Maine Judge On Ebola Case Suffers Tunnel Vision!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
All these genius type people in the media praising this Maine Judge Laverdiere for his opinion striking down the Maine Governor's 21 day quarantine order on people exposed to the Ebola virus makes me sick! Judge Laverdiere isn't a brilliant jurist he is an unwise, narrow minded, tunnel vision jurist that set a dangerous precedent knocking down quarantines for deadly highly contagious diseases. His opinion's logic goes like this the science is that only symptomatic people are infectious for the Ebola disease and Kaci isn't symptomatic so she doesn't have to be subject to the quarantine, being subject to "direct active monitoring" by authorities is sufficient.

He is missing the whole point society doesn't want to and cannot have judicial review for every person exposed to the Ebola virus. Society needs to be able to have a policy that protects the public from this disease and the governors quarantine order is a reasonable policy, its a basic legal analysis of a balancing test that is required here and when you have this extremely dangerous disease and the government policy is reasonable that outweighs individual freedom of movement. The Judge is wrong to make this case just about Kaci, it should be about the properness of the quarantine response to this deadly virus and the Governor is right here! If you don't have all exposed people quarantined for the incubation period you ignore human nature because human nature indicates that some of these people will get caught up in the concerns of their profession, some will be overly optimistic, etc. resulting in them not picking up on their symptoms for the Ebola disease as soon as it appears and thereby subjecting other people in their community to exposure of this disease. Judge Laverdiere also does not appreciate the grave societal harm risk this disease poses; not only about half the people that get this disease die from it, but if there is a large outbreak of this disease in the U.S. wisdom calls for the conclusion that it will throw the country back into a significant recession. The 460 point drop in the DOW on October 14 was largely due to fear about the ramifications of the Ebola virus if there is a large outbreak in the U.S. common sense indicates panic will take hold of the equity markets and they will drop dramatically which will affect consumer spending and business confidence and people will curtail traveling and patronizing retail businesses with dramatic economic consequences for America. Severe recessions bring on terrible harm to peoples lives people lose their homes, they permanently fall out of the work force, they run through their retirement saving so the later stages of their life become much harder. It should not be downplayed at all the affect of loss of human life that will result from a large outbreak, all these smart people that are against the quarantines I would like to see you explain your position to a family that has little children that loses a mother or father who caught the disease from a person exposed to Ebola but before that person was cognizant or acknowledged they had symptoms of the Ebola disease.
"The science on Ebola is clear!! As the 58th State of the Union it is a wonderful thing that its people want to visit the rest of the USA!!" BO...with smoothing.

The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.
The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.

Citing the panic and hysteria of the masses isn't a good argument for anything.
The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.

Citing the panic and hysteria of the masses isn't a good argument for anything.

Of course it is, it's the heartbeat of our citizens.... but THAT doesn't matter when the regime has an agenda (They're going to take it on the chin on Tuesday, because of this...No wonder all the DemocRATS up for election are RUNNING away from him!)
The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.

Citing the panic and hysteria of the masses isn't a good argument for anything.
And medical science isn't?

You are so bitch-slappable. :slap:
"Maine Judge On Ebola Case Suffers Tunnel Vision!"


The judge made a ruling based on the facts, in accordance with affording citizens comprehensive due process.

This illustrates well the importance of our Constitution, protecting the civil rights of Americans from unwarranted detainment by the state motivated solely by fear and politics.
The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.

Citing the panic and hysteria of the masses isn't a good argument for anything.
And medical science isn't?

You are so bitch-slappable. :slap:

Ok, let's see some "medical scientists" who think that attempting to quarantine an entire region of Africa is a good response to the situation.
"Maine Judge On Ebola Case Suffers Tunnel Vision!"


The judge made a ruling based on the facts, in accordance with affording citizens comprehensive due process.

This illustrates well the importance of our Constitution, protecting the civil rights of Americans from unwarranted detainment by the state motivated solely by fear and politics.
The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.

Citing the panic and hysteria of the masses isn't a good argument for anything.
And medical science isn't?

You are so bitch-slappable. :slap:

Ok, let's see some "medical scientists" who think that attempting to quarantine an entire region of Africa is a good response to the situation.
Out of the loop and out of your mind.

Git some... :slap:

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