MAGA supporters raise $2.4 million for jailed Marine Stuart Scheller — After he insults President Trump and his family…

A lot of people made that mistake. The Tan Messiah was great at reading teleprompters. The few examples of extemporaneous speaking he gave were awful. It was like night and day.
He is a stuttering idiot.
A lot of people made that mistake. The Tan Messiah was great at reading teleprompters. The few examples of extemporaneous speaking he gave were awful. It was like night and day.
Yep just about as bad as biden.
This was from his FB page:
"President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs."

It will be quite interesting to see what this does to his cause.
I thought he was a douche in his video telling people to "follow him".
Possibly, but IMO he was quite clear about how he feels about Trump and his family with respect to "dividing" America. Trump won an election then was immediately, consistently, and ruthlessly attacked by Democrats, their media 5th column, and their corrupt bureaucracy in DC for 4 years. He had no choice but to attempt to defend himself. I find Scheller's opinion of Trump's combativeness to be a sick irony.

Unless he publicly recants those words, I have no sympathy for what he faces in the future. He sounds a lot like the snowflake generation when he states that Trump's generation is coming to an end. Blaming the one president from that list of his that actually tried to do the right thing was a bridge too damned far for me.
"Unless he publicly recants those words".................:heehee: Loyalty to the fat former guy is EVERYTHING!
If one is crazy enough to march on the capitol on behalf of any candidate or leader one gets what they get. I'd never think about supporting any leader to that extent. Ever. Ever. Never. False deity

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