Magnificent Mile Mayhem - SSSSHHH Don't mention profiling


Apr 22, 2007
Chicago Chicago's Magnificent Mile Is Now Mugger Mile

Mag Mile is one of the high class areas of Chicago. Expensive stores, nice restaurants, expensive office buildings and it used to be safe. The rest of Chicago has gone down the pooper as a violence and crime plagued shithole, but DT Chicago and Mag Mile somehow avoided the criminal wave.

Not anymore. Mag Mile is now called Muggers Mile. It's insane. I have know a few people that got mugged and assaulted there. A friend of my wife's had a guy grab her purse, when she didn't let go he decked her. She is OK, but had a nasty black eye. Another acquaintance had a knife pulled on him and he had to give up his wallet and iphone. Both of these incidents happened during the day.

Stores have had MOBS of teens storm their stores and grab thousands of dollars of merchandise and do thousands of dollars of damage, as helpless owners, over-whelmed security guards, frightened shoppers and scared employees are unable to do a thing!

Traffic to miracle mile, which relies on shopping and it's retail sector are way down. Shops are closing and people are now coming to the city. Yep part of that is on the boneheaded decision to sell the meter business to a private company that FUCKS people. $4 an hour parking, 8am -12 PM 7 days a week running meters and 2 hr parking limit (meant to make people miss their meters and get tickets - fuck scam), when parking used to he 8 am to 8PM, M-F (no S-S to get shoppers and surburb people DT), $2 an hr, 4-5 hr limits. But I digress.

I won't let me wife go down their alone anymore and we rarely go there when we used to go a lot. F'ing shame.

Yet what the newspapers won't report and what people can't say is ALL of the mob rushes into department stores have been black teens. Nearl 100% of the mugging have been committed by Black MEN!

You are correct there are a lot of black men on the Magnificient Mile that are shoppers, business owners, executives, employees and averages Joes like you and me. They are just minding their own business. Even many in thug looking clothing. I went their about a week ago and didn't feel threatened by any of the Black men or women I encountered. I nice black teen even held the door for me so I could push the stroller with my kid through it.

It shouldn't be an indictment of all blacks, black teens or even Blacks wearing certain clothes. Nevertheless, there are people should be mindful of suspicious looking individual's behavior and they should be more vigiliante when those suspicious people are black. Look you can toss the PCness at me all you want, but on Mag Mile nearly 100% of the muggers have been black, so extra vigiliance is warranted, and PCness be damned.
Doesn't Chicago have some of the strictest gun laws in the country?

I thought it was guns that caused crime?
I thought Obama had this community organized before he became a state senator in route to be president.

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