MAGA is growing stronger !

Way too,funny. toofrak steps up another time to prove my statement that you can tell a Trump MAGA supporter by their responses.
Thank you, again, toofreak. You are a gift that keeps on giving.
That's it keep making fun of the make America great again movement at the same time that your president Biden is trashing our country as we speak.

9 million refugees and growing by 10,000 a day.
MAGA is the tea party .. or should i say the TEA party grew into the MAGA party !

When Trump is in a cell & MAGA goes down the terlet how long can you wait befote someone new comes along to lead you by the nose?
Oh stop. You are giving more ~~~ than I deserve.

Hey Elmo, you are getting just what you deserve:
  • An arena full of new illegals per day who will compete for your job or your children's job at half the wage.
  • Illegals coming here not to integrate but to bring their own way of life so the country ends up all socially, mentally, economically and culturally divided.
  • Fuel costs up 100%
  • Food prices up 300%
  • Triple the crime.
  • Debt we cannot repay.
  • Energy shortages.
  • Looming war.
  • A Dollar in decline.
And all in just 2-3 years. Own up to it, asshole. You deserve it.
Wasn't Antifa AT J6, buttkiss?

Pretty sure they've admitted as much.

They dressed up to look like Trump Supporters.
Trump supporters and Antifa supporters look a like; they are a like.
Very similar individuals.
They are both whiny complainers who play the victim card to blame their problems on someone or something other than themselves.
Wait till we start handing out some 17 year sentences to a few antifa thugs...... we'll see how the paradigm shift happens then
Most here give zero fucks about Antifa. If they're found guilty of crimes, imprison them. Who cares? :dunno: You've been brainwashed to believe otherwise. Not our problem.

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