Maine Votes: Bye, Bye. Celebrating Genocidal Sick Columbus Day. Hello 'Indigenous People's Day'! YES

Why celebrate indigenous people's without giving them their land back?

Are you ready to give up your home to the ancestors of the people who lived there centuries before you?

If not, then this is all virtue signalling with zero consequence.

In the 1700s, nobody but Spain and Indians were involved in land deals.
Then, in the 1800s the USA stole the lands in/on the west coast.
Seems Americas White folks need to pay for the crimes done.
Lucky few Indians are alive these days.
You realize that human history is basically groups people invading and conquering other groups of people repetitively, right?
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
View attachment 251304

:113: Exposing American :bsflag:
Spreading real facts to the nations DOPer Morons..

FYI DOPers...
Columbus And Genocide | AMERICAN HERITAGE

Allow me to set the record straight.

1. First, and foremost, there was no such genocide.

Second....the use of 'indigenous' is misleading.....

2. We should never allow the Left to control the language, as they corrupt it. The American Indians were not ‘native’ to this continent. Any study of same….not government school….will prove that the ‘Indians’ migrated over the Bering land bridge from my home continent. The Asian visitors settled in the northwest, moved down the west coast, and on to South America.

It’s the reason Elizabeth Warren’s DNA showed some American Indian/South American evidence.

3.The appellation ‘native’ is useful for the Left as it allows them to paint those individuals as victims to the explorers/settlers/pioneers. If there were no ‘natives,’ then both sides had equal rights to the continent.

4. Next is the nature of the Indian societies. They were far from that bogus title the elites have awarded them: Nobel Savages.

They were simply savages.

These were stone age peoples, thousands of years behind the advancement of the settlers. They moved from one locale to another, using up resources, burning down entire forests, and slaughtering species to the point of extinction.

Why celebrate those sorts of societies?
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.

I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

They didn't "own" it. People don't own land simply because they were born on it. Rules and laws have to be established and adhered to, before anyone can own anything.
The Europeans came, conquered, laid claim to the land, established governments with rules and laws.

Get over it, if the Euros hadn't done it, another technological culture would have risen up and done the same thing.

The technological world would have never sat idle and allowed an entire hemisphere of the world remain a wilderness and ran by various tribes of people with spears and loincloths run half of the worlds mass of land.

Get the fuck over it, if the conquerers didn't call themselves "Columbus" they would have called themselves "Mang".

Go ahead and get rid of Columbus Day, call it whatever you like, but nothing will change the history of what happened.

You want everyone crying for what happened to the indigenous people, well " boo hoo". Better now ?
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.

I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

None of this answers my question, numbnuts.

And in case you weren't aware, virtually every country that exists today is the result of conquest. You, right now, are reaping the benefits of that conquest. If you're "oh so concerned" about Native Americans than put your money where your mouth is. Find the nearest native family and sign your house and property over to them. Otherwise spare me your bullshit virtue signaling.
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.

I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

They didn't "own" it. People don't own land simply because they were born on it. Rules and laws have to be established and adhered to, before anyone can own anything.
The Europeans came, conquered, laid claim to the land, established governments with rules and laws.

Get over it, if the Euros hadn't done it, another technological culture would have risen up and done the same thing.

The technological world would have never sat idle and allowed an entire hemisphere of the world remain a wilderness and ran by various tribes of people with spears and loincloths run half of the worlds mass of land.

Get the fuck over it, if the conquerers didn't call themselves "Columbus" they would have called themselves "Mang".

Go ahead and get rid of Columbus Day, call it whatever you like, but nothing will change the history of what happened.

You want everyone crying for what happened to the indigenous people, well " boo hoo". Better now ?

Injuns had rules to owned the lands they TeePeed on. Before Whites arrived.
The white man stole these lands. Yep, some traded land for stuff from the white man.
But whitey came back with an army and killed them and took the rest for the lord and the 1%
after just because we are Whitey, we have no values or honor words. Just made up lords and gods to justify the stealing and killings.
The ignorance of anti-American Marxist bigotry knows no bounds.
You can’t fairly apply today’s standards to other eras.
Anyone applauding this should forfeit every convenience created in this hemisphere post-1492. They’d die from exposure starvation and pestilence in a matter of weeks.
Instead of usurping Columbus Day, they should create an indigenous day (make sure it includes the history of tribes exterminating previous tribes without the offer of reservations).
But that can’t happen when the objective is to usurp western cultural values in an effort to apply Marxism.
The OP is an abject moronic dupe. Those who agree with him are fools.

What a DOPer you are!

Columbus didn't “discover” America.
He never set foot in North America.
Best guess the Vikings landed first.
So, tell me why we celebrate him? An
Italian funded by Spain to find a backdoor
route to find a direct water route from the west
from Europe to Asia in the east. Spain sent him back to
loot the new Caribbean islands for gold,
land, and slaves.

Reading history books will be enlighting.
Columbus’s inadvertent discovery of this hemisphere opened the door for the progress that ensued. That is an undeniable seminal moment.
If you insist on a retrospective that disregards era and progress then you expose yourself as very dishonest to say the least.
You’re a dupe.

Careful! You're talking to a simpleton who thinks a seminal moment is a gay orgasm.

So tell me why we celebrate him.

'Cause he knew how to rock braisses and chausses...


Why do his fingers look malnourished?

Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.

I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

They didn't "own" it. People don't own land simply because they were born on it. Rules and laws have to be established and adhered to, before anyone can own anything.
The Europeans came, conquered, laid claim to the land, established governments with rules and laws.

Get over it, if the Euros hadn't done it, another technological culture would have risen up and done the same thing.

The technological world would have never sat idle and allowed an entire hemisphere of the world remain a wilderness and ran by various tribes of people with spears and loincloths run half of the worlds mass of land.

Get the fuck over it, if the conquerers didn't call themselves "Columbus" they would have called themselves "Mang".

Go ahead and get rid of Columbus Day, call it whatever you like, but nothing will change the history of what happened.

You want everyone crying for what happened to the indigenous people, well " boo hoo". Better now ?

Injuns had rules to owned the lands they TeePeed on. Before Whites arrived.
The white man stole these lands. Yep, some traded land for stuff from the white man.
But whitey came back with an army and killed them and took the rest for the lord and the 1%
after just because we are Whitey, we have no values or honor words. Just made up lords and gods to justify the stealing and killings.

Oh darn, heckers, ok, lets give it all back then.

Game over dude, move on.
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
View attachment 251304

:113: Exposing American :bsflag:
Spreading real facts to the nations DOPer Morons..

FYI DOPers...
Columbus And Genocide | AMERICAN HERITAGE
There is a highly-populated strip along the south coast of Maine with a denese population of snowflakes, an extension of Boston really.

Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
View attachment 251304

:113: Exposing American :bsflag:
Spreading real facts to the nations DOPer Morons..

FYI DOPers...
Columbus And Genocide | AMERICAN HERITAGE
There is a highly-populated strip along the south coast of Maine with a denese population of snowflakes, an extension of Boston really.

Indegestion? Butthurt? Who cares?
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.

I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

They didn't "own" it. People don't own land simply because they were born on it. Rules and laws have to be established and adhered to, before anyone can own anything.
The Europeans came, conquered, laid claim to the land, established governments with rules and laws.

Get over it, if the Euros hadn't done it, another technological culture would have risen up and done the same thing.

The technological world would have never sat idle and allowed an entire hemisphere of the world remain a wilderness and ran by various tribes of people with spears and loincloths run half of the worlds mass of land.

Get the fuck over it, if the conquerers didn't call themselves "Columbus" they would have called themselves "Mang".

Go ahead and get rid of Columbus Day, call it whatever you like, but nothing will change the history of what happened.

You want everyone crying for what happened to the indigenous people, well " boo hoo". Better now ?

Injuns had rules to owned the lands they TeePeed on. Before Whites arrived.
The white man stole these lands. Yep, some traded land for stuff from the white man.
But whitey came back with an army and killed them and took the rest for the lord and the 1%
after just because we are Whitey, we have no values or honor words. Just made up lords and gods to justify the stealing and killings.

Oh darn, heckers, ok, lets give it all back then.

Game over dude, move on.

The Indians also stold land from each other.
Why do these idiots think that North America
was a peaceful paradise?
I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

They didn't "own" it. People don't own land simply because they were born on it. Rules and laws have to be established and adhered to, before anyone can own anything.
The Europeans came, conquered, laid claim to the land, established governments with rules and laws.

Get over it, if the Euros hadn't done it, another technological culture would have risen up and done the same thing.

The technological world would have never sat idle and allowed an entire hemisphere of the world remain a wilderness and ran by various tribes of people with spears and loincloths run half of the worlds mass of land.

Get the fuck over it, if the conquerers didn't call themselves "Columbus" they would have called themselves "Mang".

Go ahead and get rid of Columbus Day, call it whatever you like, but nothing will change the history of what happened.

You want everyone crying for what happened to the indigenous people, well " boo hoo". Better now ?

Injuns had rules to owned the lands they TeePeed on. Before Whites arrived.
The white man stole these lands. Yep, some traded land for stuff from the white man.
But whitey came back with an army and killed them and took the rest for the lord and the 1%
after just because we are Whitey, we have no values or honor words. Just made up lords and gods to justify the stealing and killings.

Oh darn, heckers, ok, lets give it all back then.

Game over dude, move on.

The Indians also stold land from each other.
Why do these idiots think that North America
was a peaceful paradise?

Because in lefty-loony land the only atrocities in world history were committed by white people....
The ignorance of anti-American Marxist bigotry knows no bounds.
You can’t fairly apply today’s standards to other eras.
Anyone applauding this should forfeit every convenience created in this hemisphere post-1492. They’d die from exposure starvation and pestilence in a matter of weeks.
Instead of usurping Columbus Day, they should create an indigenous day (make sure it includes the history of tribes exterminating previous tribes without the offer of reservations).
But that can’t happen when the objective is to usurp western cultural values in an effort to apply Marxism.
The OP is an abject moronic dupe. Those who agree with him are fools.

What a DOPer you are!

Columbus didn't “discover” America.
He never set foot in North America.
Best guess the Vikings landed first.
So, tell me why we celebrate him? An
Italian funded by Spain to find a backdoor
route to find a direct water route from the west
from Europe to Asia in the east. Spain sent him back to
loot the new Caribbean islands for gold,
land, and slaves.

Reading history books will be enlighting.
Columbus’s inadvertent discovery of this hemisphere opened the door for the progress that ensued. That is an undeniable seminal moment.
If you insist on a retrospective that disregards era and progress then you expose yourself as very dishonest to say the least.
You’re a dupe.

Careful! You're talking to a simpleton who thinks a seminal moment is a gay orgasm.

I can say, "indigenous" means current growth.
You can call whitey the airborne weeds based on
Bromus tectorum; drooping brome or FFS! Whitey (CheatGrass)
that transplanted itself unwanted and took over.
Why celebrate indigenous people's without giving them their land back?

Are you ready to give up your home to the ancestors of the people who lived there centuries before you?

Inot, then this is all virtue signalling with zero consequence.
We could give them a whole lot more land than they have, plus good airable land for growing crops. Most of what we gave them is a bunch of arid rock and desert.
I'm curious - which indigenous people are we celebrating exactly?

The Sioux who liked to mutilate the women and children of enemy tribes and set them on fire?
The Powhatan who bludgeoned a quarter of the population of the Colony of Virginia to death?
The Comanches who castrated and roasted men over open fires? That tortured, gang raped, & dismembered women and skinned children alive?
The Chickasaw, Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole who ALSO held African-American slaves?
The Incas and Aztecs who ripped the beating hearts out of their own children?

Do tell.
First. the above peoples were here first. As there was a land connection million of years ago. They owned the lands. Before whites got here.
See how in the video.

Second. Spain, England, and France just fucking claimed the lands of America. Back by the church using fake gods to justify its taking.

Third. Later on, the new US gobmint gave what was not theirs to give, land if they went out and settled it.
A free army of whitey killers to steal land from real owners. Plus the USA army

Three strikes DOPers.
The U.S. Gobmint owes trillions to the original owners in reporations for stealing land and murdering peoples.

They didn't "own" it. People don't own land simply because they were born on it. Rules and laws have to be established and adhered to, before anyone can own anything.
The Europeans came, conquered, laid claim to the land, established governments with rules and laws.

Get over it, if the Euros hadn't done it, another technological culture would have risen up and done the same thing.

The technological world would have never sat idle and allowed an entire hemisphere of the world remain a wilderness and ran by various tribes of people with spears and loincloths run half of the worlds mass of land.

Get the fuck over it, if the conquerers didn't call themselves "Columbus" they would have called themselves "Mang".

Go ahead and get rid of Columbus Day, call it whatever you like, but nothing will change the history of what happened.

You want everyone crying for what happened to the indigenous people, well " boo hoo". Better now ?

Injuns had rules to owned the lands they TeePeed on. Before Whites arrived.
The white man stole these lands. Yep, some traded land for stuff from the white man.
But whitey came back with an army and killed them and took the rest for the lord and the 1%
after just because we are Whitey, we have no values or honor words. Just made up lords and gods to justify the stealing and killings.

Oh darn, heckers, ok, lets give it all back then.

Game over dude, move on.

The Indians also stold land from each other.
Why do these idiots think that North America
was a peaceful paradise?

If your roots are here from the beginnings, in these America's before whites arrived.
In the first place as saying injuns were. You can kill each other for their lands, kinda the way thangs work.

Like how whites did in Europe lands, you can kill each other and take their stuff.
I forget, was there an injun tribe that were like the white pride Nazi?
That were taking over the whole America's? For say, real Red Skin Pride?
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
View attachment 251304

:113: Exposing American :bsflag:
Spreading real facts to the nations DOPer Morons..

FYI DOPers...
Columbus And Genocide | AMERICAN HERITAGE

I think Americans should celebrate Columbus while non- and anti- Americans should be allowed to celebrate...well..whoever.

You must believe in fake gods as well.

No I’m a Christian who admires Columbus. Like ten generations of Americans in both aspects. :)
Do Christians admire rapists?
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
View attachment 251304

:113: Exposing American :bsflag:
Spreading real facts to the nations DOPer Morons..

FYI DOPers...
Columbus And Genocide | AMERICAN HERITAGE
I couldn't agree more. Columbus was a rapist. Fuck that piece of shit.
If only he was a simple racist. He was way better than the great Orange Douche DrumpF, by far.
Maine House passes bill to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day.
View attachment 251304

:113: Exposing American :bsflag:
Spreading real facts to the nations DOPer Morons..

FYI DOPers...
Columbus And Genocide | AMERICAN HERITAGE

I think Americans should celebrate Columbus while non- and anti- Americans should be allowed to celebrate...well..whoever.

You must believe in fake gods as well.

No I’m a Christian who admires Columbus. Like ten generations of Americans in both aspects. :)
Do Christians admire rapists?
Yes, It's required to be loved by the lord'.

I love how the lord' spreads joys.

The church as all religions are frauds.
At least injuns were not pimping a book of lies.

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