MAGA Heil DrumpF: Minnesota couple banned from Walmart after wearing Nazi flags as face coverings. LOL!

They should have been allowed to wear the Nazi mask as a commentary on the requirement of masks. That is definitely free speech.
That's absolutely, positively true. They get thrown out of this Walmart while the real modern day nazis, antifa, are allowed by their Democrat leadership to burn, loot and terrorize liberal cities.


DANG! Them DOPers got Douched out the store for their Great Orange Douche.

What does MAGA or Trump have to do with the OP?
These are FULL MAGA losers DOPers.

The asshole trumpster is wearing a Great Douche shirt.

Did you read why they wore the masks? I have hated Nazis all my life but this couple has a legal claim against WallyWorld.

DOPer U R Pro-Nazi. As U R on team Great Douche we know this here..

Dems and BLM hate Jews just like the nazi's
You can burn the American flag, but cannot wear a Nazi symbol........

Unless I'm mistaken, the Left considers both equal hate symbols

It's either free speech OR NOT.

I don't care for Nazi symbols but regard it as free speech.
The problem in America is that one political ideology group is making all the decisions as to what hate symbols are.
American Flag = hate Symbol while, burning is free speech but Pride Flag = Protected, felony to desecrate.

I ssupect soon the Christian symbol will be designated as a hate symbol. Just wait
You`re mistaken. What else is new?
Laughable Bullshit!
"Laughable," jackass? What if you are sick or disabled and Walmart is the only place you can get to? Many people take the bus to get to Walmart, Walmart is the only store that buses people in.

What if you are unable to work, on fixed income and on food stamps and must pick up food curbside? Do you know that right now, Walmart is the only place that takes EBT cards online in many areas?

Of course not, because you are an arrogant, impudent, thoughtless prick.
Relax, dude! I was referring to the one sentence I quoted. The rest of your post is quite good. As much as I detest Wal-Mart and HATE Nazi's, I do hope Wal-Mart pays a large settlement for this.

  • People picking up curbside don't have to enter the store.
  • Wal-Mart ships, oftentimes for free.
  • Wal-Mart is never the only place one can get to, especially in Minnesota.
  • Many stores accept EBT online

I of course detest nazism.....btw no serious nazi threat in America....yet what is despicable is how hypocritical the enforcers of political correctness in former high officials in the obama administration openly quoted mao and praised him...this was allowed.

Not even to mention how biden quoted Mao the other day like that was a good thing.

No nazi threat in America but a huge communist threat definitely exists here.

Mao was much worse than Hitler....but can you imagine the leftist hysteria if Trump ever quoted Hitler?
Agreed. I hate the CCP, not the Chinese people. The CCP has murdered roughly 60 MILLION Chinese people (their own people) that we know of. The number could be much higher since the CCP lies for convenience.

The CCP fosters slavery of its people in forcing them to work for sub-poverty level pay in factories making goods for slave-holder American and other foreign-based companies that charge hundreds of dollars for a product that costs them single-digit dollars to make.

The liberals have attached the "Nazi" tag to basically anyone who differs with their opinions...on any subject whatsoever. It's a "shame-on-you" ad hominem tactic that dimwitted liberals believe makes their argument instantly prevail no matter the subject at hand. I've seen it used even in objective arguments where the truth is irrefutable. This is their only defense when they have nothing logical to say. This is why they label Donald Trump a Nazi. This is why the rich bitch, Nancy Pelosi used the term stormtroopers in reference to federal agents assigned to protect the federal courthouse in Portland.
I saw a guy in Wal Mart yesterday wearing a black lives matter face mask. I was offended. But I just snickered at the moron and moved on. I didn't make a scene.
I saw a guy in Wal Mart yesterday wearing a black lives matter face mask. I was offended. But I just snickered at the moron and moved on. I didn't make a scene.
maybe at this point in time we should start making a scene, fight fire with fire
That is what happens when clueless people get political.

Now if instead of swastika masks they had used this.........................

View attachment 367771

Chinese Flag

Walmart would proabably have given them a free vacation.
Yea, it’s funny no one makes headlines in national news when they wear a Che Guevara t-shirt. That commie asshole said he would had launched nukes at the US if he had the trigger during the Cuban missile crisis.


DANG! Them DOPers got Douched out the store for their Great Orange Douche.
Did they burn down the store? If not, then these people are still WAAAYYY more civilized than democrats.
Its private property, so their rules.
Or you can't shop.
Private companies can not set their own rules. The can not say, no blacks or gays just because it is their property
No service based on no blacks or gays. Is discrimination.
Requiring shirt, shoes, mask and no trumpster NAZI mask.
Is not discrimination, as it applies to all equally.
Its private property, so their rules.
Or you can't shop.
Private companies can not set their own rules. The can not say, no blacks or gays just because it is their property

Excellent point.

It's one thing to have a 'dress code' - another entirely to censor the design on the fabric. To do so is actually quite in keeping with the beliefs of 1930's Nazi's.
It's one thing for a private company to bake a cake - another entirely to be forced to decorate it and/or deliver it. That too is typical of 1930's Nazi's.

Interesting isn't it?...when the 'private company, their rules' mantra is so selectively applied - without even the good grace to be ashamed of (or recognize) the irony.
Its private property, so their rules.
Or you can't shop.
Private companies can not set their own rules. The can not say, no blacks or gays just because it is their property
No service based on no blacks or gays. Is discrimination.
Requiring shirt, shoes, mask and no trumpster NAZI mask.
Is not discrimination, as it applies to all equally.
But it is not ok for a baker to refuse to decorate a cake for a gay wedding
Wow, I thought the goal was to attract customers, not make them take their business elsewhere and you would think that with what is already going against businesses these days, such a big deal over something that is so trivial in the grand scheme would never once be made.

God bless you and the couple always!!!

Holly (a girl who is part German)


DANG! Them DOPers got Douched out the store for their Great Orange Douche.
Did they burn down the store? If not, then these people are still WAAAYYY more civilized than democrats.

Keep in mind the obvious: these people were not promoting Hitler or Nazism (not that they don't have a 1A right to do so), they were simply making a statement about the fascist tactics of ordering a population to cover their faces no matter what, in an arbitrary way whose effectiveness is at best, questionable. All the worse as just try to go out and buy a mask! I've looked, they are all back-ordered for months!

At the very least, if it is your "policy" that people MUST wear a mask, then be at the door handing them out as they come in.


DANG! Them DOPers got Douched out the store for their Great Orange Douche.

What does MAGA or Trump have to do with the OP?
These are FULL MAGA losers DOPers.

The asshole trumpster is wearing a Great Douche shirt.

Did you read why they wore the masks? I have hated Nazis all my life but this couple has a legal claim against WallyWorld.

DOPer U R Pro-Nazi. As U R on team Great Douche we know this here..

U A DUMB ASSSSS. who the FU** R. U? anyway? Hoss is a patriot who fought for the United States and risked his life in service this country and WE are an anti Nazi... anti communist country.
You are a nobody on the internet. I doubt your even an American.
Trump doesnt hold up any Nazi flag... these are more lies from people just like you who calls everything a Nazi or racist and just looks for something to hit Trump with.

The people apparently were protesting that they had to wear masks according to the video, they wernt promoting Naziism. Context is important, any fool can look at an image and start calling everyone around them NAZIs .... this is the type of thing the media promotes all day long everyday and they count on fools just like you.

When you choose to do a peaceful protest like that (and they were exercising their rights) you do have to be willing to accept the repercussions.


DANG! Them DOPers got Douched out the store for their Great Orange Douche.

What does MAGA or Trump have to do with the OP?
These are FULL MAGA losers DOPers.

The asshole trumpster is wearing a Great Douche shirt.

Did you read why they wore the masks? I have hated Nazis all my life but this couple has a legal claim against WallyWorld.

DOPer U R Pro-Nazi. As U R on team Great Douche we know this here..

U A DUMB ASSSSS. who the FU** R. U? anyway? Hoss is a patriot who fought for the United States and risked his life in service this country and WE are an anti Nazi... anti communist country.
You are a nobody on the internet. I doubt your even an American.
Trump doesnt hold up any Nazi flag... these are more lies from people just like you who calls everything a Nazi or racist and just looks for something to hit Trump with.

The people apparently were protesting that they had to wear masks according to the video, they wernt promoting Naziism. Context is important, any fool can look at an image and start calling everyone around them NAZIs .... this is the type of thing the media promotes all day long everyday and they count on fools just like you.

When you choose to do a peaceful protest like that (and they were exercising their rights) you do have to be willing to accept the repercussions.

Then you should remind the "Peaceful" rioters in Portland of this
Unless Walmart had a stated sign at the entrance, they cannot just "ban" someone from their entire chain for a year just because they didn't like the symbol on their mask.
Yes, they can. If people are that stupid, it’s not only allowable, but should be expected.

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