Madonna Gushes to Jimmy Fallon (Again) About Meeting ‘Hot’ Barack Obama

Sorry but that was Trump behind Vlad's podium in Helsenki

Yeah you lying fuck.

{the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.}

Dumb lying fucker.
Twelve cases of obstruction proves he needs to go. Along with about a dozen other crimes.

Or really, you lying fuck; explain this "obstruction" to us?

First though, explain what you think "obstruction" means? I know you didn't successfully complete a primary education, so it's helpful to understand your misconception of terms.

Then you can vomit up Weissman's absurd political hackery.

Read the Mueller Report and it will walk you through all the obstruction that was committed.


You Stalinist shits are WAY out of your depth.

So, if all of you Stalinists combine your IQ's you have a combined total of about 40, 45 if you remove jillian.. SO the Weissman slander throws out some REALLY stupid shit, he's a Stalinist like you morons, meaning stupid as a fucking brick;

{First, McGahn's clear recollection was that the President directed him to tell Rosenstein
not only that conflicts existed but also that Mueller has to go.}


Obstructifying Obstructifying Obstructifying


Except; so fucking what? Mueller is a fucking hack, a partisan shill of the democrats. The witch hunt is a mockery of American jurisprudence. Mueller didn't just have Conflicts, he's a fucking fraud who padded his witch hunt with the most partisan hacks he could find, including 6 who came directly from the Hillary Clinton campaign. Further, if the president wanted the sleazy little shit gone, all he had to do is pick up the phone and say "Torquemada, you're fired." Further, Torquemada was NOT fired, so the whole thing is just a pile of shit that Weissman throws out for political fodder.

Now Mueller is a partisan for the democrats, yet he is a life long republican. Put Mueller's record up against Trump's and you tell me which man has more integrity and has done more for this country. You fucking Trump Humpers are a damn disgrace.
Story at breitbart

Chicks do tend to like homosexual men. She does know that Obama is gay, right?
S’matter, you think evwryone should be a sexual predator like the orange treasonous sociopath?,

Says the fake lawyer who supports a child molester.

There is just as much evidence that Barack Obama raped small boys in the oval office as there is that Trump ever raped anyone.
Where is it?
Twelve cases of obstruction proves he needs to go. Along with about a dozen other crimes.

Or really, you lying fuck; explain this "obstruction" to us?

First though, explain what you think "obstruction" means? I know you didn't successfully complete a primary education, so it's helpful to understand your misconception of terms.

Then you can vomit up Weissman's absurd political hackery.

Oh look; another jack ass that FAILED to read the Mueller report.

You wouldn't need to ask about OBSTRUCTION if you would have already read the god damn thing, boi.

Got it, we have another thinkprogress vomiter.

So stupid fuck, from your perspective as a Communist with a low double digit IQ, explain to the class precisely what "obstruction" is? Then associate the slander from the Weissmann report to that definition?

The issues of Trump's obstructive behaviors are fully documented within the Mueller report. Also, associated nexus, analysis, and intent commentary are replete.

If dumb asses such as yourself would avail yourself of the information, you wouldn't sit here in online forums asking such stupid fucking questions, BECAUSE you would ALREADY have read the answers to your questions.


So, your talking points have failed you again.

Stupid fuck, present the specific federal code violated by stating the fact that the Mueller Witch Hunt was a "witch hunt?" (one of Weissman's 10 "obstructifying" claims.)

Come you lying little fucker - show us all how there is actual obstruction outside of that by Mueller?
Show me where these instances from a legal standpoint, would not hold up in a court of law for obstruction; These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice If you can't, then you are fos and you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.

So, your talking points have failed you again.

Stupid fuck, present the specific federal code violated by stating the fact that the Mueller Witch Hunt was a "witch hunt?" (one of Weissman's 10 "obstructifying" claims.)

Come you lying little fucker - show us all how there is actual obstruction outside of that by Mueller?
We don't hear much about impeachment anymore, I have noticed.
Mandigo. If she had as many sticking out as she has had in she'd make a porcupine look like uncle Fester
So, who gives a shick? Do you?
Typical gay basher comeback.
If you notice must be gay.
With some people it's just harder to spot.....especially when the prick uses the entire msm to act as his shield.

There is NOTHING about Pres Obama that says he is gay, that is just right wing bullshit to try and put him in a negative light because you racist idiots are still mad that a black man has been president.
Yeah.....must be because he's black.

Obama acts like a fag and we've heard too much for us not to think he's a fag.

How does a fag act?
I was convinced that he was gay when he walked away from Michelle on stage when he won.
Either that or he's so in love with himself that he can't stand public displays of affection from the woman he loves.
The only woman he seems to really love is his eldest daughter. Constantly holding her hand.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. They have always shown a display of affection in the public, unlike the clown we have in the WH today.

I've been alive 62 years and maybe 40 years ago I wouldn't think twice about it.

So you are saying you are a 62yr old fool.
But any man with a huge ego and relatively attractive and very little female contact in his past.....
Half the leading men in Hollywood are gay.
The left's political establishment won't support anyone who isn't at least bi-sexual.
Al Gore was gay.
Hillary was gay....which explains why Bill was such a pervert.
With Obama it's easier to cover because Michelle is a woman....and they can control themselves better than most cases.
Democrats never seem to have normal families. They only have the minimum number of kids and then that's it.
Chelesy only survived because Bill felt it looked good politically to have a toddler when he ran for Governor.
Maybe one day Democrats will figure it won't matter when everyone knows they're fudge-packers, rug-munchers, and child molesters. That's why they're Democrats in the first place.
That's why they took control of the media and our school system. To train our kids into showing tolerance for their perverted lifestyles.

Damn you seem to be an expert on the lifestyle of gay folks, what they like, how they act, what they do. How is that?
The primary reason is I've seen how they act when they're trying to hide it.
My sister is a lesbian.....and has been hiding it from the family since I can remember.

So how do you know she is a lesbian? They say game recognizes game.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.
There is NOTHING about Pres Obama that says he is gay, that is just right wing bullshit to try and put him in a negative light because you racist idiots are still mad that a black man has been president.
Yeah.....must be because he's black.

Obama acts like a fag and we've heard too much for us not to think he's a fag.

How does a fag act?
I was convinced that he was gay when he walked away from Michelle on stage when he won.
Either that or he's so in love with himself that he can't stand public displays of affection from the woman he loves.
The only woman he seems to really love is his eldest daughter. Constantly holding her hand.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. They have always shown a display of affection in the public, unlike the clown we have in the WH today.

I've been alive 62 years and maybe 40 years ago I wouldn't think twice about it.

So you are saying you are a 62yr old fool.
But any man with a huge ego and relatively attractive and very little female contact in his past.....
Half the leading men in Hollywood are gay.
The left's political establishment won't support anyone who isn't at least bi-sexual.
Al Gore was gay.
Hillary was gay....which explains why Bill was such a pervert.
With Obama it's easier to cover because Michelle is a woman....and they can control themselves better than most cases.
Democrats never seem to have normal families. They only have the minimum number of kids and then that's it.
Chelesy only survived because Bill felt it looked good politically to have a toddler when he ran for Governor.
Maybe one day Democrats will figure it won't matter when everyone knows they're fudge-packers, rug-munchers, and child molesters. That's why they're Democrats in the first place.
That's why they took control of the media and our school system. To train our kids into showing tolerance for their perverted lifestyles.

Damn you seem to be an expert on the lifestyle of gay folks, what they like, how they act, what they do. How is that?
The primary reason is I've seen how they act when they're trying to hide it.
My sister is a lesbian.....and has been hiding it from the family since I can remember.

So how do you know she is a lesbian? They say game recognizes game.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
Yeah.....must be because he's black.

Obama acts like a fag and we've heard too much for us not to think he's a fag.

How does a fag act?
I was convinced that he was gay when he walked away from Michelle on stage when he won.
Either that or he's so in love with himself that he can't stand public displays of affection from the woman he loves.
The only woman he seems to really love is his eldest daughter. Constantly holding her hand.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. They have always shown a display of affection in the public, unlike the clown we have in the WH today.

I've been alive 62 years and maybe 40 years ago I wouldn't think twice about it.

So you are saying you are a 62yr old fool.
But any man with a huge ego and relatively attractive and very little female contact in his past.....
Half the leading men in Hollywood are gay.
The left's political establishment won't support anyone who isn't at least bi-sexual.
Al Gore was gay.
Hillary was gay....which explains why Bill was such a pervert.
With Obama it's easier to cover because Michelle is a woman....and they can control themselves better than most cases.
Democrats never seem to have normal families. They only have the minimum number of kids and then that's it.
Chelesy only survived because Bill felt it looked good politically to have a toddler when he ran for Governor.
Maybe one day Democrats will figure it won't matter when everyone knows they're fudge-packers, rug-munchers, and child molesters. That's why they're Democrats in the first place.
That's why they took control of the media and our school system. To train our kids into showing tolerance for their perverted lifestyles.

Damn you seem to be an expert on the lifestyle of gay folks, what they like, how they act, what they do. How is that?
The primary reason is I've seen how they act when they're trying to hide it.
My sister is a lesbian.....and has been hiding it from the family since I can remember.

So how do you know she is a lesbian? They say game recognizes game.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??
How does a fag act?
That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. They have always shown a display of affection in the public, unlike the clown we have in the WH today.

So you are saying you are a 62yr old fool.
Damn you seem to be an expert on the lifestyle of gay folks, what they like, how they act, what they do. How is that?
The primary reason is I've seen how they act when they're trying to hide it.
My sister is a lesbian.....and has been hiding it from the family since I can remember.

So how do you know she is a lesbian? They say game recognizes game.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
The primary reason is I've seen how they act when they're trying to hide it.
My sister is a lesbian.....and has been hiding it from the family since I can remember.

So how do you know she is a lesbian? They say game recognizes game.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..
Why should I fucken have to?
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days. You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.
So how do you know she is a lesbian? They say game recognizes game.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.

I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.

I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted

You are the worst of the worse.
Nice try.
We've talked in private about it.
You must be stupid to think I cannot communicate with the sister I've loved all of my life.
I'm the youngest......she helped raise me.

So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.

I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted
I never said I was any kind of expert.
It's just easier to spot gays because they cut their hair and dress to be able to recognize each other without having to ask. That way they can avoid making a mistake and having it blow up in their faces.
And those that want to stay in the closet and not be bothered are more difficult to spot, but usually they eventually give themselves away with something.
I didn't think Obama was gay till his history started making it into the news.
You could tell they were making a major league effort to keep a lid on it.
Then if you look around the media like Rachel Maddow and his Hollywood support coming from closeted gays and those who are all became clear. They don't throw their support behind someone for no reason.
The only folks that can't seem to recognize it are the sycophant pee-ons that keep supporting Democrats no matter what they do because they're black or in some supposed marginalized group that are easy pickings for the left to push their buttons.

You're voting in a bunch of faggots who fully intend on destroying this country.
So you caught her with another woman.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.

I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted
I never said I was any kind of expert.
It's just easier to spot gays because they cut their hair and dress to be able to recognize each other without having to ask.
That way they can avoid making a mistake and having it blow up in their faces.

Bullshit, gay folks come in all kinds of varieties of folks.
And those that want to stay in the closet and not be bothered are more difficult to spot, but usually they eventually give themselves away with something.

Like what?
I didn't think Obama was gay till his history started making it into the news.
You could tell they were making a major league effort to keep a lid on it.

Really, what history would that be?
Then if you look around the media like Rachel Maddow and his Hollywood support coming from closeted gays and those who are all became clear. They don't throw their support behind someone for no reason.
The only folks that can't seem to recognize it are the sycophant pee-ons that keep supporting Democrats no matter what they do because they're black or in some supposed marginalized group that are easy pickings for the left to push their buttons.

You're voting in a bunch of faggots who fully intend on destroying this country.

What a bunch of horseshit.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.

I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted
I never said I was any kind of expert.
It's just easier to spot gays because they cut their hair and dress to be able to recognize each other without having to ask.
That way they can avoid making a mistake and having it blow up in their faces.

Bullshit, gay folks come in all kinds of varieties of folks.
And those that want to stay in the closet and not be bothered are more difficult to spot, but usually they eventually give themselves away with something.

Like what?
I didn't think Obama was gay till his history started making it into the news.
You could tell they were making a major league effort to keep a lid on it.

Really, what history would that be?
Then if you look around the media like Rachel Maddow and his Hollywood support coming from closeted gays and those who are all became clear. They don't throw their support behind someone for no reason.
The only folks that can't seem to recognize it are the sycophant pee-ons that keep supporting Democrats no matter what they do because they're black or in some supposed marginalized group that are easy pickings for the left to push their buttons.

You're voting in a bunch of faggots who fully intend on destroying this country.

What a bunch of horseshit.
The left has no intention of putting another man in the Oval Office.....unless he's a child-molester.....Like Creepy Joe Biden. Everyone else has to be able to check all of the blocks to make it in.

  • Must be Gay or Bi-sexual
  • Must be a socialist
  • Must be either a female of a minority
No other's need apply.
You're a really sick bastard.
No, I cleaned and cooked for her when she was recovering from surgery.
Her girlfriend and her roommate died earlier that year.
My sister had a stroke and later had been hit by a car.
The hospital gave her the wrong blood type and almost killed her.
California hospitals suck.
So I took care of her for about a month until she was feeling better.

Now why are you such a stupid racist bastard??

So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
You have to be a lying fuck with no consideration for anyone but yourself. It's why you vote for fuckers like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama......all of them self-centered assholes ready to sell America out to the highest bidder. And those are their good traits. They're just like you.

I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted
I never said I was any kind of expert.
It's just easier to spot gays because they cut their hair and dress to be able to recognize each other without having to ask.
That way they can avoid making a mistake and having it blow up in their faces.

Bullshit, gay folks come in all kinds of varieties of folks.
And those that want to stay in the closet and not be bothered are more difficult to spot, but usually they eventually give themselves away with something.

Like what?
I didn't think Obama was gay till his history started making it into the news.
You could tell they were making a major league effort to keep a lid on it.

Really, what history would that be?
Then if you look around the media like Rachel Maddow and his Hollywood support coming from closeted gays and those who are all became clear. They don't throw their support behind someone for no reason.
The only folks that can't seem to recognize it are the sycophant pee-ons that keep supporting Democrats no matter what they do because they're black or in some supposed marginalized group that are easy pickings for the left to push their buttons.

You're voting in a bunch of faggots who fully intend on destroying this country.

What a bunch of horseshit.

Obama IS a homosexual -- a drug-taking homosexual. There were three guys from his church in Chicago who were going to publically reveal his homosexuality -- they were all three killed within 2 months, I think. I White homosexual man gave explicit facts regarding sex and drugs that he and Obama enjoyed.

Obama is a Muslim. That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)
So she had a girlfriend, why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place dumb ass. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck you..

Suck me, you will get more.
Why should I fucken have to?

Because your dumbass is claiming to be an expert on gays and lesbians.
I told you she was a lesbian and that should have been the end of it.....instead your demented mind couldn't leave it alone and you tried dreaming up sick shit to criticize me even further.

No, that wasn't the end of it. If you accuse a man of being gay then you damn well better have a good reason for it.
The reason you're a Democrat is because Democrats are sick motherfuckers.....and you can relate to that.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. The are one and the same, as far as, I am concerned.
That's why I couldn't be a Democrat or a liberal....because you have to forget any principles or any sense of decency to be one these days.
A rotten ass republican can never claim principles or decency after Trump.
I guess you have to be a upstanding citizen to vote for a man like Trump. You Trump Humpers are a fucking joke and damn sure not to be trusted
I never said I was any kind of expert.
It's just easier to spot gays because they cut their hair and dress to be able to recognize each other without having to ask.
That way they can avoid making a mistake and having it blow up in their faces.

Bullshit, gay folks come in all kinds of varieties of folks.
And those that want to stay in the closet and not be bothered are more difficult to spot, but usually they eventually give themselves away with something.

Like what?
I didn't think Obama was gay till his history started making it into the news.
You could tell they were making a major league effort to keep a lid on it.

Really, what history would that be?
Then if you look around the media like Rachel Maddow and his Hollywood support coming from closeted gays and those who are all became clear. They don't throw their support behind someone for no reason.
The only folks that can't seem to recognize it are the sycophant pee-ons that keep supporting Democrats no matter what they do because they're black or in some supposed marginalized group that are easy pickings for the left to push their buttons.

You're voting in a bunch of faggots who fully intend on destroying this country.

What a bunch of horseshit.

Obama IS a homosexual -- a drug-taking homosexual. There were three guys from his church in Chicago who were going to publically reveal his homosexuality -- they were all three killed within 2 months, I think. I White homosexual man gave explicit facts regarding sex and drugs that he and Obama enjoyed.

There is nothing you low down racist won't say or do is it?

Obama is a Muslim.

If ge were the problem would be what? Does being a Muslim stop you from being an American?
That is why he never condemns Islam, and he does condemn Christians. He was raised being taught Islam for many years. (His Christian church attendance is a sham and phony and Obama is just being a wolf in sheep's clothes.)

Show me were he has condemned Christians.

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