MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

a lying President?

And see? We get to the "big deal....we don't care if he lies" part.
Yeah, it's a real shit show watching the pseueocons toss every last one of their principles in defense of a lying huckster pig.

No honor, no character, no integrity.

You left wing whack jobs have taught us well.

The Trumpys leaked it same as they did the phone call.
Three reasons:

1. Shiny object to distract from one horrible week after the next
2. Get out in front of the tsunami they know damn well is on its way
3. Take away potential value of the likely Cohen flip

Poor pseudocons. Desperately trying to make the Trump campaign's collusion be about Hillary. :lol:

He knew, folks.

He knew.

That is the point.
Hillary also knew..... why is that not a problem also if Trump knew?
You look like even dumber than Trump trying to parrot the talking points you've been given.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

That shit doesn't work any more, dude.

Try to stay on topic.

And here you have it folks...typical and perfect hypocrisy of hacks like the OP

Show where the OP is a hack. I only post/speak in truths.

My bad....I saw the 2nd page where g5000 is at top and mistakenly thought he was the OP

Come-on here? You've seen my posts. Do they look like any others? But okay forgiven.
But still, my post are full of facts and truths only. Many just hate this OP for posting facts and truths.
I'm surprised my thread has not been moved to the private member's only badlands area.
To protect the Great Douche for the DOPers and likes..
Don Jr. swore under oath that he never told his father before the meeting. Don Sr. said he was never told in advance.

A double neg make a positive.

I always felt Sr. knew, as I'm sure before the kids do anything they get permission from Daddy.
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I'm surprised my thread has not been moved to the private member's only badlands area.
It's just a matter of time.

When the pseudocons can't handle the truth, they sabotage topics until they are banished from their sight.
The premise of g5000 is a perfect example of politics today and the divisions that exist.

Trump knowing his campaign wanting to get dirt from a Russian - OMG!! OMG!! IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!!
Hillary actually exchanging CASH for information from a Russian agent. - Ho-Hum....TRUMP! TRUMP!

Question.... did the DNC, and or Hillary Clinton use information obtained through a Soviet Agent against Donald Trump.
Answer.... yes. No one argues it. The fact that they filtered the money through a lawfirm they hired who then used Soviet resources does not remove them from knowingly using said info.

Question.... why is this not a problem?
Right. I need to be shown some evidence that Trump was doing anything more than looking for dirt on Hillary from any source that could give it to him, just like Hillary and co. did about Trump.

The fact that Trump lied about something, including meeting with Russians, doesn't come as a surprise at all. Trump has no problem lying and distorting to make himself look good or avoid criticism.
Both Campaigns Sought Russian Dirt. Clinton's Way Was Legal. this shows why it's different. This is also a difference "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
In the Clinton case, nobody claimed this was an effort from the Russian government. But rather someone got payed to spill the beans. This is important because that can not be used be the Russian government to compromise the candidate. Accepting help from an apparent official representative of a foreign government puts you at jeopardy. In fact the old SU tried it twice in a presidential campaign both times they were rebuffed by the candidate for that reason..A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
When someone claiming to represent the Russian government offers you dirt on your political opponent you call the FBI, NOT say "if it's what you say I love it"
I'm surprised my thread has not been moved to the private member's only badlands area.
It's just a matter of time.

When the pseudocons can't handle the truth, they sabotage topics until they are banished from their sight.
It's amazing. The Great Douche lies three times a day on average, some 3800 plus in 18 months.
And a new scandal every few days. But still, the DOPers tell me Obama was worse.
Just FFS! WOW!? DOPers are Totally Discounted from reality.
The premise of g5000 is a perfect example of politics today and the divisions that exist.

Trump knowing his campaign wanting to get dirt from a Russian - OMG!! OMG!! IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!!
Hillary actually exchanging CASH for information from a Russian agent. - Ho-Hum....TRUMP! TRUMP!

What cash where and for what information? Please do tell.
Don Jr. swore under oath that he never told his father before the meeting. Don Sr. said he was never told in advance.

A double neg make a positive.

I always felt Sr. knew, as I'm sure before the kids do anything they get permission from Daddy.

Nope just Daddy. Trump comes from the thinking of many men where women should know their place, in the bedroom.:)
It's not illegal to get dirt from a Russian.

Yes it is if coming from a Russian national and known spy in the interest of swinging a US election. This is particularly true when it was already known that Russians were hacking and mauling our election with fake news from trolls and bots. Sorry, no excuses here - Don "Guido" Trump Junior then LIED about it, was busted and got his ass in a sling.

Both Campaigns Sought Russian Dirt. Clinton's Way Was Legal.
Legal experts say Donald Trump Jr has just confessed to a federal crime
Question.... did the DNC, and or Hillary Clinton use information obtained through a Soviet Agent against Donald Trump.
Answer.... yes. No one argues it. The fact that they filtered the money through a lawfirm they hired who then used Soviet resources does not remove them from knowingly using said info.

Question.... why is this not a problem?
Right. I need to be shown some evidence that Trump was doing anything more than looking for dirt on Hillary from any source that could give it to him, just like Hillary and co. did about Trump.

The fact that Trump lied about something, including meeting with Russians, doesn't come as a surprise at all. Trump has no problem lying and distorting to make himself look good or avoid criticism.
Both Campaigns Sought Russian Dirt. Clinton's Way Was Legal. this shows why it's different. This is also a difference "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump"Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting
In the Clinton case, nobody claimed this was an effort from the Russian government. But rather someone got payed to spill the beans. This is important because that can not be used be the Russian government to compromise the candidate. Accepting help from an apparent official representative of a foreign government puts you at jeopardy. In fact the old SU tried it twice in a presidential campaign both times they were rebuffed by the candidate for that reason..A brief history of Russian meddling in US elections
When someone claiming to represent the Russian government offers you dirt on your political opponent you call the FBI, NOT say "if it's what you say I love it"
I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about then. This hard evidence will be presented by Mueller, Trump will be impeached and everyone who's not deplorable rejoices!
The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

Michael Cohen, the president’s former personal attorney, said Donald Trump knew in advance about a meeting during the 2016 campaign in which Russians were expected to offer negative information about his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, according to a report by CNN.

Citing sources with knowledge of Cohen’s claims, CNN said the attorney is willing to share that information with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russia’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The meeting occurred at Trump Tower in June 2016 with Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort. They met with a lawyer linked to the Kremlin and a Russian businessman who initially had offered to disclose dirt on Clinton.

Trump has repeatedly denied having any knowledge about the meeting and told The New York Times in July 2017 that he “didn’t know anything” about it.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Michael Cohen Says Trump Knew About Trump Tower Meeting With Russians In Advance: CNN

Here is the original CNN source: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

I wonder who leaked this story. Cohen side denies leaking it.

The Trump Tower meeting was set up in hopes of getting dirt on presidential rival Hillary Clinton from a Russian.

That's awful!!!

Only Hillary is allowed to get dirt on presidential rivals from Russians, eh comrade?

Trump lied about it, which most will assume was a cover up. Trump will have to resign at this point.

Why? And I’m not asking for your opinion.

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