Madonna promotes gun control and Soviet communism in her new video


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Madonna Promotes Gun Control and Soviet Communism in Her New Video
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953 about 20 million dissidents unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. Right now, Venezuela continues to crumble under the socialist dictatorship of President Nicolas Maduro, after a seven year gun control bill stripped citizens of their weapons in 2012. Communist China’s weapons laws are among the world’s toughest. Its blanket ban on private ownership of rifles, pistols, and even gun replicas is a core tenet of their oppressive Communist social policy. Taking guns away is the main objective of the Socialist driven New World Order. This international system would allow the United Nations troops, National Armed Forces enforcing UN Security Council resolutions, and state and local policemen to have guns, leaving American citizens defenseless and open to abuse, as I have personally witnessed in Europe in recent years. Privately-held firearms would be a thing of the past and strict regulations would crush many freedoms.

Oh the games the loser play to con their loons and they get caught over and over...... This is the whore who teaches your daughters to sell their soul to Satan. This is the whore who taught your daughters to dress liike sluts annd have no self respect for what men see on the streets in videos , music tv movies you name it the whoreness began and never looked ack...
Untrue as in Europe personal guns are allowed.Are you like on a fourteen day crack high the way you babble and throw out words with no meaning?
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953 about 20 million dissidents unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Untrue as in Europe personal guns are allowed.

A holocaust is a holocaust, and I can't get entrapped in a philosophical discussion of Hitler’s death camps versus Stalin’s gulags.

In fact the European Union maintains very stringent gun control blacklists and actively & harshly suppresses political dissidents, mental defectives & social undesirables to this day.
You go girl. Only police and military have guns in North Korea. Madonna is right: god is death.

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