Zone1 Maimonides: Islam Good, Christianity Bad, Muslims Bad, Christians Good


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2020
An example of how bigoted even allegedly smart Jews can be, and the false claims they invent to bash Da Evul Xians with.

Of course never any mention of the all the crank Messiahs Jews have followed around, most far more batshit crazy than they allege Jesus was. They also compulsively lie about Christians 'replacing the Torah', which of course is absurd and something the Babylonian 2nd Temple scammers did centuries before John the Baptist and Jesus were born.
actually, Maimonides was saying that Islam as a religion is acceptable as a version of monotheism and Christianity is not, but that Muslims make claims about the divine and proper nature of the Torah that Christians don't make.
A modern view from an Orthodox Rabbi, one less prone to left wing fraud.

actually, Maimonides was saying that Islam as a religion is acceptable as a version of monotheism and Christianity is not, but that Muslims make claims about the divine and proper nature of the Torah that Christians don't make.

Maimonides makes false claims about Christianity. This has been endemic for going on 2,000 years among a lot of Orthodox and all ultra-Orthodox cults.
actually, Maimonides was saying that Islam as a religion is acceptable as a version of monotheism and Christianity is not, but that Muslims make claims about the divine and proper nature of the Torah that Christians don't make.
I read that which Maimonides wrote----and it was very GENTEEL. An anecdote for entertainment----LONG AGO---when I was young---I had a weekend college time job
in a VERY LARGE---rural "teaching" hospital----that means it had interns and residents.
Being remote and unknown it attracted foreign housestaff-----I --being short, dark haired
and kinda taciturn seemed like a normal humanoid--to the young docs from the
Indian subcontinent----and I was THERE up front---reception desk---weekend evening.---
so the poor kids from Pakistan and India TALKED TO ME--lots. A very smart young pakistani surgeon one evening amicably told me about the FAMOUS DOCTOR---who was born a jew but converted to islam ---then he became a famous doctor. I asked----"what was his name" -------well---be not amazed MAIMONIDES!!!!!!
A modern view from an Orthodox Rabbi, one less prone to left wing fraud.

he's very tall, coaches hockey and likes punk rock.
Maimonides makes false claims about Christianity. This has been endemic for going on 2,000 years among a lot of Orthodox and all ultra-Orthodox cults.
He made statements based on his first hand experience corroborated by texts from people elsewhere.
He made statements based on his first hand experience corroborated by texts from people elsewhere.

Since he was an elitist scholar residing in Muslim Spain, until he got crosswise with some leader there and ran off to Egypt, I seriously doubt he spent any time at all with Christian goyim peasants except maybe his slaves.

Most Jews came in with the Muslim invaders as garrison troops and administrators. They did such a great job looting the peasants for some 300 years they finally revolted and tried to kill every Jew they could in revenge. Then the Reconquista came along and they again began sniveling about evul xian bigots n stuff, and having to convert or leave, and of course whining about not being able to take all their plunder with them if they left. How dare these lowly goyim treat the Master Race so shabbily.

We still hear all sorts of idiot rubbish about The Inquistion', never mind few even know which one they're sniveling about much less the real results, it's always how '5 million were killed', or '10 million', with zero regard for the what the population of Europe was at any given time, much less Spain's. Not much mention of the 200,000 or so who stayed, and never burned at the stake or even flipped the bird, or those that fled to France, the Papal States, and the Netherlands. We're supposed to think they were all murdered in torture chambers are drowned at sea trying to swim back to the eastern Med or something.
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he's very tall, coaches hockey and likes punk rock.

He seems like a fairly decent man. I disagree with his opinions on the Conservative and some of the Reformed congregations, but he makes a lot of points and observations well worth further discussion.
actually, Maimonides was saying that Islam as a religion is acceptable as a version of monotheism and Christianity is not, but that Muslims make claims about the divine and proper nature of the Torah that Christians don't make.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve mentioned in several articles that there are huge differences between our views of Islam and of Christianity—the former generally considered a fine religion for gentiles, the latter considered, essentially, idol worship.

My source for those statements, which most yeshiva-schooled Jews are familiar with, is Maimonides. And since it’s difficult to describe traditional Judaism without Maimonides, what he says on these issues is followed and adhered by the vast majority of observant Jews.

Each time I mentioned the fact that a religious Jew is permitted to pray in a mosque, but forbidden to even enter a church, I would be challenged by a few readers, and answer on the spot. But as the issue of Islam vs. Christianity keeps coming up, I decided to offer this essential article which we could all refer to in future exchanges.
Since he was an elitist scholar residing in Muslim Spain, until he got crosswise with some leader there and ran off to Egypt, I seriously doubt he spent any time at all with Christian goyim peasants except maybe his slaves.

Most Jews came in with the Muslim invaders as garrison troops and administrators. They did such a great job looting the peasants for some 300 years they finally revolted and tried to kill every Jew they could in revenge. Then the Reconquista came along and they again began sniveling about evul xian bigots n stuff, and having to convert or leave, and of course whining about not being able to take all their plunder with them if they left. How dare these lowly goyim treat the Master Race so shabbily.

We still hear all sorts of idiot rubbish about The Inquistion', never mind few even know which one they're sniveling about much less the real results, it's always how '5 million were killed', or '10 million', with zero regard for the what the population of Europe was at any given time, much less Spain's. Not much mention of the 200,000 or so who stayed, and never burned at the stake or even flipped the bird, or those that fled to France, the Papal States, and the Netherlands. We're supposed to think they were all murdered in torture chambers are drowned at sea trying to swim back to the eastern Med or something.
Are you talking about the Visigoths? When the Muslims took Spain it wasn't Christian. They were Germanic pagans.
An example of how bigoted even allegedly smart Jews can be, and the false claims they invent to bash Da Evul Xians with.

Of course never any mention of the all the crank Messiahs Jews have followed around, most far more batshit crazy than they allege Jesus was. They also compulsively lie about Christians 'replacing the Torah', which of course is absurd and something the Babylonian 2nd Temple scammers did centuries before John the Baptist and Jesus were born.
I don't worry too much about his opinion of Christianity anymore than I worry about your opinion of Catholicism. I'd tell him the same thing I would tell you, God is the God of everyone. I don't believe he cares as much about religious dogma as he cares about what is in the heart of each person.

So I would tell him that he should spend more time worrying about existing perfectly than arguing about religious dogma.
I don't worry too much about his opinion of Christianity anymore than I worry about your opinion of Catholicism. I'd tell him the same thing I would tell you, God is the God of everyone. I don't believe he cares as much about religious dogma as he cares about what is in the heart of each person.

So I would tell him that he should spend more time worrying about existing perfectly than arguing about religious dogma.
Not my fault your sect tries to peddle falsehoods hoping to increase its credibility. It's a bad policy for Catholics, Rotarians, and pizza delivery boys as well.
Not my fault your sect tries to peddle falsehoods hoping to increase its credibility. It's a bad policy for Catholics, Rotarians, and pizza delivery boys as well.
Look at you channeling Maimonides after writing an OP ripping what he does. SMH.
Are you talking about the Visigoths? When the Muslims took Spain it wasn't Christian. They were Germanic pagans.

Yes, pop in with some weird conflation of events some 300 years apart. Visigoths were Christian converts,the Muslims and Jews who invaded Spain were mostly North African converts to Islam and Judaism respectively; so what? They were Christians long before the Muslims who invaded became Muslims.
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Look at you channeling Maimonides after writing an OP ripping what he does. SMH.

Ah now you're making up strawmen, doubling down. I point out real history; I don't care if it fits anybody's preferred narratives, political, sectarian, or any other labels.

And here is what bothers me so much about modern "scholarship." At what point did history become ethics? Why should we subvert the elusive search for facts to moralist concerns? So what if they are on or off the hook? If you want to be a preacher, go preach. If you want to save the world, go into politics. If you want to invent a world free of evil, take prozac. At what point did it become a morality play? -Dave WIlliams, George mason Univ.

If you need to make up fiction, that means you don't think the claims are real yourself.
Ah now you're making up strawmen, doubling down. I point out real history; I don't care if it fits anybody's preferred narratives, political, sectarian, or any other labels.

And here is what bothers me so much about modern "scholarship." At what point did history become ethics? Why should we subvert the elusive search for facts to moralist concerns? So what if they are on or off the hook? If you want to be a preacher, go preach. If you want to save the world, go into politics. If you want to invent a world free of evil, take prozac. At what point did it become a morality play? -Dave WIlliams, George mason Univ.

If you need to make up fiction, that means you don't think the claims are real yourself.
I don't think that was a straw-man at all. I think it was an observation of your hypocrisy. As in doing what you criticized Maimonides of doing. The only difference is that it's you doing it instead. So that makes it ok.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve mentioned in several articles that there are huge differences between our views of Islam and of Christianity—the former generally considered a fine religion for gentiles, the latter considered, essentially, idol worship.

My source for those statements, which most yeshiva-schooled Jews are familiar with, is Maimonides. And since it’s difficult to describe traditional Judaism without Maimonides, what he says on these issues is followed and adhered by the vast majority of observant Jews.

Each time I mentioned the fact that a religious Jew is permitted to pray in a mosque, but forbidden to even enter a church, I would be challenged by a few readers, and answer on the spot. But as the issue of Islam vs. Christianity keeps coming up, I decided to offer this essential article which we could all refer to in future exchanges.

Christians don't forbid anybody from entering a church.
I don't think that was a straw-man at all. I think it was an observation of your hypocrisy. As in doing what you criticized Maimonides of doing. The only difference is that it's you doing it instead. So that makes it ok.

Nah, just you being all butthurt I didn't go along with your sect's fake history, is all. Now you're going to whine in this thread too.

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