Maduro Regime Issues Arrest Warrant Against Opposition Candidate Edmundo Gonzalez


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Maduro Regime Issues Arrest Warrant Against

Opposition Candidate Edmundo Gonzalez

3 Sep 2024 ~~ By Christain K. Caruzo

The Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office — loyal to socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro — issued an arrest warrant on Monday for opposition leader Edmundo González, accusing him of alleged conspiracy and other crimes as Maduro continues its brutal crackdown on dissidents following the July 28 sham presidential election, which the dictator fraudulently insists he “won.”
González, a lesser-known 75-year-old former diplomat, was the only opposition candidate that the Maduro regime allowed to be on the July 28 sham election’s ballot, which featured the dictator — who appeared a total of 13 times — González, and a group of handpicked “opposition” rivals.
On Monday, the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office requested a court with jurisdiction over “terrorism” issue an arrest warrant against González for alleged crimes related to the elections, including “disobedience,” “conspiracy,” “usurpation of functions,” and “sabotage.

Maduro’s claimed victory was upheld in late August by the Venezuelan Supreme Justice Tribunal — another entity stacked with Maduro loyalists — after allegedly “reviewing” the voter data that the Venezuelan electoral authorities refuse to publicly show.
The governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay released a joint statement on Monday rejecting the arrest warrant issued against González, denouncing it and the alleged crimes cited by the document as political persecution and an attempt to disregard Venezuela’s popular will.
“In a country where there is no separation of powers or minimum judicial guarantees and where arbitrary detentions abound, we condemn these dictatorial practices and our efforts will be firm and continuous to demand that the Venezuelan authorities guarantee the life, integrity and freedom of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia,” the statement reads
The Maduro regime’s brutal crackdown of the nationwide protests against his fraudulent “victory” in the July 28 sham election have left over 25 deaths, roughly 200 injured, and the arbitrary arrest of 2,400 individuals — including 129 minors, of which 86 were reportedly released on Sunday.

We have become just like these Marxist Socialists, prosecuting our political foes.
Free Speech is fruit, dying on the vine. Amazing how a good portion of Americans are okay with that.
Look at the world around you, folks. Is this what you want? Everyone and everything you do not agree with jailed and eradicated?
This action by Maduro is no different that what the Biden/Harris administration has and will do in the coming election of November 5th.
Aren't the Venezuelan's supposed to jail their opponents BEFORE the elections! Preferably with multiple bogus charges and in multiple courts similar Putin's actions. Not to worry though, Garland will fly Colangelo down there to square things away…
identical to

Biden Administration uses weaponized Dept of Justice to try to arrest Trump

both Biden and Maduro are fascists who stole elections
democrat party democracy definition 1.jpg

Maduro Regime Issues Arrest Warrant Against

Opposition Candidate Edmundo Gonzalez

3 Sep 2024 ~~ By Christain K. Caruzo

The Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office — loyal to socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro — issued an arrest warrant on Monday for opposition leader Edmundo González, accusing him of alleged conspiracy and other crimes as Maduro continues its brutal crackdown on dissidents following the July 28 sham presidential election, which the dictator fraudulently insists he “won.”
González, a lesser-known 75-year-old former diplomat, was the only opposition candidate that the Maduro regime allowed to be on the July 28 sham election’s ballot, which featured the dictator — who appeared a total of 13 times — González, and a group of handpicked “opposition” rivals.
On Monday, the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office requested a court with jurisdiction over “terrorism” issue an arrest warrant against González for alleged crimes related to the elections, including “disobedience,” “conspiracy,” “usurpation of functions,” and “sabotage.

Maduro’s claimed victory was upheld in late August by the Venezuelan Supreme Justice Tribunal — another entity stacked with Maduro loyalists — after allegedly “reviewing” the voter data that the Venezuelan electoral authorities refuse to publicly show.
The governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay released a joint statement on Monday rejecting the arrest warrant issued against González, denouncing it and the alleged crimes cited by the document as political persecution and an attempt to disregard Venezuela’s popular will.
“In a country where there is no separation of powers or minimum judicial guarantees and where arbitrary detentions abound, we condemn these dictatorial practices and our efforts will be firm and continuous to demand that the Venezuelan authorities guarantee the life, integrity and freedom of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia,” the statement reads
The Maduro regime’s brutal crackdown of the nationwide protests against his fraudulent “victory” in the July 28 sham election have left over 25 deaths, roughly 200 injured, and the arbitrary arrest of 2,400 individuals — including 129 minors, of which 86 were reportedly released on Sunday.

We have become just like these Marxist Socialists, prosecuting our political foes.
Free Speech is fruit, dying on the vine. Amazing how a good portion of Americans are okay with that.
Look at the world around you, folks. Is this what you want? Everyone and everything you do not agree with jailed and eradicated?
This action by Maduro is no different that what the Biden/Harris administration has and will do in the coming election of November 5th.
Aren't the Venezuelan's supposed to jail their opponents BEFORE the elections! Preferably with multiple bogus charges and in multiple courts similar Putin's actions. Not to worry though, Garland will fly Colangelo down there to square things away…

Socialists doing what socialists always do.

I hope this reinforces the American intelligence community of just how dangerous and close these actions are to the U.S. They are far more patient and innocuous until the moment the spring the trap, or perhaps in this case, the truth. Once there is pushback they show their true colors.

This isn't like the Cubans spies of the 70s and 80s who used to spy for primarily defensive purposes as Castro was always afraid of an invasion occurring. This is about economic harm to the U.S, with designs to weaken their ability to keep the growing far-left governments as allies. They should never have been underestimated, regardless of other pressing concerns.

The new breed of espionage is designed to weaken Americas influence in their sphere of interest. You can only hypothesize which nations are working to benefit from these governments actions.

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