Major Hospital in Aleppo, Syria Bombed for Third Time in Days


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It certainly looks like Assad doesn't want to see any of his civilians get medical help.

Major Hospital in Aleppo, Syria Bombed for Third Time in Days
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iStock/Thinkstock(LONDON) -- Bombs struck one of the largest hospitals in east Aleppo, Syrian, Monday for the third time in less than a week.

The hospital, known as M10, operates underground and is the largest trauma and ICU center in eastern Aleppo. It was hit by bunker-buster bombs, which can destroy underground structures and hurt people sheltering underground, according to the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), which supports the hospital.

The same hospital was also attacked Saturday and last Wednesday. Every time, it was forced to shut down due to extensive damage. The hospital was also closed at the time of Monday’s attack, but staff and technicians were inside, trying to repair the facility and protect the equipment, according to SAMS.

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Major Hospital in Aleppo, Syria Bombed for Third Time in Days - World News - ABC News Radio?
Russia warns U.S. against launching attacks on Syrian government forces...

Aleppo turns into ‘giant kill box’ even as Russia warns U.S. against launching attacks on Syrian government forces
Monday 3rd October, 2016 -- In a stern statement, Russia warned the United States against launching attacks against Syrian government forces.
Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying that a U.S. intervention against the Syrian army “will lead to terrible, tectonic consequences not only on the territory of this country but also in the region on the whole.” Zakharova reportedly said that a regime change in Syria would create a vacuum that would be “quickly filled” by “terrorists of all stripes.” The warning was issued as government forces in Syria captured the strategic Um al-Shuqeef hill near the Palestinian refugee camp of Handarat, which is on the edge of Aleppo, State TV confirmed. The recent warning comes merely weeks after relations between U.S. and Russia intensified following the breakdown of a cease-fire that both nations agreed to in September.

On Saturday, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov said on his Facebook page that he had spoken to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and that they “examined the situation in Syria, including the possibility of normalising the situation around Aleppo.” Lavrov added that “illegal armed groups” persist and are still waging fights in the city with no regard to the U.S.-Russia agreement. Doctors Without Borders or Medecins Sans Frontieres said that “bombs are raining” over the city and turning it into “a giant kill box.” Meanwhile, pro-Assad forces along with their allies advanced ahead in Aleppo’s rebel-held territories in the east in a major ground offensive after dozens of Russian and Syrian government air strikes pounded the city overnight. Activists have alleged that the air strike targeted residential neighbourhoods and battlefronts, leaving six people dead on Sunday morning.


Reports quoted Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) monitoring group as saying that the ferocious air campaign "helped regime forces to advance in the north of the city", where they reached the outskirts of the al-Heluk district. State news agency SANA quoted a Syrian army statement on Sunday evening that said rebel fighters should vacate the eastern quarters of Aleppo. The statement assured them that the army would guarantee them safe passage and necessary aid. The statement said, “The army high command calls all armed fighters in the eastern neighbourhood of Aleppo to leave these neighbourhoods and let civilian residents live their normal lives. The Russian and Syrian military leaderships will guarantee safe passage for the fighters and will give them aid as necessary.”

The Syrian American Medical Society said that so far two barrel bombs have struck the M10 hospital, which is Aleppo’s largest hospital. The attacks were condemned by UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon who said they were “war crimes.” The second attack on Saturday led to the death of many who were in the process of recovery from the first bombing. Mohammad Abu Rajab, the hospital’s administrator and radiologist, in an audio message from inside M10 said, “The hospital is being destroyed. SOS, everyone.” Reports stated that in the past week, civil defence workers have been hit by 1,900 bombs and that an estimated 270,000 people, including 100,000 children, are still trapped in Aleppo's eastern districts.

Aleppo turns into giant kill box even as Russia warns US against launching attacks on Syrian government forces

See also:

Air strikes damage Syria's 'Cave Hospital'
Tuesday 4th October, 2016 - One of Syria's most secure hospitals has been damaged and put out of action by air strikes over the weekend, a relief group and Syrian opposition monitors have said.
The Dr Hasan Al-Araj hospital - also known as the Cave Hospital because it was dug into a mountain - was struck twice on Sunday, t he International Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisations, or UOSSM, said. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Monday that Russian warplanes carried out the attacks that hit the hospital near the central village of Kfar Zeita, in central Hama province, adding that it is one of the largest hospitals in rebel-held areas of the country. UOSSM said there were minor injuries.


The Dr Hasan Al-Araj hospital - also known as the Cave Hospital because it was dug into a mountain - was struck twice on Sunday, the International Union of Medical Care and Relief Organisations said​

Syrian and Russian warplanes have been blamed for a series of attacks that have damaged hospitals and clinics in rebel-held parts of Syria, mostly in the northern city Aleppo. Meanwhile, Turkish military officials said 15 Syrian opposition fighters have been killed in an ongoing battle with Islamic State militants in northern Syria. The officials also said that about 35 Syrian rebels were injured in the fighting, which is seeking to capture seven residential districts south of the town of al-Rai.

According to a statement on Monday, "intense" clashes had taken place in the regions of Boztepe, Hardanah and Turkmen Bari. The statement said the casualties happened over the last 24 hours. Turkey sent troops and tanks into Syria in August to help Syrian rebels re-take IS strongholds near the border and curb the advance of Syrian Kurdish militia, which Ankara accuses of links with Turkey's outlawed Kurdish rebels.

Air strikes damage Syria's 'Cave Hospital' -
Well, it's about time they came to this conclusion...

UN declares Syria's east Aleppo 'besieged'
Thursday 6th October, 2016: The rebel-held east of Syria's Aleppo has officially been declared a "besieged area", following a months-long government offensive and a lack of access for aid workers, the UN said Wednesday (Oct 5).
United Nations humanitarian agency (OCHA) spokesman Jens Laerke said eastern Aleppo now met all three criteria used to define an area as besieged. That includes military encirclement, lack of humanitarian access and the lack of free movement for civilians. The UN estimates that there are 275,000 people in eastern Aleppo under siege, Laerke said. The west of the city is controlled by the government and has continued to receive relief supplies.

Once Syria's economic powerhouse, Aleppo has been devastated by the country's brutal five-year civil war, with the suffering intensifying since regime troops cut off the last supply route in July. The UN and Red Cross have been pushing to get aid into east Aleppo for weeks, but those efforts have been stalled by insecurity and bureaucratic problems, including obstacles imposed by both the Damascus government and rebel commanders.

After being formally declared besieged in OCHA's latest report to the UN Security Council, eastern Aleppo will "be included automatically in the monthly plans for access either through cross-border deliveries or cross-line deliveries," Laerke said in an email. There are now 18 besieged areas in Syria, according to the UN. Eastern Aleppo has replaced Daraya on the list, after the latter town was emptied of residents and opposition fighters under a deal with the government.

UN declares Syria's east Aleppo 'besieged'

See also:

Life under siege
Wed, 05 Oct 2016 - Some 250,000 people are trapped in rebel-held parts of a city at the centre of Syria's war - where do they get their food and are the children going to school?
Aleppo was once a place of culture and commerce, with a jewel of an old city that was on Unesco's list of world heritage sites. Now, the five-year civil war that rages in Syria has left much of it destroyed and divided roughly in two, with President Bashar al-Assad's forces controlling the west and the rebels the east. A month ago, government forces re-imposed a siege on the east, and launched an all-out assault to take full control of the city, accompanied by an intense and sustained aerial bombardment. Activists say the offensive has left hundreds of civilians dead, but the government and its ally Russia have denied targeting them and blamed rebel fighters for operating in residential areas. But what about the more than 250,000 people who are trapped there? Where are they getting their food from? Do they have enough water and medicine?

The quality of daily life depends on where you live

There is no single group in charge in eastern Aleppo - it is divided between mainstream rebels backed by the US and its allies, the jihadist group Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and Kurdish forces who say they support neither the government or the opposition. In the Kurdish-controlled district of Sheikh Maqsoud, markets are well stocked and prices are stable, according to the Reach Initiative, which is in touch with people on the ground to gather regular humanitarian reports. One road out of Sheikh Maqsoud has opened up in the daytime, allowing people to get out and goods to get in. But the district is surrounded by checkpoints, meaning people from the other areas under siege cannot get in and out easily. In other parts of eastern Aleppo, the situation is more urgent. Generators are running out of fuel, meaning electric power is sporadic, and some air raid shelters - where residents may spend hours or wait overnight for bombing to stop - are not wired with electric light at all.

Food and water have become weapons of war

Humanitarian aid agencies have been unable to get into eastern Aleppo since the siege resumed on 4 September. Both the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross have been calling for humanitarian corridors to be opened up since then, but so far those calls have been ignored. That said, charities are still in contact with people who live there. Reach says some markets are still up and running in parts of Aleppo under siege, but for key foodstuffs like eggs, flour, vegetables, fruit, chicken and cooking oil, whether you will get them or not is touch-and-go. In three districts - Qadi Askar, Masakin Hanano and Tariq al-Bab - markets have run out of flour completely. Reach says some people are rationing their last pieces of dried bread and tubes of tomato paste, while others are bartering what is left in their cupboards. For food that you can get, the price is hugely inflated.

Before the conflict, seven pieces of flatbread cost 15 Syrian pounds. Now, it comes in packets of six pieces, costing 451 Syrian pounds on average (£1.66, $2.12) - expensive in a city under siege, where many ways of earning money have disappeared. Water, too, has become a weapon in the war as government forces attempt to make the rebels and civilians in eastern Aleppo surrender. Pumping stations have been damaged in the bombing and most of the city - including parts of the government-held west where some 1.2 million people live - has no running water coming out of the taps. People are buying water from wells and privately-owned water tankers, and carrying it home in buckets. Many have reported that it tastes bad, and there is no guarantee that it is free of disease. It is hard to say whether anyone has died of hunger in the siege because with aid agencies unable to get inside, they cannot accurately diagnose the level of malnutrition. But Pablo Marco from the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said: "The siege is pushing people towards starvation."

There are hardly any doctors left
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Like a living hell in Aleppo...

Worse Than a Slaughterhouse: 250,000 Trapped in East Aleppo Amid Devastating Bombing Campaign
September 29, 2016 - TRANSCRIPT: This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
The Obama administration is threatening to cut off diplomatic talks with Russia on Syria in the wake of a devastating bombing campaign by the Syrian government and Russia in the city of Aleppo. On Wednesday, the two largest hospitals in East Aleppo were forced to close after being hit by airstrikes. The Russian-backed bombing of Aleppo intensified after a ceasefire collapsed 10 days ago. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says that the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo has become worse than a slaughterhouse. We speak to Syrian activist Osama Nassar in East Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, and Yasser Munif, a Syrian scholar at Emerson College who specializes in grassroots movements in Syria.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: The Obama administration is threatening to cut off diplomatic talks with Russia on Syria in the wake of a devastating bombing campaign by the Syrian government and Russia in the city of Aleppo. On Wednesday, the two largest hospitals in East Aleppo were forced to close after being hit by airstrikes. There are reportedly only about 30 doctors left in East Aleppo, where 250,000 people are currently trapped. The Russian-backed bombing of Aleppo intensified after a ceasefire collapsed 10 days ago. Witnesses have described it as the worst assault in the five-year civil war. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says that the situation in the Syrian city of Aleppo has become worse than a slaughterhouse.


Ten Times Worse Than Hell: A Syrian Doctor on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Aleppo​

SECRETARY-GENERAL BAN KI-MOON: This morning, we awoke to reports of strikes on two more hospitals in Aleppo. Let us be clear: Those using ever more destructive weapons know exactly what they are doing. They know they are committing war crimes. Imagine the destruction, people with their limbs blown—blown off, children in a terrible pain with no relief, infected, suffering, dying, with nowhere to go and no end in sight. Imagine a slaughterhouse. This is worse. Even a slaughterhouse is more humane. Hospitals, clinics, ambulances and medical staff in Aleppo are under attack around the clock. According to Physicians for Human Rights, 95 percent of medical personnel who were in Aleppo before the war have fled, been detained or killed. This is a war against Syria’s health workers.

AMY GOODMAN: Video footage from Aleppo has emerged showing Syrian Civil Defense forces digging a young girl out from under the rubble. Five-year-old Ghazal Qasim was reportedly the sole survivor from an airstrike that killed 24 people in the Aleppo neighborhood al-Shaar. Her entire family, including four siblings, were reportedly killed in the bombing. According to aid groups, children in Aleppo have made up a large proportion of the casualties from the bombings. At least 100,000 children remain trapped in the eastern part of Aleppo. Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch has accused Syrian government forces of using toxic chemicals in two recent attacks in Aleppo that killed five civilians and injured dozens. The group also said new information has emerged indicating the self-proclaimed Islamic State, or Daesh, has recently used chemicals as a weapon inside Syria. On Wednesday, President Obama addressed the crisis in Syria during a town hall meeting on CNN.

Crazed al-Qaeda monkey rages in political forums.

Worse than an ape house: Crazed monkey demands 40 - 275.000 civilians in east Aleppo to live under the rule of al-Qaeda.
Crazed al-Qaeda monkey rages in political forums.

Worse than an ape house: Crazed monkey demands 40 - 275.000 civilians in east Aleppo to live under the rule of al-Qaeda.

Isn't it great how the Little Man consistently shows us how childish he is, and because of this childishness, he probably has been collecting benefits from the German government instead of ever holding down an actual job.. He can't bear to see the news coming out of Syrian where the Syrian civilians are suffering because of his lover's aircraft and the aircraft of his lover's allies.

My goodness, if his boyfriend didn't have the help if his friends, he would really be up a tree.

Iran Just Showed Up Big Time To DESTROY Aleppo

Your boyfriend and his friends would probaly kill these men as they were leaving. By the way, isn't it beddy bye for you? Why not hop into bed with your teddy bear, get some rest, then start posting again later on. Your boyfriend himself realizes that even though you are doing a bang-up job for him that you do need your beauty sleep.
Why should he kill them? To make sure, no terrorists would agree to such an agreement in the future? There have been many similar agreements and the terrorists were not killed. Apparently, you did not have your beauty sleep.

Your boyfriend and his friends would probaly kill these men as they were leaving. By the way, isn't it beddy bye for you? Why not hop into bed with your teddy bear, get some rest, then start posting again later on. Your boyfriend himself realizes that even though you are doing a bang-up job for him that you do need your beauty sleep.
Why should he kill them? To make sure, no terrorists would agree to such an agreement in the future? There have been many similar agreements and the terrorists were not killed. Apparently, you did not have your beauty sleep.

Given that your boyfriend has bombed his own people (many, many innocent civilians), there is no guarantee that he would not harm those who surrender. As for me, Little Man. I have a life. That means doing other things besides sitting in front of a computer like a robot as you do, plus I get more than enough sleep. It is not even nine in California, and in a couple of hours I will be sound asleep -- unlike you who still has to play settinel for tour boyfriend.

Your boyfriend and his friends would probaly kill these men as they were leaving. By the way, isn't it beddy bye for you? Why not hop into bed with your teddy bear, get some rest, then start posting again later on. Your boyfriend himself realizes that even though you are doing a bang-up job for him that you do need your beauty sleep.
Why should he kill them? To make sure, no terrorists would agree to such an agreement in the future? There have been many similar agreements and the terrorists were not killed. Apparently, you did not have your beauty sleep.

Given that your boyfriend has bombed his own people (many, many innocent civilians), there is no guarantee that he would not harm those who surrender. As for me, Little Man. I have a life. That means doing other things besides sitting in front of a computer like a robot as you do, plus I get more than enough sleep. It is not even nine in California, and in a couple of hours I will be sound asleep -- unlike you who still has to play settinel for tour boyfriend.
Lies. Except for that are are sound asleep like a baby after you did your al-Qaeda propaganda shift.

Your boyfriend and his friends would probaly kill these men as they were leaving. By the way, isn't it beddy bye for you? Why not hop into bed with your teddy bear, get some rest, then start posting again later on. Your boyfriend himself realizes that even though you are doing a bang-up job for him that you do need your beauty sleep.
Why should he kill them? To make sure, no terrorists would agree to such an agreement in the future? There have been many similar agreements and the terrorists were not killed. Apparently, you did not have your beauty sleep.

Given that your boyfriend has bombed his own people (many, many innocent civilians), there is no guarantee that he would not harm those who surrender. As for me, Little Man. I have a life. That means doing other things besides sitting in front of a computer like a robot as you do, plus I get more than enough sleep. It is not even nine in California, and in a couple of hours I will be sound asleep -- unlike you who still has to play settinel for tour boyfriend.
Lies. Except for that are are sound asleep like a baby after you did your al-Qaeda propaganda shift.

Why not go to the Search Option and then tell everyone how long this imaginary shift lasts on the days that I post?

Your boyfriend and his friends would probaly kill these men as they were leaving. By the way, isn't it beddy bye for you? Why not hop into bed with your teddy bear, get some rest, then start posting again later on. Your boyfriend himself realizes that even though you are doing a bang-up job for him that you do need your beauty sleep.
Why should he kill them? To make sure, no terrorists would agree to such an agreement in the future? There have been many similar agreements and the terrorists were not killed. Apparently, you did not have your beauty sleep.

Given that your boyfriend has bombed his own people (many, many innocent civilians), there is no guarantee that he would not harm those who surrender. As for me, Little Man. I have a life. That means doing other things besides sitting in front of a computer like a robot as you do, plus I get more than enough sleep. It is not even nine in California, and in a couple of hours I will be sound asleep -- unlike you who still has to play settinel for tour boyfriend.
Lies. Except for that are are sound asleep like a baby after you did your al-Qaeda propaganda shift.

Why not go to the Search Option and then tell everyone how long this imaginary shift lasts on the days that I post?
Just need to take a look at your join date and number of posts. I also wonder, how many forums there are that you traipse round each day.
Your boyfriend and his friends would probaly kill these men as they were leaving. By the way, isn't it beddy bye for you? Why not hop into bed with your teddy bear, get some rest, then start posting again later on. Your boyfriend himself realizes that even though you are doing a bang-up job for him that you do need your beauty sleep.
Why should he kill them? To make sure, no terrorists would agree to such an agreement in the future? There have been many similar agreements and the terrorists were not killed. Apparently, you did not have your beauty sleep.

Given that your boyfriend has bombed his own people (many, many innocent civilians), there is no guarantee that he would not harm those who surrender. As for me, Little Man. I have a life. That means doing other things besides sitting in front of a computer like a robot as you do, plus I get more than enough sleep. It is not even nine in California, and in a couple of hours I will be sound asleep -- unlike you who still has to play settinel for tour boyfriend.
Lies. Except for that are are sound asleep like a baby after you did your al-Qaeda propaganda shift.

Why not go to the Search Option and then tell everyone how long this imaginary shift lasts on the days that I post?
Just need to take a look at your join date and number of posts. I also wonder, how many forums there are that you traipse round each day.

When I first signed up, I was posting more. However, I cam to my senses and realized that I had better things to do.
Actually I was wondering about you too and all the traipsing you do.. People can check the Search Option each day to see which forums you wander on to. They will not find me at all hours posting away because, as I said, I have a life while your life is sitting in front of your computer. Do you think that people are that stupid that they don't realize it. Look at you. You were up defending your boyfriend when others in Germany were sleeping. To tell you the truth, you are a drag and to be honest it is obvious that you have a few screws missing. Why not try to get a life that doesn't involved sitting in front of a computer defending a man that you have never met. Get out and make some friends.

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