Mainstream Media, Progressives and Neocons comitted political suicide (Bundy Ranch)


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Light-bulbs are starting to flicker in the minds of my liberal relatives (who live in my house). They were bewildered as to how CNN/MSNBC and even Fox failed to report and cover the events unfolding at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, while my computer was on in the same room (living room) with live video and even phone calls between the local sheriff and feds threatening mutual arrest.

My gun-grabbing Obama worshiping relatives had actually forgone watching Game of Thrones this evening in order to call their Obama worshiping in-laws about the story and were on the phone for over an hour.

They read all the articles and watched all the same videos that I did yesterday and today. Their disgust and contempt for the Mainstream Media seems to no longer be limited to Fox News, but the entirety of the cable news networks. They opened today's issue of Newsday (a mainstream newspaper) and they had one tiny/single paragraph artcile on the subject on one of the back pages. They canceled the Newsday subscription.

And now I found an article that seemed to notice this absolutely dazzling effect

» Alternative media upstages lamestream media in world-class coverage of historic Bundy Ranch showdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

What’s really clear in all this is that the mainstream media just embarrassed itself beyond belief while simultaneously losing huge numbers of viewers. CNN was covering some guy’s international food adventures while independent media people like Pete Santilli ( were on the scene at the Bundy Ranch and broadcasting live reports to the world.

Video news organizations like Next News Network with Gary Franchi were pounding YouTube with video update and exclusive interviews with people on the scene. Click here for a complete playlist of all the videos Gary posted over the last several days.

Matt Drudge of was headlining key developments in the story, driving enormous traffic to alternative media sources that dared to report the truth of what was unfolding.

Adam Kokesh from Adam Vs. the Man was booking guests, slamming home remarkable interviews and getting massive eyeballs on YouTube for his outstanding work. See his YouTube channel here.

Organizations like Natural News and InfoWars were conducting original research and posting factual stories that went super-viral, clocking in 20K or more Facebook shares in mere hours. One story by Infowars reporter Kit Daniels became the most viral news story of the day, surpassing every mainstream news organization on the planet.

(My apologies if I’ve left other alternative news organizations out of the list. I’m trying to be as inclusive as possible, but there’s a lot to keep track of, too…)

What did the mainstream media do in the meantime? They snoozed on the job and lost viewers and readers en masse because they refused to cover this historical, groundbreaking story. Readers, viewers and fans leapt to alternative media sources in record numbers, and many are still scratching their heads, wondering why CNN, WashPost or the NYT didn’t give this story the coverage it clearly deserved. (Answer: They are no longer real news organizations. They are propaganda outlets for corporate and government interests.)

In fact, it was alternative media — with the relentless help of grassroots liberty lovers who tweeted, posted and shared the stories and videos — that drove this story into the consciousness of the American people. This is what ultimately led to BLM announcing a surrender and releasing the cattle they had stolen from the Bundy family.
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"It's historic! It's groundbreaking! The standoff of the century at Bundy ranch!"

A bunch of dupes showed up with guns to protect a rich man's greed. Good job, dupes. Cliven Bundy would never show that kind of devotion to any one of you.
No, a bunch of people showed up to defend a man who opposes the government from getting their noses into everything, trying to control everything. They need to back off. The government is for the people, not over the people. They are called to serve not dictate. He was managing the land just fine. No one needed the BLM coming in and taking over. BUt some land hungry pol thought it was good policy to push this citizen off grazing land so they could get more money.

And the mainstream media avoided it because this guy represented conservative views. And it will continue to be a big story with people who are honest.
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No, a bunch of people showed up to defend a man who opposes the government from getting their noses into everything, trying to control everything. They need to back off. The government is for the people, not over the people. They are called to serve not dictate. He was managing the land just fine. No one needed the BLM coming in and taking over. BUt some land hungry pol thought it was good policy to push this citizen off grazing land so they could get more money.

And the mainstream media avoided it because this guy represented conservative views. And it will continue to be a big story with people who are honest.

Well no.

Bundy's been in a court of law, several times and lost.

That's how things work in this country. We agree to the decisions of the court based on the laws.
Is a herd of cows now some inalienable 2nd amendment right that shall not be abridged?
As soon as it was discovered that Reid stood to gain financially from the eviction, the government backed down
As soon as it was discovered that Reid stood to gain financially from the eviction, the government backed down

The government "backed down" when a bunch of yahoos with guns confronted the Federal Agents.

They backed off because they did not want to see this escalate into a bloodbath like Waco or Ruby Ridge.
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FOX covered it fairly well, the rest of them don't want to give their enemies ammo that can be used against their agendas. FOX is on the Reid aspect and is digging around, no way does the leftwing media want to go there. I'm glad your inlaws are growing up and realizing the media is manipulative. I don't rely on any one source for news and these days there are many more options.
The price of beef is at an all-time high.

Gasoline is nearing or at $4 a gallon.

The Labor Participation Rate is at an all-time low.

Young people with mountains of College Debt can't find a job.

We are living through THE worst recovery from a recession in recorded history.... Remember, the recession was almost over when the Liar In Chief took office. He had NOTHING to do with ending it. But he sure did FUCK the recovery.

People are starting to wise up to the liars in the dimocrap party and the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM.

The things I noted above? THAT is reality. That's the reality that homemakers and working husbands and wives have to face every day.

They don't want to live in the FILTH of the Cities where Law Enforcement is hit or miss (mostly; miss) but for them to live in the Suburbs and drive to work costs them $100 a week per car. If both Husband AND Wife work, that can get real expensive.

Especially when you consider that -- Today, if you still have a job, odds are good you're working harder for less money.

What better message can the scum in the dimocrap party send than stealing a Rancher's Cattle?

What better message can dimocrap scum send than playing 'Dog In The Manger' like they did during the government shutdown and with Bundy's Cattle?

What better message can they send when the AVERAGE cost of Beef is $5.28 a pound and Mom is trying to shop for a nutritious meal for the family?

Beef prices reach highest level since 1987 | Fox News

What better message can they send when dimocrap scum go through all this effort to evict Cattle who are doing NO HARM while Mom and Dad are struggling to put a decent meal on the table while spending HUNDREDS of dollars a week for gasoline?

Sure, the lying cocksucker in chief WILL stop blocking the Keystone XL pipeline right before the election. That's a given. He's a dishonest scumbag. Just like all dimocraps. But that won't have an effect on Oil and Gas prices immediately.

the lying cocksucker in chief might pour a few million barrels of oil from our Strategic Oil Reserve into the market (like the rapist did to try to get ManBearPig elected) to lower prices.


Will it work?


But those of us who watch the news (for grown ups) know that all the dimocraps are doing is treating the American People like the whores they are and acting like the pimps they are.

And we got our resident whores getting bitch-slapped in here every day to prove it


dimocraps are just too stupid.

You're like the whore that keeps getting beaten senseless by her pimp and keeps coming back for more...


dimocraps are too stupid to breathe the same air as me
No, a bunch of people showed up to defend a man who opposes the government from getting their noses into everything, trying to control everything. They need to back off. The government is for the people, not over the people. They are called to serve not dictate. He was managing the land just fine. No one needed the BLM coming in and taking over. BUt some land hungry pol thought it was good policy to push this citizen off grazing land so they could get more money.

And the mainstream media avoided it because this guy represented conservative views. And it will continue to be a big story with people who are honest.

Well no.

Bundy's been in a court of law, several times and lost.

That's how things work in this country. We agree to the decisions of the court based on the laws.

At one time in this country the laws were for slavery and against the freedoms for the Black race which was very unconstitutional.
When the laws break our Constitutional rights. we the people have the right to protest and uphold our freedom for rights, property and Liberty and to fight those laws.
Everyone should be very upset that the Feds cordoned off small areas on our 1st amendment rights.
They actually had signs that read 1st Amendment Area and 1st Amendment is not in the area.
This was about Feds overstepping their authority and about corruption.
The State of Nevada owns that land not the Feds.
They put the protesters into penned off areas like they were herds of cattle.

The Desert Tortoise is not an endangered species. they roam throughout the whole Southwestern United States.
This was a made up thing, in order for the Feds to illegally get control of the land so that they could use it the way they wanted to.
Guess who got richer over the move, Senator Harry Reid and this time it was about his son making lots of money. This time it did not work out so well.
This about corruption in our Federal Government and our legislatures wanting to make lots of money. This is not the first time this has happened, many others in congress has done it and it has got to stop.
They are not there to get richer and to make laws that are Unconstitutional, they are there to represent us the people and to uphold the Constitution, not to make laws that violate it.
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No, a bunch of people showed up to defend a man who opposes the government from getting their noses into everything, trying to control everything. They need to back off. The government is for the people, not over the people. They are called to serve not dictate. He was managing the land just fine. No one needed the BLM coming in and taking over. BUt some land hungry pol thought it was good policy to push this citizen off grazing land so they could get more money.

And the mainstream media avoided it because this guy represented conservative views. And it will continue to be a big story with people who are honest.

Well no.

Bundy's been in a court of law, several times and lost.

That's how things work in this country. We agree to the decisions of the court based on the laws.

I know. But he disagrees with what the court says,

And as you know, Harry Reid wants that land for a Solar power Plant.

Harry Reid's Son Representing Chinese Solar Panel Plant in $5 Billion Nevada Deal
They should use that grazing land to put a herd of DC and their supporters in there, and call it politician area... I'm sure the rancher would agree.
I know a guy who took his mobile basque kebob outfit there to sell to the people there. This is why the current admin hates people from rural america. They pull this shit in NYC, and everybody is on the side of the state. In rural America we have no patience for it. Don't take our shit. It's not yours. And that includes land. Fuck the BLM.
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It's amazing how EVERY liberal hates Bundy and the men that defended his property and rights --- and their Mainstream Media isn't even covering the story. How do they know so much about this story when their media channels don't cover it?

Oh right, hired shills.
Too bad Bundy wasn't grazing illegal aliens. Then the leftards would have been making sure they were healthy, handing out EBT cards and obama phones and registering them as democrats, and the FED's would have been there to PROTECT them instead of round them up. I mean those DANGEROUS CATTLE... ooooohh boy... they make that mexican illegal gang MS14 look like a bunch of CHOIR BOYS. Gotta ROUND UP THEM CATTLE... THEY'RE DANGEROUS! But leave those illegal alien gang bangers ALONE.

This ENTIRE EVENT is ALL about that filthy little SHYSTER dingy Harry. He pushed to have some fucking TURTLE declared ENDANGERED, which it ISN'T, so that they could MUSCLE Bundy off the land so DINGY could use it for his PET PROJECT.

This is BIG GOVERNMENT running ROUGH SHOD over American citizens. But I guess the LEFTARDS here LIKE THAT. They LOVE that BIG GOVERNMENT knows NO BOUNDARIES. They just use the VAST, CONSIDERABLE POWER of the government PUSH AROUND CITIZENS and the LEFTARDS just CHEER THEM ON.

What a bunch of worthless, pathetic, brain dead, anti American, jacked off ignorant sons a bitches.
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Too bad Bundy wasn't grazing illegal aliens. Then the leftards would have been making sure they were healthy, handing out EBT cards and obama phones and registering them as democrats, and the FED's would have been there to PROTECT them instead of round them up.

This ENTIRE EVENT is ALL about that filthy little SHYSTER dingy Harry. He pushed to have some fucking TURTLE declared ENDANGERED, which it ISN'T, so that they could MUSCLE Bundy off the land so DINGY could use it for his PET PROJECT.

This is BIG GOVERNMENT running ROUGH SHOD over American citizens. But I guess the LEFTARDS here LIKE THAT. They LOVE that BIG GOVERNMENT that knows NO BOUNDARIES. They just use the VAST, CONSIDERABLE POWER of the government PUSH AROUND CITIZENS and the LEFTARDS just CHEER THEM ON.

What a bunch of worthless, pathetic, brain dead, anti American, jacked off ignorant sons a bitches.

And let there no longer be any doubt as to who the Leftists on this board truly represent and align themselves with. I also find it fascinating that hard-core leftists like my relatives have found themselves in a cognitive shitstorm, since they know the Ranchers/militias were justified.

Only a hired government shill would attempt and continue to defend the BLM. Everytime they make a comment/post on USMB, or anywhere else on the internet, that is against the ranchers, they wake up and alert one more liberal sheep and transform them into thinking adults.

So by all means, keep defending the Feds, you enlighten a liberal to your true motives and allegiances every time you do so.

Your true colors fly for all to see.
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Too bad Bundy wasn't grazing illegal aliens. Then the leftards would have been making sure they were healthy, handing out EBT cards and obama phones and registering them as democrats, and the FED's would have been there to PROTECT them instead of round them up. I mean those DANGEROUS CATTLE... ooooohh boy... they make that mexican illegal gang MS14 look like a bunch of BOY SCOUTS. Gotta ROUND UP THEM CATTLE... THEY'RE DANGEROUS! But leave those illegal alien gang bangers ALONE.

This ENTIRE EVENT is ALL about that filthy little SHYSTER dingy Harry. He pushed to have some fucking TURTLE declared ENDANGERED, which it ISN'T, so that they could MUSCLE Bundy off the land so DINGY could use it for his PET PROJECT.

This is BIG GOVERNMENT running ROUGH SHOD over American citizens. But I guess the LEFTARDS here LIKE THAT. They LOVE that BIG GOVERNMENT knows NO BOUNDARIES. They just use the VAST, CONSIDERABLE POWER of the government PUSH AROUND CITIZENS and the LEFTARDS just CHEER THEM ON.

What a bunch of worthless, pathetic, brain dead, anti American, jacked off ignorant sons a bitches.

Come on, tell us how you really feel.
Too bad Bundy wasn't grazing illegal aliens. Then the leftards would have been making sure they were healthy, handing out EBT cards and obama phones and registering them as democrats, and the FED's would have been there to PROTECT them instead of round them up. I mean those DANGEROUS CATTLE... ooooohh boy... they make that mexican illegal gang MS14 look like a bunch of BOY SCOUTS. Gotta ROUND UP THEM CATTLE... THEY'RE DANGEROUS! But leave those illegal alien gang bangers ALONE.

This ENTIRE EVENT is ALL about that filthy little SHYSTER dingy Harry. He pushed to have some fucking TURTLE declared ENDANGERED, which it ISN'T, so that they could MUSCLE Bundy off the land so DINGY could use it for his PET PROJECT.

This is BIG GOVERNMENT running ROUGH SHOD over American citizens. But I guess the LEFTARDS here LIKE THAT. They LOVE that BIG GOVERNMENT knows NO BOUNDARIES. They just use the VAST, CONSIDERABLE POWER of the government PUSH AROUND CITIZENS and the LEFTARDS just CHEER THEM ON.

What a bunch of worthless, pathetic, brain dead, anti American, jacked off ignorant sons a bitches.

Come on, tell us how you really feel.
It would take a different venue than a message board to do that.

Put a couple of these mealy mouthed little libroid shit bag government shills in front of my face and I'll show ya.

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