MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

I'm not looking forward to Pence becoming president. If the OP is true and can be confirmed - that is clearly COLLUSION with a hostile foreign power to influence an American election.

I’ve yet to have anyone explain to me why or how it’s a crime.
“He could be in violation of campaign finance laws for accepting a thing of value from a foreign national in relation to an election” she continued. “If he knew that the source of the information was from illegal hacking, he could be charged with accessory after the fact to a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. He could also be charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States by impeding the fair administration of elections. In addition, he could be charged with obstruction of justice for misdirecting investigators by dictating a misleading press release.”Cohen says Trump approved Trump Tower meeting with Russians Hope this answers that question.

Well then the DNC and Clinton campaign are in deep shit for directly paying Fusion FPS/Steele/Russian informants. Oh and they also were supported and funneled information from the Ukrainian government.
You can't just lump three things together in a clump just because it would fit your narrative. Clinton paid Fusion, what Fusion did with it is not Clinton's responsibility. That's why they contracted it out, in order to limit exposure. Again shady and more than likely unethical but NOT illegal.
The betters on both sides do this. It's the game. It was made legal by both sides For the 1%er employers of elected peoples. As the Top 4% only matters anyways here.
As many spew, wacko nonsense like the DOPer do for more giveaways to the top 4%. Yep the 1.5-2.5 Trillion add to the national debt for the 2017 tax BS FRAUD on the other 96% of American.
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The premise of g5000 is a perfect example of politics today and the divisions that exist.

Trump knowing his campaign wanting to get dirt from a Russian - OMG!! OMG!! IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!!
Hillary actually exchanging CASH for information from a Russian agent. - Ho-Hum....TRUMP! TRUMP!

What cash where and for what information? Please do tell.

That information has been known everywhere.... heck you can read the links provided by the OP if you like.
Fact is, Hillary's camp paid money to a law firm that then took that money, and exchanged it for information obtained by a foreign agent.
Nobody argues that. Well, except those who simply don't know about it. Which in today's media....doesn't surprise me.
Question.... did the DNC, and or Hillary Clinton use information obtained through a Soviet Agent against Donald Trump.
Answer.... yes. No one argues it. The fact that they filtered the money through a lawfirm they hired who then used Soviet resources does not remove them from knowingly using said info.

Question.... why is this not a problem?

Because she didn’t win.
Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

The Great Douche lied. IT knew the whole time.



Is that a crime then? Not that he lied about knowing (if he did, in fact, know) but knowing about it?
It's evidence of a willful attempt to collude with Russia. It blows Trump's denials out of the water.

Okay, but I still don’t see evidence of a crime...
Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

The Great Douche lied. IT knew the whole time.

A lot of people put future meetings on their calendar.
is that illegal?
And now we've officially gone from "That never happened" to "It happened but it's not illegal." Standard progression. Next will be "It may be illegal but...Obama!"

Either something’s illegal or it’s not.
THere is a special kind of ignorance when a poster ask for links to a claim you made, when the links THEY provided are where the claim comes from.
Funny too
I'm not looking forward to Pence becoming president. If the OP is true and can be confirmed - that is clearly COLLUSION with a hostile foreign power to influence an American election.
For the bazillionth time, COLLUSION IS N-O-T repeat NOT a crime.

View attachment 207193

Receiving help from Russia to win an election is.

“Receiving help from Russia to win an election” is vague as shit. You must supply the FORM of help, HOW the help was received and who Russia consists of, not to mention how the “help” led to a win.

You want it to be simple and obvious but in reality it’s not simple and obvious. Remember to be declared guilty of a crime in this country you must be able to prove “beyond any reasonable doubt” it occurred. If you’re being honest with yourself you really think he’s guilty beyond any reasonable doubt?
Russian-American Lobbyist At Trump Tower Meeting Described Knowing Hillary Clinton, Associates

Hillary colluded with Russia? Wow...

The Russian-American lobbyist who attended the infamous Trump Tower meeting had contacts with members of Hillary Clinton’s inner circle and knew Clinton herself, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017.

“I knew [Clinton]; I knew some people who worked on her campaign,” the lobbyist, Rinat Akhmetshin, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in closed-door testimony on Nov. 14.

A transcript of the testimony was released along with other meeting attendees on May 16.

Akhmetshin, a former Soviet military intelligence officer, also said his attorney, Edward Lieberman, knows Clinton well. Lieberman’s late wife, Evelyn Lieberman, was a close confidante of Clinton’s. At one point, Akhmetshin said he was not a fan of President Donald Trump’s family.
Don Jr. swore under oath that he never told his father before the meeting. Don Sr. said he was never told in advance.

If that is proven to be a lie…that’s the ballgame.
The Great Douche signed the many pardons long ago.
Just to be safe, in case, it dropped dead.

If you want to be taken seriously you may want to drop the “Great Douche” talk... unless you’re twelve years old, then carry on.

You giving advice on being taken seriously…that is hilarious.

If Cohen can prove this; it would be yuge. Knowing and proving are two different things. One thing Congress has been consistent about is that they don’t like being lied to. If Douche jr did lie to them under oath, I think the orange blob may just be taken for a walk.
The premise of g5000 is a perfect example of politics today and the divisions that exist.

Trump knowing his campaign wanting to get dirt from a Russian - OMG!! OMG!! IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!!
Hillary actually exchanging CASH for information from a Russian agent. - Ho-Hum....TRUMP! TRUMP!

What cash where and for what information? Please do tell.

That information has been known everywhere.... heck you can read the links provided by the OP if you like.
Fact is, Hillary's camp paid money to a law firm that then took that money, and exchanged it for information obtained by a foreign agent.
Nobody argues that. Well, except those who simply don't know about it. Which in today's media....doesn't surprise me.
The law firm disbursed payments for the DNC. Not illegal. Oppo research on Trump's dealings with Moscow....who would they ask for that information? The Canadians? Of course they asked Russians.
The way you've twisted these claims, they belong in the Conspiracy Theories forum.
One of the 2 Russians Trump, Jr met with worked with Fusion GPS. :113:

Why did Cohen sue Buzzfeed?
I'm not looking forward to Pence becoming president. If the OP is true and can be confirmed - that is clearly COLLUSION with a hostile foreign power to influence an American election.
For the bazillionth time, COLLUSION IS N-O-T repeat NOT a crime.

View attachment 207193

Receiving help from Russia to win an election is.

“Receiving help from Russia to win an election” is vague as shit. You must supply the FORM of help, HOW the help was received and who Russia consists of, not to mention how the “help” led to a win.

You want it to be simple and obvious but in reality it’s not simple and obvious. Remember to be declared guilty of a crime in this country you must be able to prove “beyond any reasonable doubt” it occurred. If you’re being honest with yourself you really think he’s guilty beyond any reasonable doubt?
You must supply the FORM of help, HOW the help was received and who Russia consists of, not to mention how the “help” led to a win.
That is exactly what Mueller seems to be doing, and why Trump and the Republicans have been doing their damndest for the past year and a half to convince the American public that all the news is fake and that Mueller's investigation is somehow a bogus, biased, witch hunt.
Sorry, libs. Mueller has nothing on Trump colluding with Putin to rig the election. Nada.

The only election rigging was Hillary rigging the DMC primaries.

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