MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

Oh Noes!!! MSNBC!!!! roflmao

About as credible as Mueller confirming it. We'll be getting yet another Nothing Burger innuendo with zero evidence like every other breathless fake 'breaking news' you gimps constantly spam the board with, followed by 50 threads and 40,000 posts of nothing.
The absurdity of it is that while they are trying to string together Trump and some Russian guy that we have Hillary with a paid and printed dossier from some Russian guy right in front of us and they don’t care
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The absurdity of it is that while they are trying to string together Trump and some Russian guy that we have Hillary with a paid and printed dossier from some Russian guy right in front of usc and they don’t care

Yes, and also the allegedly 'hacked' servers they won't turn over as well. They're a joke.
I have not confirmed this - but I thought I saw on the CNN scroll at about 3:50 pm that ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg may also be saying that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in advance.

lol you gimps have no credibility whatsoever.

And your Orange God DOES? :lol:

Shit, man, even Madoff has tons more credibility than you gimps ever will, all of you combined. Why do you think otherwise? Really strong drugs?
Trump possibly attempted to conspired to obtain opposition research that would keep Hillary out of the White House. How is that legal???
Do you mean how is that ILLEGAL?
No, why was Trump allowed to keep St. Hillary the Inevitable from taking her rightful place on the White House throne! That's why they're going after Trump
I'm just thinking the question should be how is it illegal? There needs to be a reason for something to be illegal. If there is not a reason for something to be illegal, then it is legal.

I guess I'm being a little nit picky like when people say "I could care less" when they probably mean "I couldn't care less".
Trump possibly attempted to conspired to obtain opposition research that would keep Hillary out of the White House. How is that legal???
Do you mean how is that ILLEGAL?
No, why was Trump allowed to keep St. Hillary the Inevitable from taking her rightful place on the White House throne! That's why they're going after Trump
So you think Republicans wanted Hillary and not Trump??

The Republican power structure did NOT want Trump.
Don Jr. swore under oath that he never told his father before the meeting. Don Sr. said he was never told in advance.

If that is proven to be a lie…that’s the ballgame.
The Great Douche signed the many pardons long ago.
Just to be safe, in case, it dropped dead.

If you want to be taken seriously you may want to drop the “Great Douche” talk... unless you’re twelve years old, then carry on.

You giving advice on being taken seriously…that is hilarious.

If Cohen can prove this; it would be yuge. Knowing and proving are two different things. One thing Congress has been consistent about is that they don’t like being lied to. If Douche jr did lie to them under oath, I think the orange blob may just be taken for a walk.

People lie to Congress all the time.
What can they do about it?

Oh…okay. You may want to check your sources….and check yourself into a mental ward.
I'm not looking forward to Pence becoming president. If the OP is true and can be confirmed - that is clearly COLLUSION with a hostile foreign power to influence an American election.
For the bazillionth time, COLLUSION IS N-O-T repeat NOT a crime.

View attachment 207193

Receiving help from Russia to win an election is.

“Receiving help from Russia to win an election” is vague as shit. You must supply the FORM of help, HOW the help was received and who Russia consists of, not to mention how the “help” led to a win.

You want it to be simple and obvious but in reality it’s not simple and obvious. Remember to be declared guilty of a crime in this country you must be able to prove “beyond any reasonable doubt” it occurred. If you’re being honest with yourself you really think he’s guilty beyond any reasonable doubt?
Liberals hate to be specific. They like using vague terms like COLLUSION, INTERFERENCE, HELP, MEDDLING. That way they can open an investigation and use the power of the government to look for any damn thing they want to take down President Trump.

Much like conservatives use the “deep state”….who are the members? Conservatives don’t even agree.
I have not confirmed this - but I thought I saw on the CNN scroll at about 3:50 pm that ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg may also be saying that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in advance.

Not a matter of if, but when will Trump resign?
Trump possibly attempted to conspired to obtain opposition research that would keep Hillary out of the White House. How is that legal???
Do you mean how is that ILLEGAL?
No, why was Trump allowed to keep St. Hillary the Inevitable from taking her rightful place on the White House throne! That's why they're going after Trump
So you think Republicans wanted Hillary and not Trump??

The Republican power structure did NOT want Trump.
Maybe not, but they certainly didn't want Hillary.
I have not confirmed this - but I thought I saw on the CNN scroll at about 3:50 pm that ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg may also be saying that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in advance.

Not a matter of if, but when will Trump resign?
By Christmas 2017 he will definitely been gone as predicted ALL of last year

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