

The Raven King
Mar 6, 2014
Ancient legends and stories are full of magic. Does anybody believe that at one point magic did exist, but through some evolutionary quirk it was lost or something?
Ancient legends and stories are full of magic. Does anybody believe that at one point magic did exist, but through some evolutionary quirk it was lost or something?

All spells in the Occult are spoken.

Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Magic has been around since the first caveman figured out how to make a stick disappear.
Ancient legends and stories are full of magic. Does anybody believe that at one point magic did exist, but through some evolutionary quirk it was lost or something?

I'd say 'magic' is simply a term used to describe something we don't yet understand. Any actual magic that used to exist, would still exist since the laws of physics now were just as binding as then.

That said, there's precedent in religion including my own Judaism. It is said if you utter the one true name of G-d, things would happen only describable as magic. This name is said to be lost, and in the past only the Temple High Priest knew it. The indy film "Pi" was about it, but looking into it after seeing it, truth is stranger than fiction and there really is a big long name for G-d. Do I believe if uttered heaven would open to us? No. But I've been wrong before. :)
Magic is a con.

Con-men have always existed.

Therefore, magic has always existed.
Ancient legends and stories are full of magic. Does anybody believe that at one point magic did exist, but through some evolutionary quirk it was lost or something?

Moses came against Pharaoh and Pharaoh's magicians duplicated all of his miracles except one. They couldn't create life and that may change in the future.
Ancient legends and stories are full of magic. Does anybody believe that at one point magic did exist, but through some evolutionary quirk it was lost or something?

I'd say 'magic' is simply a term used to describe something we don't yet understand. Any actual magic that used to exist, would still exist since the laws of physics now were just as binding as then.

That said, there's precedent in religion including my own Judaism. It is said if you utter the one true name of G-d, things would happen only describable as magic. This name is said to be lost, and in the past only the Temple High Priest knew it. The indy film "Pi" was about it, but looking into it after seeing it, truth is stranger than fiction and there really is a big long name for G-d. Do I believe if uttered heaven would open to us? No. But I've been wrong before. :)
I believe this to be a mix of misconceptions and occult science. One cannot explain biology through using strictly meteorological terms, nor can one explain geology in terms of zoology, etc. Although all science is interconnected in that it explains the things around us, different branches of science deal with different things, and different specific concepts, vocabulary, etc. tend to apply. I think that the ancients understood certain sciences that we today do not, and these sciences, lost to us for so long, are now so foreign to us we struggle to conceive of them as being science at all.
Ancient legends and stories are full of magic. Does anybody believe that at one point magic did exist, but through some evolutionary quirk it was lost or something?

This gives you all kinds of careful when dealing with the demons.

No danger of this on this forum. Any thing more than a paragraph takes too long of an attention span. Solomon's wisdom is safe.
I agree that magic has always been around and will be for a whole lot of time to come.
The View Box

Magic is always all around us, and it is up to the human mind to contemplate its spiritualism. Nihilists may believe that belief in magic is based on superstition and hence proof of a weak human sentimentalism.

It is perhaps easier to think of magic in terms of illusions and perception uncertainties (i.e., shadows).

A zebra is a horse-like animal that has black-and-white blade-shaped stripes. Zebras roam in herds and move in kamikaze patterns in a packed group so as to confuse predators with their constantly moving black-and-white stripes which effectively create the visual 'illusion' of a moving mass of contours.

This zebra trick can be construed as magic or a simple evolutionary adaptation meant to confuse predatory perceptions of sign tracking.

If we believe in magic, we may come to believe in the wondrous intelligence of the zebra mind which may make us more sensitive to ecological issues such as animal rights. If, however, we simply believe in evolutionary competition-gauged behaviors, then this zebra trick may make us ironically more curious or even arrogant about human intelligence.

The fact that magic is available as a rational spiritualism or mysticism-based thought model suggests that perhaps magic, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.


Zebra - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Magic" can mean many things.

Misunderstood technology and science was once considered magic. All science and mathematics is in fact magic.

People underestimate the power of words. Words can alter the course of human history. Words can win wars.

Words can kill.

Language is magic.

Medicine is magic.

Art is magic.

Music is magic.

Manipulation and seduction are forms of magic. Mind control and brainwashing is magic.

Divination is more of a pychological form of magic. But don't underestimate the power of the mind, and our subconscious.

"Magic" tricks are illusions. Illusions can be magic.

Magic is very real.


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