MAGA: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting. Who released this?

This is a stupid thread because none of this was it illegal...

Just more butthurt whining...
Veselnitskaya was talking about overturning Magnitsky Act at meeting.
Trump campaign wanted more dirt on Hillary. Russia wants sanction relief.
So what?

Obtaining opposition research is NOT illegal.

Colluding with and PAYING foreign spies and Russians for a report and using tjat data in a US election, which is what HILLARY did, IS illegal.
Hillary's campaign paid Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid a British agent (ally country) Christopher Steele.
Steele used anti-kremlin sources in Russian. And those sources murdered for it.

On the Trump side, they're offering relief from sanctions for dirt on Hillary.
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You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

Yes, there are around 20 elements of the Dossier which either have been verified, or confirmed within a reasonable doubt.
Nothing has been DISproven including the Russian pee pee hookers.
Suspect that a confirmation of Cohen's meeting in Prague is fairly close at hand!
I thought they proved he wasn't even in Moscow when the pee-pee incident apparently took place? I don't follow that stuff; if he did it, the cat's out of the bag now, and it can't actually be used against him. Those who believe it happened already do; the rest will say it was photoshopped.

Never believe a word Trump says ;)

Did Trump stay overnight in Russia in 2013? Evidence points to yes
Analysis | Trump’s denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart
Terms of Service Violation
Exactly right. They're trying to set the narrative. Not that it matters in the end as Cohen will still have to testify.

Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

You can still take the 5th, moron.

NO YOU CANNOT - Jesus you're slow this morning.

if a prosecutor first gives the witness an immunity agreement, guaranteeing that they can NOT be prosecuted, no matter what they say, then they CAN be compelled to answer. The key is the risk to yourself; once that risk is removed, the 5th amendment no longer applies.

A presidential pardon, particularly a pre-emptive pardon like the one Ford gave to Nixon, which would prevent future prosecution, would have the same effect. So if the president granted someone such a pardon, and then that person was subpoenaed to testify, they would be in no danger of prosecution, and therefore would not be able to assert their 5th amendment right not to answer a question on the witness stand.​

The key is the risk to yourself; once that risk is removed, the 5th amendment no longer applies.

Me: I plead the 5th.

Judge: You can't.

Me: I just did.

Judge: You can't, I'll hold you in contempt.

Me: Okay.
Trump lied about it,

The FBI lied about the dossier Hillary paid for it. I guess we can cancel the Special Counsel.

Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true.


What ‘Verify’ Means
Consider this: The representation that the FBI’s verification procedures include sending the application to “appropriate field offices” is standard in FISA warrant applications. It is done because the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) mandates that the bureau “ensure that information appearing in a FISA application that is presented to the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] has been thoroughly vetted and confirmed.” (See House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes March 1, 2018, letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, embedded here.) The point is to assure the court that the FBI has corroborated the allegations in the warrant application in the usual way.

A hypothetical shows how this works. Let’s say that X, an informant, tells the FBI in Washington that Y, a person in St. Louis, told him that Z, the suspect, is plotting to rob the bank.

X’s story is unverified; he doesn’t know anything firsthand about Z — he only knows what Y has told him. Obviously, then, the FBI does not instantly run to court and seek a warrant against Z. Instead, the bureau sends an investigative “lead” from headquarters in Washington to the FBI field office in St. Louis. FBI agents in St. Louis then go find and interview Y. Based on that interview, the FBI gathers supporting information (perhaps physical surveillance of Z, scrutiny of available documents and records about Z, etc.). Only then, after debriefing the witness with competent knowledge, do the Justice Department and FBI seek a warrant against Z from the court. In the application, they explain to the judge that they have verified X’s information by interviewing Y and then corroborating Y’s version of events. In fact, if they get solid enough information about Z from Y, there may be no reason even to mention X, whose tip to the FBI was sheer hearsay.

But that is not what happened with the Carter Page FISA warrants.

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review
Has anyone said to the OP "so what" yet?

If not let me be the first.

So the fuck what?
But, as is now public knowledge, the Steele Dossier was not relied upon solely for basis for the warrant, not was it the only source of the info it contained. As we all know, the FBI already was aware of much of that raw intelligence, and presented the dossier as corroboration of it's own, existing Intel.
Nope, the FISA court was told the dossier came from an opposing political party.

You are correct sir. It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true.


What ‘Verify’ Means
Consider this: The representation that the FBI’s verification procedures include sending the application to “appropriate field offices” is standard in FISA warrant applications. It is done because the FBI’s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG) mandates that the bureau “ensure that information appearing in a FISA application that is presented to the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] has been thoroughly vetted and confirmed.” (See House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes March 1, 2018, letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, embedded here.) The point is to assure the court that the FBI has corroborated the allegations in the warrant application in the usual way.

A hypothetical shows how this works. Let’s say that X, an informant, tells the FBI in Washington that Y, a person in St. Louis, told him that Z, the suspect, is plotting to rob the bank.

X’s story is unverified; he doesn’t know anything firsthand about Z — he only knows what Y has told him. Obviously, then, the FBI does not instantly run to court and seek a warrant against Z. Instead, the bureau sends an investigative “lead” from headquarters in Washington to the FBI field office in St. Louis. FBI agents in St. Louis then go find and interview Y. Based on that interview, the FBI gathers supporting information (perhaps physical surveillance of Z, scrutiny of available documents and records about Z, etc.). Only then, after debriefing the witness with competent knowledge, do the Justice Department and FBI seek a warrant against Z from the court. In the application, they explain to the judge that they have verified X’s information by interviewing Y and then corroborating Y’s version of events. In fact, if they get solid enough information about Z from Y, there may be no reason even to mention X, whose tip to the FBI was sheer hearsay.

But that is not what happened with the Carter Page FISA warrants.

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review

Todd is going to be SO sad on very short order.
I've alerted Rahm to cut off rooftop access to all high-rises in Chicago :wink:
Yep, and in the unlikely event Trump pardons him - he can't take the 5th :)

You can always take the 5th. It's in the Constitution. Duh.

You can't incriminate yourself if you're already pardoned for what you're testifying about, dope.

You can still take the 5th, moron.

NO YOU CANNOT - Jesus you're slow this morning.

if a prosecutor first gives the witness an immunity agreement, guaranteeing that they can NOT be prosecuted, no matter what they say, then they CAN be compelled to answer. The key is the risk to yourself; once that risk is removed, the 5th amendment no longer applies.

A presidential pardon, particularly a pre-emptive pardon like the one Ford gave to Nixon, which would prevent future prosecution, would have the same effect. So if the president granted someone such a pardon, and then that person was subpoenaed to testify, they would be in no danger of prosecution, and therefore would not be able to assert their 5th amendment right not to answer a question on the witness stand.​

The key is the risk to yourself; once that risk is removed, the 5th amendment no longer applies.

Me: I plead the 5th.

Judge: You can't.

Me: I just did.

Judge: You can't, I'll hold you in contempt.

Me: Okay.

Yep, and Judge will then put you in cellblock B with a 300 pound dude named "Bubba" until you have a change of heart.
Lube not included :)
It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

Yes, there are around 20 elements of the Dossier which either have been verified, or confirmed within a reasonable doubt.
Nothing has been DISproven including the Russian pee pee hookers.
Suspect that a confirmation of Cohen's meeting in Prague is fairly close at hand!
I thought they proved he wasn't even in Moscow when the pee-pee incident apparently took place? I don't follow that stuff; if he did it, the cat's out of the bag now, and it can't actually be used against him. Those who believe it happened already do; the rest will say it was photoshopped.

Never believe a word Trump says ;)

Did Trump stay overnight in Russia in 2013? Evidence points to yes
Analysis | Trump’s denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart
Terms of Service Violation
The golden showers thingy matters naught....

even if it did happen, Trump's supporters would not care, he's allowed to be an active whore, adulterer, cheater.... like every normal man in their 60's with a new wife and baby at home! :rolleyes:

If Russia has KOMPROMAT on Trump, it does not involve his sex life.... Traitor Don is known to be a man WHORE....

Whatever it is that they have on him, has to involve the true love of his life, Money! As the saying goes.... the love of money, is the root of all evil....
It also came from a LONG trusted British M16 agent the US has relied on for years.

Hearsay transmitted by a trusted source is still hearsay.

You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

Yes, there are around 20 elements of the Dossier which either have been verified, or confirmed within a reasonable doubt.
Nothing has been DISproven including the Russian pee pee hookers.
Suspect that a confirmation of Cohen's meeting in Prague is fairly close at hand!
I thought they proved he wasn't even in Moscow when the pee-pee incident apparently took place? I don't follow that stuff; if he did it, the cat's out of the bag now, and it can't actually be used against him. Those who believe it happened already do; the rest will say it was photoshopped.

Never believe a word Trump says ;)

Did Trump stay overnight in Russia in 2013? Evidence points to yes
Analysis | Trump’s denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart
Terms of Service Violation
He's in fear of Putin showing the "PEE" pictures
Rep. Darrell Issa now saying that, "Nobody's going to be suprised" if 45 did know June 2016 meeting members of his campaign staff and Russian Nationals.

GOP lawmaker: 'Nobody’s going to be surprised' if Trump approved Russia meeting.

45 continues to deny he knew about the meeting, but 45 also denied paying off Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels") and former Playboy Model Karen McDougal. Which of course he later admitted he did payoff.

The Lying Sack of Crap Draft Dodging Cowardly Russian Back Fuck Wad in White House has been caught out once again. And before the Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer Follower start shouting some nonsense please the building logs for Trump Tower show that the Secret Service was on site on the visit, and because none of 45's family were had been grant protection until after January of 2017. The only reason for the Secret Service to be on site would be if that lying sack of Treasonous Shit was in the building.
You wanna go against a LONG trusted British M16 agent that the US has relied on for YEARS?

Then HardSTOP - Toddster, is NOT a Patriot
I thought I had read, long ago, that a good portion of the information in the dossier HAD been verified? I'm not interested in going into the weeds of it, but I'm pretty sure intelligence had confirmed that the dossier had a lot of stuff in it which they could establish was true. How much of that involved Trump's company, I don't know.

Yes, there are around 20 elements of the Dossier which either have been verified, or confirmed within a reasonable doubt.
Nothing has been DISproven including the Russian pee pee hookers.
Suspect that a confirmation of Cohen's meeting in Prague is fairly close at hand!
I thought they proved he wasn't even in Moscow when the pee-pee incident apparently took place? I don't follow that stuff; if he did it, the cat's out of the bag now, and it can't actually be used against him. Those who believe it happened already do; the rest will say it was photoshopped.

Never believe a word Trump says ;)

Did Trump stay overnight in Russia in 2013? Evidence points to yes
Analysis | Trump’s denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart
Terms of Service Violation
He's in fear of Putin showing the "PEE" pictures

Betting that Stephen made the VERY wise decision to SLEEP ON COUCH!!

Willing to bet the next fall back be from "No Collusion!!", (There was) to "Everybody Colludes!!"?

45 knew about the meeting and he knew what the meeting was about and did not try stop the meeting.

The slow motion train wreck that is the ongoing criminal enterprise at the White House is speeding up!!!
Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

The Great Douche lied. IT knew the whole time.


And so what. Hillary paid for information from the Russians so I fail to see the issue here.

Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

The Great Douche lied. IT knew the whole time.


And so what. Hillary paid for information from the Russians so I fail to see the issue here.

Russia Are you listening ?? and they listened ,,,,""I'm going to make a major speech"" ?? What happened to the pos perverts speech ?? No info from Russia?
Down the street convenience store...Are you listening?, I am on twitter now...Just telling you that I am going to rob your store at gunpoint tonight! So watch out!...SURELY every criminal uses this- tell everybody publicly technique!!!
Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

The Great Douche lied. IT knew the whole time.


And so what. Hillary paid for information from the Russians so I fail to see the issue here.

Russia Are you listening ?? and they listened ,,,,""I'm going to make a major speech"" ?? What happened to the pos perverts speech ?? No info from Russia?
Are you on drugs? What is the difference in Trump getting dirt on Clinton from the Russians, than Clinton paying for dirt on Trump from the Russians?

I can wait

Hillary's campaign paid Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid a British agent (ally country) Christopher Steele.
Steele used anti-kremlin sources in Russian. And those sources murdered for it.

On the Trump side, they're offering relief from sanctions for dirt on Hillary.

You have ZERO evidence to support your lies....but evidence exists showing Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for propaganda she and the FBI used illegally.

Hillary's campaign paid Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS paid a British agent (ally country) Christopher Steele.
Steele used anti-kremlin sources in Russian. And those sources murdered for it.

On the Trump side, they're offering relief from sanctions for dirt on Hillary.

You have ZERO evidence to support your lies....but evidence exists showing Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for propaganda she and the FBI used illegally.

I dont need evidence, you can readily find it. Such as wikipedia.

They would have been derelict to not use dossier. Besides, all the judges who approved Page FISA warrants were nominated by republicans.

Carter Page admits helping Russians.
Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.

The Great Douche lied. IT knew the whole time.


And so what. Hillary paid for information from the Russians so I fail to see the issue here.


Right on time. HRC did it....HRC did it.

When you have no argument left to make, bring in HRC....

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