MAGA is growing stronger !

You can identify a Trump supporter by the way respond to threads.

You can identify a total loser assquack like you by the way they always deflect to Trump to keep from admitting that Biden is a treasonous POS who will be beaten next year then criminally indicted, if not sooner by his own party! :banana:
You can identify a total loser assquack like you by the way they always deflect to Trump to keep from admitting that Biden is a treasonous POS who will be beaten next year then criminally indicted, if not sooner by his own party! :banana:
Too, funny. Another MAGA supporter proves my statement that you can tell a Trump MAGA supporter by their responses.
Thank you, toofreak.
Trump has exposed a group of American''s who are disappointed where they are in life and are looking for someone or something else to blame where they are in life. They should be looking at themselves rather than blaming others.
Trump has taken advantage of this sad group by providing them false excuses of why they are where they are today; non-whites, migrants, liberals, the government, non-Christains, other countries etc. etc.
Yes. But little did we know how large this group was, and how “victimized” they “felt”.

Always the innocent victim, he was the perfect con man for them.
Too, funny. Another MAGA supporter proves my statement that you can tell a Trump MAGA supporter by their responses.

Hilarious, Elmo Crudd, another demscum pustule dingleberry proves my statement once again by deflecting from the treasonous sack of crap they voted for in the WH by attacking the one decent person we have today still in national politics who actually puts America and her people first.
MAGA are not conservatives. MAGA are not real Republicans. MAGA is a cult, they are not a political movement. MAGA is about one man, Donald Trump. They are not about a principled political philosophy
Actually, we are about a principled political philosophy. That philosophy is indeed summed up in the hated phrase "MAGA," which I remind you stands for "Make America Great Again," and in the phrase "America First." Apparently, those phrases are an anathema to what you call "real Republicans."

That policy was expanded on by Trump in his efforts to secure the border, to negotation favorable terms with trading partners and to negotiate with Russia to keep them from invading Ukraine, instead of insulting them into another invasion under another Democrat president. Favorable terms, meaning favorable to the American consumer, manufacturer and taxpayer, not favorable to "the world."

Besides hating Trump, and compromising with Democrat in order to curry favor with the media, what exactly is the
principled political philosophy
of the Never-Trump wing of the Republican party?

More to the point, what is your objection to making American great again, after four years of Bidenomics, Bidenborders, Bidenmigration, and Bidencrime?
no matter how much the political elites try to disparage and tear down the political movement known as MAGA it seems that MAGA is growing in strength ! the movement the right has taken is the MAGA movement and more and more new young candidates represent the MAGA movement ! like it or not MAGA is here to stay ! want proof ? the left is concentrating much of its political resources to attack not just Trump and and other MAGA candidates like DeSantis but they are also attacking the movement itself !

It's in God's hands now.
The world economic forum, the Vatican, Blackrock, Vanguard,the British royal the Russian oligarchs the Chinese president .....none of us want World War 3.

Another nice pandemic Maybe and more control over our wealth of course.

Just look at Australia already with the vaccine mandates and the banking electronic control over currency
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Hilarious, Elmo Crudd, another demscum pustule dingleberry proves my statement once again by deflecting from the treasonous sack of crap they voted for in the WH by attacking the one decent person we have today still in national politics who actually puts America and her people first.
Way too,funny. toofrak steps up another time to prove my statement that you can tell a Trump MAGA supporter by their responses.
Thank you, again, toofreak. You are a gift that keeps on giving.

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