided he was sane enough while on his meds to know to take his meds.

I am actually indirectly dealing with someone right now who has stopped taking their schizo meds. It's a tense situation to say the least.
It's decisions like this, that tells cops, the justice system does not have your back, thus leading cops to have a greater propensity to use more than necessary force on suspects.
Not really. Most cop killers get the death penalty. This cop wasn't killed and apparently it wasn't proven that this was an attempted murder.

How many cops get the death penalty for taking a life needlessly?
He can still get a 25 year sentence.

If he's schizophrenic, then I am surprised he wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The police have to deal with a lot of literally crazy people. It's a bitch of a job.

There is no right outcome in this story, owl. It's a tragedy through and through. For the maniac, for the cop, and for both their families.

The one thing that jumps out at me in this story was "her son was a bipolar schizophrenic, off his medication and acting erratic."

Why was he off his medication? Did he voluntarily stop taking it? If so, he should be culpable for everything bad that springs from that. If he was involuntarily off his meds due to financial inability to pay, then society is culpable for everything bad that springs from that.

I hope the cop is financially okay after all this. Probably not. If there is a donation fund for him, please provide and I will send what I can.
Not sure how a bipolar schizophrenic can willfully do anything, let alone decide to take his meds or not.
If he is not capable of making rational decisions about taking his meds while on his meds, then his doctors should have had him institutionalized.

Somewhere along the way, someone decided he was sane enough while on his meds to know to take his meds.
There is the big problem. There aren't enough institutions to hold people that should be institutionalized. I've heard horror stories....most get put in for a short period of time but never really get long term treatment. And insurance barely covers mental disorders (could be why the institutions boot people out).
If he's literally a madman, he'll be likely be institutionalized.
Remember what happened when a jury failed to convict the L.A. Police Officers of attempted murder of Rodney King? About 50 people murdered, thousands assaulted and tens of millions in damage and the liberal media either encouraged or justified the mayhem.
He can still get a 25 year sentence.

If he's schizophrenic, then I am surprised he wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The police have to deal with a lot of literally crazy people. It's a bitch of a job.

There is no right outcome in this story, owl. It's a tragedy through and through. For the maniac, for the cop, and for both their families.

The one thing that jumps out at me in this story was "her son was a bipolar schizophrenic, off his medication and acting erratic."

Why was he off his medication? Did he voluntarily stop taking it? If so, he should be culpable for everything bad that springs from that. If he was involuntarily off his meds due to financial inability to pay, then society is culpable for everything bad that springs from that.

I hope the cop is financially okay after all this. Probably not. If there is a donation fund for him, please provide and I will send what I can.

People with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder who are poor get their medicine for free either from the government or drug manufactures.
He can still get a 25 year sentence.

If he's schizophrenic, then I am surprised he wasn't found not guilty by reason of insanity.

The police have to deal with a lot of literally crazy people. It's a bitch of a job.

There is no right outcome in this story, owl. It's a tragedy through and through. For the maniac, for the cop, and for both their families.

The one thing that jumps out at me in this story was "her son was a bipolar schizophrenic, off his medication and acting erratic."

Why was he off his medication? Did he voluntarily stop taking it? If so, he should be culpable for everything bad that springs from that. If he was involuntarily off his meds due to financial inability to pay, then society is culpable for everything bad that springs from that.

I hope the cop is financially okay after all this. Probably not. If there is a donation fund for him, please provide and I will send what I can.
Not sure how a bipolar schizophrenic can willfully do anything, let alone decide to take his meds or not.
You don't know much about them than.
I read about this incident after it happened, but didn't follow the trial. It is conceivable the defendant was going through psychosis when he assaulted this cop. Hopefully the jury got this one right, but what happened is a tragedy.
Real telling that the OP title just had to slip in :

"(black man)"

And then Rrrrrrraging Rrrrrrighties are astounded that we notice that so many of them are ugly racists.

There was no reason in the world to bring up the dude's race. He is obviously batshit crazy. Batshit crazy knows no specific race.

Shame on the OP for engaging in race baiting. That is cowardly and unamerican.

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