Major Floods Coming To Texas,Well?, Who Will Liberals,Democrats & Al Gore Blame?

Liberals are already blaming Trump.
well I am a white guy,,,but dont drive an SUV,,,,so is any of this storm my fault?
Really immaterial what you drive or the color of your hide. What is important is the fact that you are one dumb ass that is proud of your profound ignorance.

This is going to be a real test for the present admin, and they will be measured against the response to Sandy. If their response is more like that of Katrina, we will see the dismal popularity of the present President slip even further.
i cant wait to hear al gores explanation of this mega storm.,,.....cant blame it on bush or trump or the 70 racists that voted for trump!
:2up: By now we have all heard about the rain event from hell coming to Texas. Looks Bad!,,so once its in full force and the coast is under 9 feet of water, who will the left blame? Or what bad habit caused by regular/racist white American Men caused this hurricane to send 30 Million people away from their homes and cross over the Dallas/Oklahoma border where we know its going to be a war !!!! :laugh2:
Well, we already know what Al Gore Will have to say,,,but should be interesting to see who Maxine Waters and Hank Johnson blame the great flood on.
Liberals are already blaming Trump.
well I am a white guy,,,but dont drive an SUV,,,,so is any of this storm my fault?
Really immaterial what you drive or the color of your hide. What is important is the fact that you are one dumb ass that is proud of your profound ignorance.

This is going to be a real test for the present admin, and they will be measured against the response to Sandy. If their response is more like that of Katrina, we will see the dismal popularity of the present President slip even further.
After Nagin failed to implement New Orleans' hurricane plans and Blanco sat and twiddled her thumbs the federal government's response to Katrina was unprecedented. Bush sent Joint Task Force Katrina led by General Russel Honare to the rescue and saved countless lives.

Of course the failure of the Democrats lost them the governorship.

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