MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

The Trumpys leaked it same as they did the phone call.
Three reasons:

1. Shiny object to distract from one horrible week after the next
2. Get out in front of the tsunami they know damn well is on its way
3. Take away potential value of the likely Cohen flip


Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.
The Trumpys leaked it same as they did the phone call.
Three reasons:

1. Shiny object to distract from one horrible week after the next
2. Get out in front of the tsunami they know damn well is on its way
3. Take away potential value of the likely Cohen flip


Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

Some of these Trumplings are slower than molasses :)
The Russian intelligence officers who gave info to Steele weren't foreign adversaries?

No - Steele has Russian connections up the yang. If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

Steele got info from employees of the Russian government?
And Trump Jr didn't get info from an employee of the Russian government?

Sounds serious!

You lack a basic understanding of what is going on here.
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt ...
THEN after 82 known meetings - Around a dozen Trump allies then proceeded to LIE about every one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project
It's known as consciousness of guilt
IOW, they knew what they were doing was illegal as hell.
How else to explain Trump dictating a total LIE to Don "Guido" Trump Junior after Trump Tower meeting went public?

There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.

Meh - You're never gonna get it :rolleyes:

Do you have a list of things that are a crime if you attempt them but that are legal if you hire a lawyer or private detective to attempt?
The Trumpys leaked it same as they did the phone call.
Three reasons:

1. Shiny object to distract from one horrible week after the next
2. Get out in front of the tsunami they know damn well is on its way
3. Take away potential value of the likely Cohen flip


Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

You can still take the 5th, moron.
No - Steele has Russian connections up the yang. If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

Steele got info from employees of the Russian government?
And Trump Jr didn't get info from an employee of the Russian government?

Sounds serious!

You lack a basic understanding of what is going on here.
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt ...
THEN after 82 known meetings - Around a dozen Trump allies then proceeded to LIE about every one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project
It's known as consciousness of guilt
IOW, they knew what they were doing was illegal as hell.
How else to explain Trump dictating a total LIE to Don "Guido" Trump Junior after Trump Tower meeting went public?

There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.

Meh - You're never gonna get it :rolleyes:

Do you have a list of things that are a crime if you attempt them but that are legal if you hire a lawyer or private detective to attempt?

More complex than that - Go back to bed :)
If they gave him info, then they were double agents.

Steele got info from employees of the Russian government?
And Trump Jr didn't get info from an employee of the Russian government?

Sounds serious!

You lack a basic understanding of what is going on here.
There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt ...
THEN after 82 known meetings - Around a dozen Trump allies then proceeded to LIE about every one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 82+ contacts with Russia-linked operatives - The Moscow Project
It's known as consciousness of guilt
IOW, they knew what they were doing was illegal as hell.
How else to explain Trump dictating a total LIE to Don "Guido" Trump Junior after Trump Tower meeting went public?

There is a big difference between Clinton campaign hiring longtime US asset Steele to collect oppo ..
And your own campaign officials meeting directly with Russian spies who have offered dirt …

If meeting a Russian and getting no dirt is bad, actually getting dirt (even fake dirt) from Russians has to be worse. Even if you hire intermediaries to do it for you.

Meh - You're never gonna get it :rolleyes:

Do you have a list of things that are a crime if you attempt them but that are legal if you hire a lawyer or private detective to attempt?

More complex than that - Go back to bed :)

Can't think of anything? LOL!
The Trumpys leaked it same as they did the phone call.
Three reasons:

1. Shiny object to distract from one horrible week after the next
2. Get out in front of the tsunami they know damn well is on its way
3. Take away potential value of the likely Cohen flip


Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

You can still take the 5th, moron.

NO YOU CANNOT - Jesus you're slow this morning.

if a prosecutor first gives the witness an immunity agreement, guaranteeing that they can NOT be prosecuted, no matter what they say, then they CAN be compelled to answer. The key is the risk to yourself; once that risk is removed, the 5th amendment no longer applies.

A presidential pardon, particularly a pre-emptive pardon like the one Ford gave to Nixon, which would prevent future prosecution, would have the same effect. So if the president granted someone such a pardon, and then that person was subpoenaed to testify, they would be in no danger of prosecution, and therefore would not be able to assert their 5th amendment right not to answer a question on the witness stand.​
The Trumpys leaked it same as they did the phone call.
Three reasons:

1. Shiny object to distract from one horrible week after the next
2. Get out in front of the tsunami they know damn well is on its way
3. Take away potential value of the likely Cohen flip


Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

You can still take the 5th, moron.
Why would you, dope?
That's like taking the 5th when you have immunity. :laugh2:
Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

You can still take the 5th, moron.
Why would you, dope?
That's like taking the 5th when you have immunity. :laugh2:

Hmmm - You mean if you can't incriminate yourself, then you can't incriminate yourself?
Sounds complicated :lol:
This is a stupid thread because none of this was it illegal...

Just more butthurt whining...
Veselnitskaya was talking about overturning Magnitsky Act at meeting.
Trump campaign wanted more dirt on Hillary. Russia wants sanction relief.
So what?

Obtaining opposition research is NOT illegal.

Colluding with and PAYING foreign spies and Russians for a report and using tjat data in a US election, which is what HILLARY did, IS illegal.
Trump lied about it, which most will assume was a cover up. Trump will have to resign at this point.

Trump lied about it,

The FBI lied about the dossier Hillary paid for it. I guess we can cancel the Special Counsel.

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.
Trump lied about it,

The FBI lied about the dossier Hillary paid for it. I guess we can cancel the Special Counsel.

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

Yes, there are around 20 elements of the Dossier which either have been verified, or confirmed within a reasonable doubt.
Nothing has been DISproven including the Russian pee pee hookers.
Suspect that a confirmation of Cohen's meeting in Prague is fairly close at hand!
Oh Noes!!! MSNBC!!!! roflmao
The source is not MSNBC. It is Nunberg's own mouth.

nobody cares what you fake news loons claim about anything. The claim is just innuendo and has no credible source or evidence. It's fake news, the only kind MSNBC reports.
Tapper: Do you think that — Donald Trump says that — President Trump says he knew nothing about the meeting. Do you think that that’s true?

Nunberg: No.

Tapper: You don’t think that’s true?

Nunberg: No. It doesn’t — and, Jake, I have watched your news reports. You know it’s not true. He talked about it a week before.

Sorry pal...that's not "innuendo". Better go back to the board and get your marching orders ironed out...
Oh Noes!!! MSNBC!!!! roflmao
The source is not MSNBC. It is Nunberg's own mouth.

nobody cares what you fake news loons claim about anything. The claim is just innuendo and has no credible source or evidence. It's fake news, the only kind MSNBC reports.
Tapper: Do you think that — Donald Trump says that — President Trump says he knew nothing about the meeting. Do you think that that’s true?

Nunberg: No.

Tapper: You don’t think that’s true?

Nunberg: No. It doesn’t — and, Jake, I have watched your news reports. You know it’s not true. He talked about it a week before.

Sorry pal...that's not "innuendo". Better go back to the board and get your marching orders ironed out...

They are madly scouring Breitbart, Hannity, TownHall, PJmedia, Infowars, and of course - RT for marching orders, and will get back to us. :lol:
Last edited:
This is a stupid thread because none of this was it illegal...

Just more butthurt whining...
Veselnitskaya was talking about overturning Magnitsky Act at meeting.
Trump campaign wanted more dirt on Hillary. Russia wants sanction relief.
So what?

Obtaining opposition research is NOT illegal.

Colluding with and PAYING foreign spies and Russians for a report and using tjat data in a US election, which is what HILLARY did, IS illegal.
That's all nonsense. What Hillary's campaign did was not illegal. However, what the Trump campaign did might be...
If true, which it is very likely it is true due to other surrounding circumstances....


Traitor Don, did collude with the Russians and gave the okay for his campaign to do such.... he aided and abetted the enemy....

which some us with our eyes and ears opened, knew all along...

He should resign, and spare himself from the impeachment! :eek:

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

Yes, there are around 20 elements of the Dossier which either have been verified, or confirmed within a reasonable doubt.
Nothing has been DISproven including the Russian pee pee hookers.
Suspect that a confirmation of Cohen's meeting in Prague is fairly close at hand!
I thought they proved he wasn't even in Moscow when the pee-pee incident apparently took place? I don't follow that stuff; if he did it, the cat's out of the bag now, and it can't actually be used against him. Those who believe it happened already do; the rest will say it was photoshopped.
If true, which it is very likely it is true due to other surrounding circumstances....


Traitor Don, did collude with the Russians and gave the okay for his campaign to do such.... he aided and abetted the enemy....

which some us with our eyes and ears opened, knew all along...

He should resign, and spare himself from the impeachment! :eek:

And now the mental case is thinking of visiting Russia at Putins invite??? He is one sick pos

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