MAGA Blacks .. Free at Last ..

I don't believe you. I think you are using the color of your skin to Garner sympathy and special favor. It has worked for a long time, but really you should work hard to achieve what you really need. Trump knows that and I know that

So do you think you should get special privileges because you're black?
Here we see anothe dumb white man who apparently doesn't know his history. Whites don't have what they do because of hard work and trump inherited what he has. Why do whites ask dumb questions when they are the ones who have received special privileges?
its a real story. I dont care what you refuse to fall for. As Attourny General of california, Harris threatened parents with one year in prison if their kids were Truant. Show me this story is fake.
kamala made an example out of this one woman to push her political agenda, and her daughter ended up having a stroke after they ended up living in a motel.... this woman has a right to bitch about kamala.
Parents of California students actually received warning letters signed by the then Attourny General, Kamala

It took the California Supreme court to over turn Kamala's crappy policy which targeted primarily poor single parents. The woman has it right, kamala was only interested in fighting truancy so the public school system could receive its federal funding.
I realize no way you would ever watch that video. You cant and then tell me its fake.

And that's why millions of blacks voted her into two terms as AG.
Trumps policies have done far more harm to farmore than one person.

Right-Wing Influencers Target Kamala Harris Over Brutal Truancy Case

OBTW, the truancy law was passed by the California state legislature. Harris didn't write the law. And as AG, she was only in charge of enforcing the laws made by the legislature. It really seems that the story isn't how you have presented it.

The Story Behind Kamala Harris' Truancy Program​

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

So I guess we should start with Cheree Peoples. Who was she, and how did she get ensnared in this truancy program?

Cheree is a mother in California, and her daughter has a chronic illness. Her name is Shayla, and she has sickle cell anemia, a really painful genetic disease that causes lots of complications. It's pretty typical for people who live with this disability to miss a lot of school if they're children. As her daughter missed a lot of school for valid medical reasons, Cheree and the school were in a dispute about how to accommodate and account for those absences.

She lived in Orange County, which is a fairly conservative, "law and order" type of county. The district attorney there was up for reelection, and he did a big truancy sweep under this law, which Kamala Harris had fought for when she was the D.A. of San Francisco and oversaw its implementation when she was attorney general. There was a big sweep, and one of the parents arrested that morning and perp-walked in front of some cameras was Cheree Peoples.

Take us through this perp walk. What happened?

She was in her house one morning, and the police showed up and handcuffed her. She had time to put on a jacket over her pajamas. And when she was walked by the police out of her apartment where she lived with her daughter, there were news cameras waiting, and she was booked by the police. What she said to me was that she was shocked. She was really floored. And she said to me, "You'd swear I'd killed somebody." It felt to her like a really excessive show of force for what was essentially a misunderstanding between her and her child's school.

So it appears that Harris didn't arrest this person, some conservative law and order yahoo did, and it was that yahoo who made the example out of Peoples.

"After we reported on Cheree's case, Harris talked about regretting that some district attorneys had used this law, which she had fought for with good intentions, to crack down really hard on and to criminalize the parents. She has talked a lot about how her law was intended to give schools the tools to make sure parents work with them to solve these problems."

As usual, you are being disingenuous.
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And that's why millions of blacks voted her into two terms as AG.
Trumps policies have done far more harm to farmore than one person.

Right-Wing Influencers Target Kamala Harris Over Brutal Truancy Case

OBTW, the truancy law was passed by the California state legislature. Harris didn't write the law. And as AG, she was only in charge of enforcing the laws made by the legislature. It really seems that the stry isn't how you have presented it.

The Story Behind Kamala Harris' Truancy Program​

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

So I guess we should start with Cheree Peoples. Who was she, and how did she get ensnared in this truancy program?

Cheree is a mother in California, and her daughter has a chronic illness. Her name is Shayla, and she has sickle cell anemia, a really painful genetic disease that causes lots of complications. It's pretty typical for people who live with this disability to miss a lot of school if they're children. As her daughter missed a lot of school for valid medical reasons, Cheree and the school were in a dispute about how to accommodate and account for those absences.

She lived in Orange County, which is a fairly conservative, "law and order" type of county. The district attorney there was up for reelection, and he did a big truancy sweep under this law, which Kamala Harris had fought for when she was the D.A. of San Francisco and oversaw its implementation when she was attorney general. There was a big sweep, and one of the parents arrested that morning and perp-walked in front of some cameras was Cheree Peoples.

Take us through this perp walk. What happened?

She was in her house one morning, and the police showed up and handcuffed her. She had time to put on a jacket over her pajamas. And when she was walked by the police out of her apartment where she lived with her daughter, there were news cameras waiting, and she was booked by the police. What she said to me was that she was shocked. She was really floored. And she said to me, "You'd swear I'd killed somebody." It felt to her like a really excessive show of force for what was essentially a misunderstanding between her and her child's school.

So it appears that Harris didn't arrest this person, some conservative law and order yahoo did, and it was that yahoo who made the example out of Peoples.

"After we reported on Cheree's case, Harris talked about regretting that some district attorneys had used this law, which she had fought for with good intentions, to crack down really hard on and to criminalize the parents. She has talked a lot about how her law was intended to give schools the tools to make sure parents work with them to solve these problems."

As usual, you are being disingenuous.

Uhh Im taking the womans word for it. Not yours. Did you even watch the video and listen to her own words?
No I doubt it.

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