MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

According to FEC records, Hillary raided DNC coffers, stealing donations that were meant for many other Democrats.
Who has admitted in a British court that the dossier is based on raw intelligence and is unverified> Oh btw the FBI fired him after finding out that the douche bag Steele was going to the press.

So? Some of the Dossier will likely never be verified - Unless the Orange Shitgibbon stops fluffing Putin and doing NOTHING about the hacking and fake news, we may never see the Pee Pee Tape for instance.

But much of it already HAS
The Steele Dossier on Trump and Russia Is Looking More and More Real
Obama's director of National Intelligence James Clapper said 'more and more' of the Steele Dossier is true

And we're about to find out that Cohen was indeed sent to Prague :wink:

“Cohen’s passport would not show any record of a visit to Prague if he entered the EU through Italy, traveled to the Czech Republic, and then returned to his point of EU entry,”

Hope springs eternal.

There are over a million other ways of finding out. Witnesses familiar with his travel - email ... the list goes on and on :)
The Witch Hunt leaks like a screen door on a submarine....

More 'trial in the court of public opinion'
This is a stupid thread because none of this was it illegal...

Just more butthurt whining...
This is a stupid thread because none of this was it illegal...

Just more butthurt whining...
Veselnitskaya was talking about overturning Magnitsky Act at meeting.
Trump campaign wanted more dirt on Hillary. Russia wants sanction relief.
The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal attorney, said Donald Trump knew in advance about a meeting during the 2016 campaign in which Russians were expected to offer negative information about his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, according to a report by CNN.

Citing sources with knowledge of Cohen’s claims, CNN said the attorney is willing to share that information with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The meeting occurred at Trump Tower in June 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort. They met with a lawyer linked to the Kremlin and a Russian businessman who initially had offered to disclose dirt on Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly denied having any knowledge about the meeting and told The New York Times in July 2017 that he “didn’t know anything” about it.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Michael Cohen Says Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting With Russians In Advance: CNN

Here is the original CNN source: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

I wonder who leaked this story. Cohen side denies leaking it.

The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

That's awful!!!

Only Hillary is allowed to get dirt on presidential rivals from Russians, eh comrade?

Trump lied about it, which most will assume was a cover up. Trump will have to resign at this point.

Trump lied about it,

The FBI lied about the dossier Hillary paid for it. I guess we can cancel the Special Counsel.

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.
The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

That's awful!!!

Only Hillary is allowed to get dirt on presidential rivals from Russians, eh comrade?

Trump lied about it, which most will assume was a cover up. Trump will have to resign at this point.

Trump lied about it,

The FBI lied about the dossier Hillary paid for it. I guess we can cancel the Special Counsel.

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
Poor pseudocons. Desperately trying to make the Trump campaign's collusion be about Hillary. :lol:

He knew, folks.

He knew.

That is the point.
Hillary also knew..... why is that not a problem also if Trump knew?
You look like even dumber than Trump trying to parrot the talking points you've been given.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

That shit doesn't work any more, dude.

Try to stay on topic.

It would be really dificult to be dumber than 45. I mean a Dried Up Dog Turd Laying On A Mississippi Sidewalk At High Noon In August is smarter than 45 and that is not saying much.

a Dried Up Dog Turd Laying On A Mississippi Sidewalk At High Noon In August

Hillary lost, why do you keep bringing her up?
Lanny Davis, Attorney for Michael Cohen the former Attorney for the Lying Fucked Faced Russian Backed Draft Dodging Cadet Bone Spur says that the leak regarding the Trump Tower Meeting DID NOT COME FROM COEHN..

Cohen lawyer: Cohen's Trump Tower meeting news 'not from us'.

Now, if that leak did not come from Cohen or his Attorney(s), that means the White House would have. That mean the Lying Fuck Faced Draft Doding Belly Crawling Two Faced Russian Backed Traitor leaked it.

That also means that only did the Walking Shit Stain 45 know about the meeting, but he knew what the meeting was about.

Which means he committed an Impeachable Offense and yes you dumb fuck 45 followers, that means there was collusion.
Poor pseudocons. Desperately trying to make the Trump campaign's collusion be about Hillary. :lol:

He knew, folks.

He knew.

That is the point.
Hillary also knew..... why is that not a problem also if Trump knew?
You look like even dumber than Trump trying to parrot the talking points you've been given.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

That shit doesn't work any more, dude.

Try to stay on topic.

It would be really dificult to be dumber than 45. I mean a Dried Up Dog Turd Laying On A Mississippi Sidewalk At High Noon In August is smarter than 45 and that is not saying much.

a Dried Up Dog Turd Laying On A Mississippi Sidewalk At High Noon In August

Hillary lost, why do you keep bringing her up?

When in doubt, HILLARY!!!!!HILLARY!!!!!HILLARY!!!!!HILLARY!!!!!HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW, color me totally unimpressed and very underwhelmed.
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Trump lied about it, which most will assume was a cover up. Trump will have to resign at this point.

Trump lied about it,

The FBI lied about the dossier Hillary paid for it. I guess we can cancel the Special Counsel.

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

It doesn't matter if he's trustworthy.
It doesn't matter if he's reliable.
If he said, "My Russian source Ivan said he heard from his buddy Sergei that Trump did XYZ", that's
still hearsay. And the problem with the FISA application is the FBI said they verified the info, but they
didn't talk to Ivan or Sergei.

Poor pseudocons. Desperately trying to make the Trump campaign's collusion be about Hillary. :lol:

He knew, folks.

He knew.

That is the point.
Hillary also knew..... why is that not a problem also if Trump knew?
You look like even dumber than Trump trying to parrot the talking points you've been given.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

That shit doesn't work any more, dude.

Try to stay on topic.

It would be really dificult to be dumber than 45. I mean a Dried Up Dog Turd Laying On A Mississippi Sidewalk At High Noon In August is smarter than 45 and that is not saying much.

a Dried Up Dog Turd Laying On A Mississippi Sidewalk At High Noon In August

Hillary lost, why do you keep bringing her up?


WOW, color me totally unimpressed and very underwhelmed.

You're the one who brought her up...….
I have not confirmed this - but I thought I saw on the CNN scroll at about 3:50 pm that ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg may also be saying that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in advance.
If Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians, then that perfectly explains why Trump has been acting like a guilty person all this time.

Trump has denied the meeting, written a fake account about the meeting, tried to get Comey fired, harassed Jeff Sessions for recusing himself, threatened Mueller, and thrown up all kinds of bizarre red herrings.

Trump's colllusion denials are about as convincing as his denials that he didn't have sex with Daniels or McDougal.

"I am going to give a major speech. Probably Monday of next week. And we’re going to be discussing all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons. I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”
America really dodged a ball when HIllary lost.


Quoted for truth. Imagine that sociopath criminal getting to appoint four SC Justices, all corrupt and all traitors like herself to boot. The U.S. would have literally died as a viable nation.
I have not confirmed this - but I thought I saw on the CNN scroll at about 3:50 pm that ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg may also be saying that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in advance.

lol you gimps have no credibility whatsoever.

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